AB290-SSA1,3,1817 66.069 (1) (bn) 1. This paragraph applies only if all of the following conditions
18are met:
AB290-SSA1,3,1919 a. Water or electric utility service is provided to a rental dwelling unit.
AB290-SSA1,3,2420 am. The water or electric utility service is provided by a town sanitary district
21created under subch. IX of ch. 60 that has sewerage connections serving more than
22700 service addresses, by a public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district
23under subch. IV of ch. 33 that has sewerage connections serving more than 700
24service addresses or by a municipal public utility.
1b. The owner of the rental dwelling unit notifies the utility in writing of the
2name and address of the owner.
AB290-SSA1,4,43 c. The owner of the rental dwelling unit notifies the utility in writing of the
4name and address of the tenant who is responsible for payment of the utility charges.
AB290-SSA1,4,75 d. The owner of the rental dwelling unit provides the utility with a copy of the
6rental or lease agreement in which the tenant assumes responsibility for the
7payment of the utility charges.
AB290-SSA1,4,118 2. If this paragraph applies, a municipal public utility may use par. (b) to collect
9arrearages incurred after the owner of a rental dwelling unit has provided the utility
10with written notice under subd. 1. only if the municipality complies with at least one
11of the following:
AB290-SSA1,4,2412 a. In order to comply with this subd. 2. a., a municipal public utility shall send
13bills for water or electric service to a customer who is a tenant in the tenant's own
14name. Each time that a municipal public utility notifies a customer who is a tenant
15that charges for water or electric service provided by the utility to the customer are
16past due for more than one billing cycle, the utility shall also serve a copy of the notice
17on the owner of the rental dwelling unit in the manner provided in s. 801.14 (2). If
18a customer who is a tenant vacates his or her rental dwelling unit, and the owner of
19the rental dwelling unit provides the municipal public utility, no later than 21 days
20after the date on which the tenant vacates the rental dwelling unit, with a written
21notice that contains a forwarding address for the tenant and the date that the tenant
22vacated the rental dwelling unit, the utility shall continue to send past-due notices
23to the customer at his or her forwarding address until the past-due charges are paid
24or until notice has been provided under par. (b).
1b. In order to comply with this subd. 2. b., if a customer who is a tenant has
2charges for water or electric service provided by the utility that are past due, the
3municipal public utility shall serve notice of the past-due charges on the owner of
4the rental dwelling unit within 14 days of the date on which the tenant's charges
5became past due. The municipal public utility shall serve notice in the manner
6provided in s. 801.14 (2).
AB290-SSA1,5,97 2m. A municipal public utility may demonstrate compliance with the notice
8requirements of subd. 2. a. or b. by providing evidence of having sent the notice by
9U.S. mail.
AB290-SSA1,5,1210 3. If this paragraph applies and a municipal public utility is permitted to collect
11arrearages under par. (b), the municipal public utility shall provide all notices under
12par. (b) to the owner of the property.
AB290-SSA1, s. 5 13Section 5. 66.071 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB290-SSA1,6,1014 66.071 (1) (e) All water rates for water furnished to any building or premises,
15and the cost of repairing meters, service pipes, stops or stop boxes, shall be a lien on
16the lot, part of lot or parcel of land on which such building or premises shall be
17situated. If any water rates or bills for the repairing of meters, service pipes, stops
18or stop boxes remain unpaid on the first day of October, in any year, the same shall
19be certified to the city comptroller of such city on or before the first day of November
20next following, and shall be placed by the comptroller upon the tax roll and collected
21in the same manner as other taxes on real estate are collected in said city. The charge
22for water supplied by the city in all premises where meters are attached and
23connected, shall be at rates fixed by the commissioner of public works and for the
24quantity indicated by the meter. If in any case, the commissioner of public works
25shall determine that the quantity indicated by the meter is materially incorrect or

1if a meter has been off temporarily on account of repairs, the commissioner of public
2works shall determine in the best manner in the commissioner's power the quantity
3used, and such determination shall be conclusive. No water rate or rates duly
4assessed against any property shall be thereafter remitted or changed except by the
5council of such city. Under this paragraph, if an unpaid charge or bill is for utility
6service furnished and metered by the waterworks directly to a mobile home unit in
7a licensed mobile home park, the delinquent amount shall become a lien on the
8mobile home unit rather than a lien on the parcel of real estate on which the mobile
9home unit is located. A lien on a mobile home unit may be enforced using the
10procedures under s. 779.48 (2).
