Section 466j. 20.001 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
20.001 (6) (b) If the other appropriation under par. (a) is a sum sufficient appropriation, the reduction reduces the estimate under s. 20.005 of the dollar amounts that will be needed.
467. 20.002 (11) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.002 (11) (c) The Except as provided in s. 16.971 (8) (b), the secretary may assess a special interest charge against the programs or activities utilizing surplus mo
neys within the same fund under this subsection in an amount not to exceed the daily interest earnings rate of the state investment fund during the period of transfer of surplus moneys to other accounts or programs. Except as provided in s. 16.465, the secretary shall assess a special interest charge against the fund utilizing surplus moneys under this subsection in an amount equal to the rate of return the state investment fund earnings would have created to the fund from which the reallocation was made. This interest shall be calculated and credited to the appropriate fund at the same time the earnings from the state investment fund are distributed and shall be considered an adjustment to those earnings.
Section 467m. 20.002 (11) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
20.002 (11) (g) Any reallocation of moneys under this subsection made during the 1995-97 fiscal biennium from an appropriation account under s. 20.505 derived from program revenues-service is subject to the procedures under s. 16.971 (8).
Section 468
. 20.003 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.003 (3) (a) In the schedule of s. 20.005 and in the text in ss. 20.115 to 20.875, all state agencies shall be arranged alphabetically within functional areas. Each functional area is assigned a subchapter and each state agency shall be assigned a section within that subchapter. Each subsection constitutes a program, and each paragraph constitutes an appropriation.
Section 469b. 20.003 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.003 (4) Required general fund balance. No bill directly or indirectly affecting general purpose revenues as defined in s. 20.001 (2) (a) may be enacted by the legislature if the bill would cause the estimated general fund balance on June 30 of any fiscal year as projected under s. 20.005 (1) to be an amount equal to less than one percent of the total general purpose revenue appropriations for that fiscal year plus any amount from general purpose revenue designated as “Compensation Reserves" for that fiscal year in the summary under s. 20.005 (1).
Section 471
. 20.005 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
20.005 (1) Summary of all funds. The budget governing fiscal operations for the state of Wisconsin for all funds beginning on July 1, 1995, and ending on June 30, 1997, is summarized as follows: [See Figure 20.005 (1) following]
Figure: 20.005 (1)
- See PDF for table 
- See PDF for table 
- See PDF for table 
- See PDF for table 
Section 472
. 20.005 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
20.005 (2) State borrowing program summary. The following tabulation sets forth the state borrowing program summary: [See Figures 20.005 (2) (a) and (b) following]
Figure: 20.005 (2) (a)
- See PDF for table 
Figure: 20.005 (2) (b)
FISCAL YEARS 1995-96 AND 1996-97
- See PDF for table 
473. 20.005 (3) of the statutes, except as it affects 20.395 of the statutes, is repealed and recreated to read:
20.005 (3) Appropriations. The following tabulation lists all annual, biennial and sum certain continuing appropriations and anticipated expenditures from other appropriations for the programs and other purposes indicated. All appropriations are made from the general fund unless otherwise indicated. The letter abbreviations shown designating the type of appropriation apply to both fiscal years in the schedule unless otherwise indicated. [See Figure 20.005 (3) following]
Figure: 20.005 (3)
Section 474
. 20.115 (1) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
20.115 (1) (f) Food regulation lapse restoration. A sum sufficient equal to the amount that lapsed to the general fund from the appropriation account under par. (gb) on June 30, 1995, to be transferred to the appropriation account under par. (gb).
Section 475
. 20.115 (1) (f) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed.
Section 476
. 20.115 (1) (gb) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (1) (gb) Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under chs. 93, 97 and 98. All moneys received under ss. 93.06 (1r) and (1w), 93.09, 93.11, 97.17, 97.175, 97.20, 97.21, 97.22, 97.24, 97.27, 97.29, 97.30 (3) (a), (b) and (c), 97.41, 98.145 and 98.146 for the regulation of food and all moneys transferred from the appropriation under par. (f) shall be credited to this appropriation, but any balance at the close of a biennium exceeding 20% of the previous fiscal year's expenditures under this appropriation shall lapse to the general fund.
