Information technology restructuring; optical imaging provisions; study of mainframe computer services at U.W. Madison [Sec. 14g, 31g-j, 32m, 33g, h, 41p, 288r, 412g, r, 413e-s, 414g, 416m, 467m, 1050o, 1079b, 1755p, 1762w-y, 7095m, 9101 (21g)-(21i), 9119 (1t), 9130 (14t), 9131 (1t), 9157 (2at), 9301 (4g)] [32m, 9101 (21ho) — partial veto; 288r, 467m, 1762x — vetoed] -
Act 27
Kickapoo valley reserve transferred from DOA to Department of tourism [Sec. 94, 114, 192, 235, 279, 659, 765, 1070, 1071, 1073m, 1075, 1076, 1084, 1213, 1358-1363, 1535, 1964w, 4335, 6222, 9101 (9), 9401 (2)] -
Act 27
Land information board positions and funding; report reduction to JCF [Sec. 9101 (1p), 9201] [9101 (1p) — vetoed] -
Act 216
Law enforcement collective bargaining unit created for certain employes of DOA, DOT and U.W. system
Act 251
LIEAP transferred from DHSS to DOA [Sec. 9126 (27i)] -
Act 27
Military memorials for women: DOA grants authorized -
Act 254
Municipal boundary and annexation review functions transferred from DOA to DOD [Sec. 3306-3312, 9159 (7x), 9459 (3)] -
Act 27
National and community service board transferred from DOA to DILHR [Sec. 115-117, 146-148m, 280-282, 1077, 1082, 1083, 9101 (1), 9430 (2), 9445 (1)] [vetoed]
Northern great lakes regional visitor center: funding and construction authorized; bonding authority granted; DOA to approve plans -
Act 60
Nursing home and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded: noncompliance appeals to the Division of hearings and appeals in DOA specified (remedial legislation)
Act 407
Office space of small executive branch agencies consolidated [Sec. 392] -
Act 27
Parental choice public information program terminated [Sec. 1051, 4009] -
Act 27
Pioneering partners grants created re instructional technology; existing grants eliminated [Sec. 436m, 582, 589, 591, 592, 593, 3855, 3875-3877, 3881, 3937, 3997]
Act 27
Pioneering partners grants increased; Educational technology board requirement re waiver of local match [partial veto] -
Act 351
PR positions and funding levels adjusted [Sec. 295] -
Act 27
PRFB responsibilities transferred to DOA; board renamed Public records board, duties defined [Sec. 42, 78, 79, 103, 103m, 309-314, 316-328, 330-356, 358, 374, 411, 412, 440-445, 453, 462, 1073, 1124, 1148, 1983, 1987, 1990, 3280-3286, 3288, 3290, 3291, 3292, 3294-3296, 3321, 3324, 3940, 4462, 6239-6242, 6446, 6447, 6456, 6463, 6924, 6925, 7049, 7079, 7135, 7139, 7187-7189, 7211, 7293, 9101 (8)]
Act 27
Print-to-mail center established in DOA [Sec. 14L, 9101 (20m)] -
Act 27
Privacy council eliminated; advocate position abolished [Sec. 32, 33, 73, 120, 315, 329, 459-461, 463, 1072, 5239, 6276, 9101 (15)] [5239 — partial veto]
Act 27
Professional baseball park district construction by DOA: exemption from all ordinances and regulations, except zoning ordinances and regulations, provided [Sec. 1m]
Act 216
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto] -
. Act 56
Public defender information system report required [Sec. 9101 (18t)] -
Act 27
Publications and mailings by state agencies: report on feasibility of sponsorship required [Sec. 9159 (14h)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Recycling market development board: staffing, structure and functions revised [Sec. 112b-h, 220g, 514b, 608s, 609g-k, 656, 656b, 1080b, 1085b, 1086b, 1775e-h, 4406x, 4407b, 4435-4440b, 6887k, 9101 (16), 9157 (2p), 9457 (1p)] [112d — partial veto; 112e-g — vetoed]
Act 27
Rural hospital loan guarantee program: WHEFA transfer of moneys to DOA required [Sec. 9125 (1)]
Act 27
SSI program: state administration provisions; eligibility for state supplement [Sec. 921b-922c, 2846b-2849, 9426 (17)] [2846c, 9426 (17) — partial veto] -
Act 27
State building plans or specifications: records not open to public inspection [Sec. 400m, 445m, 3660m]
Act 27
State government bodies: evaluation for termination, transfer or continuation; legislative findings cited [Sec. 77m-p, 1762z, 1775hi, 3849m, 3873m, 5239m, 6611m, 9159 (6f), 9459 (8f)] [9159 (6f) — partial veto; all other sections — vetoed] -
Act 27
State information technology investment fund created; project funding provided [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Data processing"] -
Act 27
State procurement procedures and contract with governmental entities or consortia with 3rd parties revised; DOA may adjust based on consumer price index -
Act 244
Subscription service for prospective state vendors modified; bidders list and registration fee provision created
Act 351
Technology management, Division of, created in DOA; functions transferred from executive branch agencies; revision re justice information systems; JCF approval of plan [Sec. 102, 406-410, 417, 418, 420, 422m-428, 1052-1053n, 1061, 1066, 1145b, 1147, 4458, 7176, 7177, 7177m, 9144 (1), 9159 (12g), 9353 (1g), 9453 (1g)] -
