1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
To 1995 SENATE BILL 104
June 13, 1995 - Offered by Joint committee on Finance.
SB104-SSA1,1,8 1An Act to repeal 70.32 (1r), 70.32 (2) (b) and 70.32 (2m); to amend 38.27 (2) (b),
270.05 (5) (a) 1m., 70.32 (2) (a) (intro.), 70.47 (7) (a), 73.03 (2a), 76.125 (1), chapter
377 (title), 77.84 (2) (c), 452.05 (1m) (a) 2. and 895.52 (6) (d) 3.; to repeal and
70.32 (2) (c) 1. and 70.57 (3); and to create 38.27 (1m), 38.27 (2) (g),
570.32 (2) (a) 5. to 7., 70.32 (2) (c) 1m., 70.32 (2r), 73.03 (49), 77.22 (2) (em), 77.22
6(2) (er), 77.22 (2m) and subchapter X of chapter 77 [precedes 77.994] of the
7statutes; relating to: the assessment of agricultural land, the property tax
8limit for technical college districts and granting rule-making authority.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB104-SSA1, s. 1 9Section 1. 38.27 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,1,1310 38.27 (1m) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (intro.) but subject to sub. (2m) (a), the
11board shall award a grant under sub. (1) (e) to any district board that applies and that
12is levying a tax under s. 38.16 at a rate of 1.5 mills. The amount of the grant shall
13be determined as follows:
1(a) Subtract the equalized value of the district in the current year from the
2equalized value of the district in 1996.
SB104-SSA1,2,43 (b) If the result under par. (a) is a positive number, multiply the result under
4par. (a) by the district's tax levy rate for operations.
SB104-SSA1, s. 2 5Section 2. 38.27 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,2,136 38.27 (2) (b) The board shall review the applications submitted under par. (a)
7according to procedures and criteria established by the board. Prior Except for
8grants awarded under sub. (1m) for the purpose of sub. (1) (e), prior
to awarding a
9grant for the purpose of sub. (1) (e), the board shall consider the principle of
10comparable budgetary support for similar programs and ensure that the program
11being considered for a grant is efficient and cost-effective. The board shall notify the
12applicant whether its application has been approved and, if approved, of the amount
13and the conditions of the grant to be awarded.
SB104-SSA1, s. 3 14Section 3. 38.27 (2) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,2,1615 38.27 (2) (g) The board shall ensure that the amount appropriated under s.
1620.292 (1) (dc) in each fiscal year is first allocated to awarding grants under sub. (1m).
SB104-SSA1, s. 4 17Section 4. 70.05 (5) (a) 1m. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,2,2218 70.05 (5) (a) 1m. "Class of property" means residential under s. 70.32 (2) (a) 1.
19or (b) 1.; commercial under s. 70.32 (2) (a) 2. or (b) 2.; personal property; or the sum
20of agricultural under s. 70.32 (2) (a) 4. or (b) 4., swamp or waste under s. 70.32 (2)
21(b) (a) 5. and, productive forest land under s. 70.32 (2) (b) (a) 6. and other under s.
2270.32 (2) (a) 7.
SB104-SSA1, s. 5 23Section 5. 70.32 (1r) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1, s. 6 24Section 6. 70.32 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
170.32 (2) (a) (intro.) In cities and villages, the The assessor shall segregate into
2the following classes on the basis of use and set down separately in proper columns
3the values of the land, exclusive of improvements, and, except for subds. 5. and 6.,
4the improvements in each class:
SB104-SSA1, s. 7 5Section 7. 70.32 (2) (a) 5. to 7. of the statutes are created to read:
SB104-SSA1,3,66 70.32 (2) (a) 5. Swamp or waste.
SB104-SSA1,3,77 6. Productive forest land.
SB104-SSA1,3,88 7. Other.
SB104-SSA1, s. 8 9Section 8. 70.32 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1, s. 9 10Section 9. 70.32 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB104-SSA1,3,1511 70.32 (2) (c) 1. "Agricultural land" means land, exclusive of buildings and
12improvements, that is devoted primarily to agricultural use, as defined in s. 91.01
13(1), and that either consists of at least 50 acres owned by the same person, produced
14gross receipts from farming of at least $50,000 during the previous year or produced
15gross receipts from farming of at least $120,000 during the 3 previous years.
SB104-SSA1, s. 10 16Section 10. 70.32 (2) (c) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,3,2217 70.32 (2) (c) 1m. "Gross receipts from farming" means gross receipts, excluding
18rent, from agricultural use, as defined in s. 91.01 (1), including the fair market value
19at the time of disposition of payments in kind for placing land in federal programs
20or payments from the federal dairy termination program under 7 USC 1446 (d), less
21the cost or other basis of livestock or other items purchased for resale which are sold
22or otherwise disposed of during the taxable year.
SB104-SSA1, s. 11 23Section 11. 70.32 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
SB104-SSA1, s. 12 24Section 12. 70.32 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
170.32 (2r) Notwithstanding sub. (1), agricultural land shall be valued based
2on the income that could be generated from its rental for agricultural use, as defined
3in s. 91.01 (1), according to the guidelines in the assessment manual under s. 73.03
4(2a). Improvements to agricultural land shall be valued under sub. (1).
SB104-SSA1, s. 13 5Section 13. 70.47 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,5,26 70.47 (7) (a) Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be
7made in writing and filed with the clerk of the board of review prior to adjournment
8of public hearings by the board. Objections to the valuation of property may be made
9based on a claim that the property is agricultural land, as defined in s. 70.32 (2) (c)
101., but that the property was not assessed as agricultural land under s. 70.32 (2r).

