Education commission created in DOE; duties defined [Sec. 72, 90m, 91m, 92e, m, s, 177m, 558n, p, s, 1758m, 1800n, 1859m, 1861m, 1930m, 9145 (8g), (8h)] -
Act 27
Indian student assistance program revisions [Sec. 559m, 1887e, g] -
Act 27
Medical college of Wisconsin: state aid formula changes [Sec. 566, 1851j-1852] -
Act 27
Minority undergraduate grants and minority teacher loan program revisions [Sec. 558m, q, r, 612m, 1772m, 1893m, 1894m, 1934g, m, 9127 (1et)] -
Act 27
National guard tuition grants revised [partial veto] -
Act 19
National guard tuition grant program revised; sale of armory in Whitefish Bay and other unneeded properties [Sec. 466g, j, 1029r, 1033, 1034p, 1219i-1223, 9141 (2b), 9341 (2)] [1219j — partial veto; 1029r — vetoed]
Act 27
Physician loan assistance program eligibility revisions [Sec. 6899q, 9316 (1g)] -
Act 27
Achievement guarantee contract provisions [Sec. 586g-587r, 588g, r, 592g, r, 593m, 3854m, 3855m, 3857m, 3881m, 3884m, 3994m, 9145 (13q)] [3994m — partial veto]
Act 27
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil discipline, suspension or expulsion authorized; school board written policies required -
Act 327
Charter school provisions re MPS, closing schools, employe representation, subjects of collective bargaining and school management or operation [Sec. 3801, 3983m-3992m, 4000, 4010, 4042, 9145 (1), 9320 (1), 9345 (7)] [4010, 9145 (1) — partial veto; 3984m — vetoed]
Act 27
Convention called by State superintendent of public instruction: school district administrator attendance requirement repealed -
Act 50
Dangerous weapons possession by pupil: release of peace officers' records to school district administration
Act 173
Developmental delay specified re special education for children ages 3 to 5; DPI to conduct inservice training
Act 298
Education laws and rules waiver: DOE criteria revised [Sec. 3981] -
Act 27
Educational support personnel employes in WRS: annual earnings period set [partial veto] -
Act 381
Juvenile justice code created -
Act 77
Juvenile justice code revisions -
Act 352
Management restructuring programs: procedure repealed -
Act 49
Nonrepresented professional school district employe compensation and fringe benefit cost limit revisions [Sec. 3961ai, 3962, 3963b-3966, 4023m, 9345 (4), (12z)]]
Act 27
School district administrator contract revisions [Sec. 3957, 3959, 3960, 9345 (3)] -
Act 27
School district employe salary during energy emergency: payment requirement eliminated -
Act 66
School district standards audit revisions [Sec. 4038] -
Act 27
School principal licensure authority expanded to any grade level [Sec. 3951m, 9345 (10m)] -
Act 27
Sexual assault of a student by a school staff person: penalty created -
Act 456
Wisconsin institute for school executives: funding for [Sec. 598, 9137 (1j)] -
Act 27
Milwaukee parental choice program revisions; LAB evaluation audit required [Sec. 4002-4008s, 4040x, 4046m, 4105m, 9145 (12x), 9345 (1x)] -
Act 27
Parental choice public information program terminated [Sec. 1051, 4009] -
Act 27
Postsecondary enrollment options program: administration changes [Sec. 3979m] -
Act 27
Compulsory school attendance age lowered; technical college system report revised [Sec. 1801, 3858, 3941m] [3941m — vetoed] -
Act 27
Learnfare program funding and attendance requirements [Sec. 853, 892b, 894b, 2038b, 2322b, 2898g-r, 3102b-3111b, 3116b-3120b, 9426 (26x)] -
Act 27
Learnfare provisions expanded statewide to certain individuals 6 to 19 years of age [partial veto]
Act 289
Truancy abatement and burglary suppression program funding revised; youth centers established [Sec. 588, 3947, 4017t, u, 7299m, 7300] -
Act 27
Work-not-welfare benefit adjustment: learnfare sanction included as significant change in circumstances (remedial legislation) -
Act 407
Achievement guarantee contract provisions [Sec. 586g-587r, 588g, r, 592g, r, 593m, 3854m, 3855m, 3857m, 3881m, 3884m, 3994m, 9145 (13q)] [3994m — partial veto]
Act 27
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil discipline, suspension or expulsion authorized; school board written policies required -
Act 327
Charter school provisions re MPS, closing schools, employe representation, subjects of collective bargaining and school management or operation [Sec. 3801, 3983m-3992m, 4000, 4010, 4042, 9145 (1), 9320 (1), 9345 (7)] [4010, 9145 (1) — partial veto; 3984m — vetoed]
Act 27