Section 476b. 20.115 (1) (gb) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 476, is amended to read:
20.115 (1) (gb) Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under chs. 93, 97 and 98. All moneys received under ss. 93.06 (1r) and (1w), 93.09, 93.11, 93.12, 97.17, 97.175, 97.20, 97.21, 97.22, 97.24, 97.27, 97.29, 97.30 (3) (a), (b) and (c), 97.41, 98.145 and 98.146 for the regulation of food and all moneys transferred from the appropriation under par. (f) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Section 476c. 20.115 (1) (gb) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), sections 476 and 476b, is amended to read:
20.115 (1) (gb) Food regulation. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of food under chs. 93, 97 and 98. All moneys received under ss. 93.06 (1r) and (1w), 93.09, 93.11, 93.12, 97.17, 97.175, 97.20, 97.21, 97.22, 97.24, 97.27, 97.29, 97.30 (3) (a), (b) and (c), 97.41, 98.145 and 98.146 for the regulation of food and all moneys transferred from the appropriation under par. (f) shall be credited to this appropriation.
Section 476k. 20.115 (1) (gm) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (1) (gm) Dairy trade regulation; dairy and farm product producer security. The amounts in the schedule for the regulation of farm product procurement under s. 100.03, of dairy plant financial condition under s. 100.06 and of dairy trade practices under s. 100.201. All moneys received under ss. 100.03 (3) (a) 3., 100.06 (9) and 100.201 (6) shall be credited to this appropriation, but any balance at the close of a fiscal biennium that exceeds 20% of the previous fiscal year's expenditures under this appropriation shall lapse to the general fund.
Section 477
. 20.115 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 478
. 20.115 (2) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 479
. 20.115 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (3) (g) Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of authorized marketing services, except services financed under pars. (h) and (j) par. (h). Except as provided in pars. (h) and (j)
par. (h), all moneys received from authorized fees related to marketing services, including moneys received for inspection, grading and certification of fruits and vegetables under ss. 93.06 (1m), 93.09 (10) and 100.03 (3) (a) 1. and 2., shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Section 480
. 20.115 (3) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (3) (h) (title) Grain inspection and certification; Milwaukee. All moneys received for the inspection and certification of grain received in or shipped from the port of Milwaukee, the port of Superior or other locations in the southern portion of this state under s. 93.06 (1m), to carry out the purposes for which they are received.
Section 481
. 20.115 (3) (j) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 481h. 20.115 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (4) (b) Aids to county and district fairs. A sum sufficient to provide state aids to counties and agricultural societies, associations or boards and to incorporated dairy or livestock associations, not to exceed $15,000 per fair as provided in s. 93.23. No moneys in excess of the difference between $368,500 $585,000 and the amount of moneys available under par. (g) in each fiscal year may be expended from this appropriation, except that in fiscal year 1994-95 no moneys in excess of the difference between $650,000 and the amount of moneys available under par. (g) may be expended from this appropriation. If the total due the several counties and agricultural societies under this paragraph exceeds $368,500, or in fiscal year 1994-95 $650,000 $585,000, the department shall equitably prorate that amount.
Section 482h. 20.115 (7) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (7) (dm) Wind erosion control aids. As a continuing appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for grants to counties for wind erosion control activities under s. 92.103. No moneys may be encumbered under this paragraph after June 30, 1995 1997.
Section 483
. 20.115 (7) (ig) of the statutes is renumbered 20.143 (1) (ij) and amended to read:
20.143 (1) (ij) Plat review. All moneys received from service fees for plat review, for plat review services under s. 70.27 and ch. 236.
Section 484
. 20.115 (7) (km) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (7) (km) Animal waste management grants. All moneys transferred from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.370 (4) (cc) and (cq) (6) (aa) and (aq) for animal waste management grants under s. 92.14 (5).
