Counties, 59.07 (2)
Direct action against insurer, 632.24
Employer's liability policies, limited effect of conditions in, 632.25
Evidence, admissibility, 904.11
Foster and family-operated group home parents required to have, 48.627
Hayrack and sleigh rides, 349.25 (2)
Motor carriers, 194.41
  Administrative review of decisions, 195.45
  Exemptions, 194.42
Motor vehicles:
  Accidents in the course of business or employment, 632.36
  Defense of noncooperation, 632.34
  Discriminatory rating and issuing forbidden, 101.22 (9)
  Driver education cars, 341.267
  Emission inspection data use in setting rates, 632.365
  Glass repair, specifying vendor restricted, 632.37
  Instalment sales, policy to buyer, 218.01 (6)
  Public liability coverage, 218.01 (6m)
  Notice of cancellation or termination, 344.34
  Policy provisions and coverage requirements, 344.33
  Prohibited cancellation and nonrenewal, 632.35
  Proof of financial responsibility, 344.24 to 344.579
  Required policy provisions, 632.32
  Risk classifications, discrimination prohibited, 625.12 (2)
  State vehicles and aircraft, 20.915 (2)
  Uninsured motorist coverage, first class cities, 66.189
Municipalities authorized to buy, 66.18
Negligence cases, direct action statute, 803.04 (2),
Notice provisions, 632.26
Product liability insurers, annual reports, 601.425
Required provisions, 632.22
School buses, compulsory, 121.53
Taxicabs, 194.41 (6) (b)
Unauthorized insurers, group policies, notice, 618.415
Warehouse keeper, 99.03
insurance 17. life and annuity17. Life and Annuity
Generally Ch. 632

Abandoned property, 177.07, 610.61
Absence as evidence of death, 813.22
Absent insured, payment to beneficiaries, 813.30
  Standard nonforfeiture law for individual deferred annuities, 632.435
  Valuation requirements, 623.06
  Without life contingencies, 632.66
Assessable policies, 632.41 (1)
Assignments, 632.47
  Designation of, 177.07 (7), 632.48, 853.18
  Intentionally killing the insured, 632.485, 895.435
Benefits to be specified separately, 632.44 (1)
Bonuses to agents prohibited, 628.77 (1)
Books, copies as prima facie evidence, 891.23
Boxers, death benefits, 444.18
Burial insurance, prohibited provisions, 632.41 (2)
Consent of insured, 631.07
Conversion to individual policy, 632.57
County officers and employes, 59.07 (2)
Death claim based on absence, notice, 813.22
Disability certification, 632.64
Disclaimers by beneficiaries, 701.27
Disclosure requirements, 628.38
Estate taxes, notify revenue dept., 72.34
Estates, proceeds encumbered by creditors, 863.13
Estoppel after medical examination, 632.50
Evidence of insurability, group life, 632.56 (1)
Exempt from execution, 815.18 (3)
Funeral directors and cemeteries, prohibited relationships with insurers, 630.15
Genetic tests, restrictions on use, 631.89
Gift annuities, Ch. 615
Grace period:
  Group life, 632.56 (5)
  Provision required, 632.44 (2)
Group insurance:
  Bona fide group requirement, 632.55
  Conversion option, 632.57
  Evidence of insurability, 632.56 (1)
  Facility of payment, 632.56 (3)
  Grace period, 632.56 (5)
  Insurable interest requirement, 631.07
  Misstatement of age, 632.56 (2)
  Nonforfeiture, 632.56 (4)
  Required provisions, 632.56
HIV infection, exclusions and limitations prohibited, 631.93
HIV tests, 631.90
Incontestability, 632.46
Interest rates on policy loans, 632.475
License fee, 76.65
Living trust, designation as beneficiary, 701.08 (2)
Marital property:
  Classification, 766.61