Act 27
Trust lands and investments, Division of, transferred from DOA to State treasurer [Sec. 101m, 1074m, 1079m, 1080m, 1126g, 1139r, 4454t, 9101 (20g), 9142 (13p)] [4454t — vetoed] -
Act 27
U.W. capital budget staff reduction: U.W. system president report to DOA [Sec. 9157 (6)] -
Act 27
U.W. system capital planning: report on funds reallocation [Sec. 9157 (9h)] -
Act 27
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts and health insurance, LAB audit, records management, legislative review and recommendations, bond issuance and contractual services [Sec. 1g-2b, 8m, 9-15, 28, 39g-r, 55-57, 61g-67m, 9162 (1), 9458 (1w)]
Act 216
Vacant positions in state agencies: fee to cover cost of advertising permitted [Sec. 1094, 6280] -
Act 27
Van pools operated by DOA: nonstate employes as drivers permitted -
Act 47
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; partnership projects, health insurance, funding and education provisions [Sec. 107-111, 239m-247r, 249, 251-254, 256, 258-259r, 262, 264-267, 269, 271, 272, 274-276, 278, 776b-780m, 781m-782u, 1014c, 1074, 1411g, r, 9111 (1), 9211 (1z), 9411 (1z)] [251d — partial veto]
Act 27
Weatherization assistance program: administration revised (remedial legislation) -
Act 432
Wisconsin development reserve fund: certain moneys transferred to general fund [Sec. 9129 (1g)]
Act 27
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; requirements re LAB audit, community steering committee, children's services network, persons with linguistic barriers and refugees [partial veto] -
Act 289
Youth and athlete facility construction and coliseum renovation at state fair park; use may be restricted [Sec. 1965c, 1966j, 9108 (12), 9152 (1x), (1z)] [1965c, 1966j, 9152 (1x) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Zero-based budgeting requirements for state agencies created [Sec. 288p, q] [vetoed] -
Administrative rule-making procedures: notice requirements expanded -
Act 106
Emergency response teams: grants and immunity from civil liability for local sponsoring agencies; exemption from emergency rules procedures -
Act 13
Floodproofed residential basements: DNR rules not to exceed FEMA restrictions -
Act 311
Housing legislation and administrative rules: analysis by Division of housing required; criteria set
Act 308
Unisex toilets in certain buildings: DILHR rule promulgation prohibited -
Act 285
Education now and babies later curriculum development provisions; grants provided and matching funds required [Sec. 804m, 2335m, p, 9102 (1z), 9402 (1z)] -
Act 27
Physical therapy or physiotherapy services regulations created; chiropractor and advertising provisions
Act 166
Lottery advertising: contracts with state-based business required [Sec. 6981fm] [vetoed] -
Tourism, Department of, created; marketing clearinghouse to be established [Sec. 76c, 190, 211-212bg, 752, 758bc, 1211, 1964d-dr] -
Act 27
Older American community service employment program transferred from DHSS to DILHR [Sec. 2330m, 9126 (27q), 9426 (26q)] [vetoed] -
Elderly program funding re COP, BOALTC, the guardianship grant program and Alzheimer's disease training and information grants [partial veto] -
Act 464
Agricultural production loan guarantee program extended; interest subsidy changed; eligibility criteria in emergencies; audit of administrative assessments against the Wisconsin development reserve fund -
Act 5
Farm assets reinvestment management loan guarantee program created -
Act 150
Technical college incentive grants and farm training revisions [Sec. 1810g, m] -
Act 27
Plat review duties of DATCP and DILHR transferred to DOD; memorandum of understanding re international agribusiness [Sec. 483, 489, 979, 3361, 3362, 3556, 3566, 3566e, 3569, 6308-6311, 9104 (3), 9404 (5), 9430 (7)]
Act 27
Agrichemical cleanup program: funds lapse [Sec. 3574q, r, 9204 (2g)] [3574q — vetoed] -
Act 27
Agricultural law revisions re fertilizer control law terminology, tonnage fees and weights and measures (remedial legislation) -
Act 176
Animal disease indemnity revisions re appraisal and payment; DATCP authority expanded; farm-raised deer provisions; animal health law violation penalties; livestock remedies
Act 450
Cattle and other animal sale or movement within state: exemption from certain prohibitions; brucellosis testing provisions -
Act 155
Consumer protection functions of DOJ transferred to DATCP [Sec. 121x, 3601c-t, 3602b-y, 3607m, 3608g-3609m, 4146e-s, 4148b-v, 4454m, 6412e-s, 7064m, 7066c-w, 7129e-s, 9104 (5q), 9136 (3q), 9436 (2q)] [121x — partial veto; 9104 (5q) — vetoed] -
Act 27