Section 486
. 20.115 (8) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (8) (j) Stray voltage program. The amounts in the schedule for the administration of s. 93.41. All moneys received under s. 196.857 (1) (1m) (b) and (2g) shall be credited to this appropriation. No moneys may be encumbered under this paragraph after August 31, 1995.
Section 487
. 20.115 (8) (jb) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 488
. 20.115 (8) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.115 (8) (k) Computer system equipment, staff and services. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of computer system equipment, staff and services. All moneys transferred for this purpose from pars. (ga), (gm), (h), (ha), (i), (j), (kp), (ks), (m) and (pz) and subs. (1) (g), (gb), (gh), (gm), (hm), (j), (jm), (m), (r) and (s), (2) (g), (ha), (j), (k) and (m), (3) (g), (h), (i), (j), (ja), (L) and (m), (7) (g), (ga), (gm), (ig), (k) and (m) and (9) (m) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Section 489
. 20.115 (8) (k) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
20.115 (8) (k) Computer system equipment, staff and services. The amounts in the schedule for the costs of computer system equipment, staff and services. All moneys transferred for this purpose from pars. (ga), (gm), (h), (ha), (i), (j), (kp), (ks), (m) and (pz) and subs. (1) (g), (gb), (gh), (gm), (hm), (j), (jm), (m), (r) and (s), (2) (g), (ha), (j), (k) and (m), (3) (g), (h), (i), (ja), (L) and (m), (7) (g), (ga), (gm), (ig), (k) and (m) and (9) (m) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Section 490
. 20.115 (8) (kt) of the statutes is created to read:
20.115 (8) (kt) Information technology development projects. The amounts in the schedule for the purpose of conducting information technology development projects approved under s. 16.971 (5). All moneys transferred from the appropriation account under s. 20.870 (1) (q), (r) or (s) shall be credited to this appropriation account.
Section 491
. 20.124 (intro.) and (1) (title) of the statutes are repealed.
Section 492
. 20.124 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 20.144 (1) (a).
Section 493
. 20.124 (1) (g) of the statutes is repealed.
Section 494
. 20.124 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
20.124 (1) (h) Gifts, grants, settlements and publications. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests, forfeitures under s. 426.203, and settlements for the purposes for which made or received and all moneys received by the office as fees or other charges for photocopying, microfilm copying, generation of copies of documents from optical disk storage, sales of books and other services provided in carrying out the functions of the office, for the purposes for which the moneys were received or collected.
Section 495
. 20.124 (1) (h) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is renumbered 20.144 (1) (h) and amended to read:
20.144 (1) (h) Gifts, grants, settlements and publications. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests, forfeitures under s. 426.203, and settlements for the purposes for which made or received and all moneys received by the office department as fees or other charges for photocopying, microfilm copying, generation of copies of documents from optical disk storage, sales of books and other services provided in carrying out the functions of the office department, for the purposes for which the moneys were received or collected.
Section 498
. 20.124 (1) (u) of the statutes is renumbered 20.144 (1) (u).
Section 499
. 20.141 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 20.144 (2) (title) and amended to read:
20.144 (2) (title) Credit Office of credit unions, office of the commissioner of.
Section 500
. 20.141 (intro.) and (1) (title) of the statutes are repealed.
Section 501
. 20.141 (1) (g) of the statutes is renumbered 20.144 (2) (g) and amended to read:
20.144 (2) (g) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for the general program operations of the office of credit unions and for supervision of credit unions under ch. 186. Ninety percent of all
Except as provided in par. (ka), 88% of all moneys received by the office shall be credited to this appropriation, but any balance at the close of a fiscal year exceeding 10% of the previous fiscal year's expenditures under this appropriation shall lapse to the general fund.
Section 504
. 20.141 (1) (m) of the statutes is renumbered 20.144 (2) (m).
Section 505
. 20.143 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
20.143 (title) Development Commerce, department of.