Child care economics: laws revised re school board contracts with day care centers, pupil transportation, outdoor play space, child care on other than first floor and kindergarten and prekindergarten programs -
Act 439
Children with exceptional educational needs: method for resolving disputes between school board and parents revised
Act 431
Convention called by State superintendent of public instruction: school district administrator attendance requirement repealed -
Act 50
Education laws and rules waiver: DOE criteria revised [Sec. 3981] -
Act 27
Pupil examination revisions; DOE to study utility of technology-based performance assessments [Sec. 569m, 587t, 3971b-yd, 9145 (2)] -
Act 27
Teaching or other educational services in elementary and secondary schools; statutory construction re school board powers [Sec. 3909, 3931, 3954, 3969, 3998, 3999, 4024] [3909 — partial veto] -
Act 27
School district promissory notes to pay certain contributions under WRS: provisions re issuance by MPS and exemption of resolution from publication requirements
Act 358
School district promissory notes: deadline for filing referendum petition extended -
Act 232
Achievement guarantee contract provisions [Sec. 586g-587r, 588g, r, 592g, r, 593m, 3854m, 3855m, 3857m, 3881m, 3884m, 3994m, 9145 (13q)] [3994m — partial veto]
Act 27
Commercial equipment or technology given to certain schools: civil immunity exemption created -
Act 112
Environmental education: DNR authorized to charge fees; funding for MacKenzie environmental center [Sec. 737m, r, 1355, 1356] -
Act 27
Examination revision [Sec. 4037] -
Act 27
Human growth and development program revisions [Sec. 591m, 3924r, t, 3936m] -
Act 27
Phonics instruction training re teacher licensure -
Act 299
Pioneering partners grants created re instructional technology; existing grants eliminated [Sec. 436m, 582, 589, 591, 592, 593, 3855, 3875-3877, 3881, 3937, 3997]
Act 27
Pioneering partners grants increased; Educational technology board requirement re waiver of local match [partial veto] -
Act 351
Pupil examination revisions; DOE to study utility of technology-based performance assessments [Sec. 569m, 587t, 3971b-yd, 9145 (2)] -
Act 27
Pupils excused from public school health instruction: examination or penalties prohibited; alternative credit toward graduation permitted -
Act 229
School mandates eliminated re professional staff development [Sec. 4022] -
Act 27
State information technology investment fund created; project funding provided [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Data processing"] -
Act 27
School property use fees: requirement for religious organizations removed -
Act 65
Violent crime committed at or near school: penalty enhancement provided -
Act 22
Child care economics: laws revised re school board contracts with day care centers, pupil transportation, outdoor play space, child care on other than first floor and kindergarten and prekindergarten programs -
Act 439
Sexual assault of a child: offenders prohibited from volunteering or working with children under 16 years of age
Act 265
Violent crime committed at or near school: penalty enhancement provided -
Act 22
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil discipline, suspension or expulsion authorized; school board written policies required -
Act 327
Juvenile justice code created -
Act 77
Juvenile justice code revisions -
Act 352
Pupil expulsion: criteria expanded; MPS provisions -
Act 32
Pupil expulsion: hearing notice content requirement revised -
Act 235
Pupil expulsion: revision re enrollment in another school district -
Act 29
Pupil suspension or expulsion: grounds expanded re possession of firearms -
Act 75
Pupil suspensions: time period revised -
Act 33
Pioneering partners grants created re instructional technology; existing grants eliminated [Sec. 436m, 582, 589, 591, 592, 593, 3855, 3875-3877, 3881, 3937, 3997]
Act 27
Pioneering partners grants increased; Educational technology board requirement re waiver of local match [partial veto] -
Act 351
Revenue limits for school districts: certain exemption provided [Sec. 4107, 9345 (2)] -
Act 27
Revenue limits for school districts modified [Sec. 4108m-4113m] [4112m — partial veto]
Act 27
Revenue limits for school districts: state aid definition revised [Sec. 4106, 9145 (3), 9345 (5)] -
Act 27
Shared cost calculation for computation of state aid [Sec. 4048r] -
Act 27
Suits against the state: school ``shared cost" excludes any costs and attorney fees [Sec. 4048g] -
Act 27
Athletic association certification provided [Sec. 3866m, 3997] [vetoed] -