Nonpoint source pollution in priority watersheds: plans completion date extended [Sec. 4296] -
Act 27
Commercial vessel regulations revised: double hull or tug escort required in certain cases, intoxicated boating law modified and open burning on prohibited -
Act 290
Dam aids provided for town of Spider Lake, Sawyer county and town of Douglas, Marquette county [Sec. 9142 (10g)]
Act 27
Dam maintenance: local aids for [Sec. 742d, g, 1164, 9142 (9g), 9442 (12g)] -
Act 27
Dam renovation and repair of the Chair factory dam in Grafton [Sec. 9142 (10j)] -
Act 27
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -
Act 227
Floodplain zoning ordinances revised re nonconforming buildings; provisions applicable to Trenton Island in Pierce county eliminated; certain permit exemptions for Crayfish creek in the city of Oak Creek -
Act 455
Fox river: city of Appleton authorized to place fill re park development -
Act 105
Frank Lloyd Wright Monona terrace project: unexpended moneys to be used for land acquisition and urban river grants; JCF to review [Sec. 1165am, 1264r, 1266d, 1323j]
Act 27
Harbor assistance program: DOT may award improvement grants for an island in the Mississippi river
Act 130
Kickapoo valley governing board name changed to Kickapoo reserve management board [Sec. 3, 4, 7, 8, 22-25, 31-37, 40, 61] -
Act 216
Kickapoo valley governing board: use of federal moneys specified [Sec. 1081m, n, 3663m] -
Act 27
Kickapoo valley reserve transferred from DOA to Department of tourism [Sec. 94, 114, 192, 235, 279, 659, 765, 1070, 1071, 1073m, 1075, 1076, 1084, 1213, 1358-1363, 1535, 1964w, 4335, 6222, 9101 (9), 9401 (2)] -
Act 27
Lower St. Croix river: restrictions re zebra mussels on boats, trailers and equipment; enforcement provisions
Act 397
LWSR revisions re county permits, standards for structures or mobile homes, timber cutting, nonmetallic mining, soil erosion prevention and control, recreational trails, DNR and LWSR board authority -
Act 211
Natural watercourse obstructions: removal authority extended to land located in villages -
Act 315
Navigable waters: permits for drainage work [Sec. 3529m-3530r, 9142 (9z), 9342 (14z)] [vetoed]
Portage levee renovation and repair: grant provided; duty transferred to city; study authorized [Sec. 635, 678, 1698-1700, 1702-1706] -
Act 27
PSC hearing requirements re river improvement tolls repealed -
Act 196
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: certain powers extended to town sanitary districts; state funding, ordinance authority expanded and lakes without public access provisions -
Act 349
Recreational boating project program: eligibility revisions; water safety patrol funding [Sec. 706g, 737h, 1693-1695, 9142 (11g), 9342 (10), 9442 (8g)] -
Act 27
Water regulatory projects and wetland maps: fee structure revised [Sec. 658, 1348, 1662-1668, 1707-1711, 4206, 9342 (7)] -
Act 27
Willow flowage project land acquisition provisions [Sec. 1323m] -
Act 27
Intergovernmental cooperation re municipal revenue sharing, libraries, joint police and fire departments and water utility service -
Act 270
Municipally owned water or water and sewer public utility rate increases: PSC hearing exemptions
Act 363
Public fire protection charges by municipal utilities revised [Sec. 5235m] -
Act 27
Transmission facility excavation and damage procedures revised -
Act 135
Mass transit operating assistance program funding; five tiers created; cost efficiency provisions [partial veto]
Act 113
Mass transit operating assistance program funding; five tiers created; cost efficiency provisions [partial veto]
Act 113
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto] -
. Act 56
Vehicle weight and width limitations re Interstate 39 -
Act 113
Clean water fund hardship assistance for village of Wausaukee [Sec. 9142 (7g)] -
Act 27
Nuisance aquatic plant removal on the Great Lakes: acquisition of equipment for cutting and removal
Act 8
Agricultural law revisions re fertilizer control law terminology, tonnage fees and weights and measures (remedial legislation) -
Act 176
Water regulatory projects and wetland maps: fee structure revised [Sec. 658, 1348, 1662-1668, 1707-1711, 4206, 9342 (7)] -
Act 27
Life and public service [AJR-51] - JR-24
Living will statutes revised -
Act 168
Wills: revisions re effect of references to other documents -
Act 234
Life and public service [AJR-11] - JR-13
STH designation re CTH X in Winnebago county -
Act 113
Crew leader employment: report required [Sec. 9111 (3x)] -
Act 27
Crew leaders: revisions re classification, periods of enrollment and wage cap [Sec. 255m, r, 257m-x, 260m-261r, 268m-t, 269m-270r, 277m, r, 1948, 1948m] -
Act 27
Enrollee supervision [Sec. 250m, r] -
Act 27
Minimum wage increase re WCC enrollee; JCF duty set [Sec. 9111 (3p)] -
Act 27
Part-time and full-time employes and tuition voucher revisions [Sec. 263m, r, 273m, r, 9311 (1x), 9411 (1x)]
Act 27
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; partnership projects, health insurance, funding and education provisions [Sec. 107-111, 239m-247r, 249, 251-254, 256, 258-259r, 262, 264-267, 269, 271, 272, 274-276, 278, 776b-780m, 781m-782u, 1014c, 1074, 1411g, r, 9111 (1), 9211 (1z), 9411 (1z)] [251d — partial veto]
Act 27
WCC project revisions re partnership projects and DOC [Sec. 248m, r, 6399m] -
Act 27
Crew leader employment: report required [Sec. 9111 (3x)] -
Act 27
Minimum wage increase re WCC enrollee; JCF duty set [Sec. 9111 (3p)] -
Act 27
Part-time and full-time employes and tuition voucher revisions [Sec. 263m, r, 273m, r, 9311 (1x), 9411 (1x)]
Act 27
WCC board composition modified -
Act 221
WCC board transferred from DOA to DILHR; partnership projects, health insurance, funding and education provisions [Sec. 107-111, 239m-247r, 249, 251-254, 256, 258-259r, 262, 264-267, 269, 271, 272, 274-276, 278, 776b-780m, 781m-782u, 1014c, 1074, 1411g, r, 9111 (1), 9211 (1z), 9411 (1z)] [251d — partial veto]
Act 27
WCC project revisions re partnership projects and DOC [Sec. 248m, r, 6399m] -
Act 27