AB290-SSA1, s. 6 11Section 6. 66.071 (1) (en) of the statutes is created to read:
AB290-SSA1,6,1312 66.071 (1) (en) 1. This paragraph applies only if all of the following conditions
13are met:
AB290-SSA1,6,1414 a. The waterworks provides water service to a rental dwelling unit.
AB290-SSA1,6,1615 b. The owner of the rental dwelling unit notifies the commissioner of public
16works in writing of the name and address of the owner.
AB290-SSA1,6,1917 c. The owner of the rental dwelling unit notifies the commissioner of public
18works in writing of the name and address of the tenant who is responsible for
19payment of the utility charges.
AB290-SSA1,6,2220 d. The owner of the rental dwelling unit provides the commissioner of public
21works with a copy of the rental or lease agreement in which the tenant assumes
22responsibility for the payment of the utility charges.
AB290-SSA1,7,223 2. If this paragraph applies, the commissioner of public works may use par. (e)
24to collect unpaid charges and bills incurred after the owner of a rental dwelling unit

1has provided the commissioner of public works with written notice under subd. 1.
2only if the commissioner of public works complies with at least one of the following:
AB290-SSA1,7,173 a. In order to comply with this subd. 2. a., the commissioner of public works
4shall send bills for water service to a customer who is a tenant in the tenant's own
5name. Each time that a commissioner of public works notifies a customer who is a
6tenant that charges for water service provided by the waterworks to the customer are
7past due for more than one billing cycle, the commissioner of public works shall also
8serve a copy of the notice on the owner of the rental dwelling unit in the manner
9provided in s. 801.14 (2). If a customer who is a tenant vacates his or her rental
10dwelling unit, and the owner of the rental dwelling unit provides the commissioner
11of public works, no later than 21 days after the date on which the tenant vacates the
12rental dwelling unit, with a sworn affidavit that contains a forwarding address for
13the tenant, the date that the tenant vacated the rental dwelling unit and a meter
14reading reflecting the service for which the tenant is responsible, the commissioner
15of public works shall continue to send past-due notices to the customer at his or her
16forwarding address until the past-due charges are paid or until the past-due
17charges have been certified to the comptroller under par. (e).
AB290-SSA1,7,2318 b. In order to comply with this subd. 2. b., if a customer who is a tenant has
19charges for water service provided by the waterworks that are past due, the
20commissioner of public works shall serve notice of the past-due charges on the owner
21of the rental dwelling unit within 14 days of the date on which the tenant's charges
22became past due. The commissioner of public works shall serve notice in the manner
23provided in s. 801.14 (2).
12m. The commissioner of public works may demonstrate compliance with the
2notice requirements of subd. 2. a. or b. by providing evidence of having sent the notice
3by U.S. mail.
AB290-SSA1, s. 7 4Section 7. 66.60 (16) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB290-SSA1,8,19 566.60 (16) (a) In addition to all other methods provided by law, special charges
6for current services rendered may be imposed by the governing body by allocating all
7or part of the cost to the property served. Such may include, without limitation
8because of enumeration, snow and ice removal, weed elimination, street sprinkling,
9oiling and tarring, repair of sidewalks or curb and gutter, garbage and refuse
sewer service storm water management, including construction of storm
11water management facilities,
and tree care. The provisions for notice of such charge
12shall be optional with the governing body except that in the case of street tarring and
13the repair of sidewalks, curb or gutters, a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, shall be
14published at least 20 days before the hearing or proceeding and a copy of the notice
15shall be mailed at least 10 days before the hearing or proceeding to every interested
16person whose post-office address is known, or can be ascertained with reasonable
17diligence. Such notice shall specify that on a certain date a hearing will be held by
18the governing body as to whether the service in question shall be performed at the
19cost of the property owner, at which hearing anyone interested will be heard.
AB290-SSA1, s. 8 20Section 8. 66.60 (16) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB290-SSA1,8,23 2166.60 (16) (d) Except with respect to storm water management services,
22including construction of storm water management facilities, a municipal public
23utility may not use the procedures under this subsection to collect arrearages.
AB290-SSA1, s. 7 24Section 7. Initial applicability.
1(1)  The treatment of sections 66.069 (1) (b) and (bn), 66.071 (1) (e) and (en) and
266.60 (16) (a) and (d) of the statutes first applies to charges for utility services
3provided on October 1, 1996.