11If the board is in session 5 days, including its first meeting and any adjourned
12meetings, all objections shall be filed within such time unless failure to file within
13such time is waived by the board upon a showing of good cause for such failure. The
14board may require such objections to be submitted on forms approved by the
15department of revenue. Persons who own land, other than agricultural land that is
16assessed according to its use,
and improvements to that land may object to the
17aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who
18owns land, other than agricultural land that is assessed according to its use, and
19improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the
20valuation of improvements to that land. No person shall be allowed in any action or
21proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless such written
22objection has been filed and such person in good faith presented evidence to such
23board in support of such objections and made full disclosure before said board, under
24oath of all of that person's property liable to assessment in such district and the value

1thereof. The requirement that it be in writing may be waived by express action of
2the board.
SB104-SSA1, s. 14 3Section 14. 70.57 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB104-SSA1,5,54 70.57 (3) In determining the value of agricultural land under sub. (1), the
5department shall fulfill the requirements under s. 70.32 (2r).
SB104-SSA1, s. 15 6Section 15. 73.03 (2a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,7,27 73.03 (2a) To prepare, have published and distribute to each county having a
8county assessor system under s. 70.99 and to each town, city and village in the state
9for the use of assessors, assessment personnel and the public detailed assessment
10manuals, except that if an assessor is hired by more than one county, town, city or
11village the department shall provide that assessor with only one cost component of
12the manual rather than providing the cost component of the manual to each county,
13town, city or village that hires that assessor. The manual shall discuss and illustrate
14accepted assessment methods, techniques and practices with a view to more nearly
15uniform and more consistent assessments of property at the local level. The manual
16shall be amended by the department from time to time to reflect advances in the
17science of assessment, court decisions concerning assessment practices, costs, and
18statistical and other information deemed valuable to local assessors by the
19department. The manual shall incorporate standards for the assessment of all types
20of renewable energy resource systems used in this state as soon as such systems are
21used in sufficient numbers and sufficient data exists to allow the formulation of valid
22guidelines. The manual shall incorporate standards, which the department of
23revenue and the state historical society of Wisconsin shall develop, for the
24assessment of nonhistoric property in historic districts and for the assessment of
25historic property, including but not limited to property that is being preserved or

1restored; property that is subject to a protective easement, covenant or other
2restriction for historic preservation purposes; property that is listed in the national
3register of historic places in Wisconsin or in this state's register of historic places and
4property that is designated as a historic landmark and is subject to restrictions
5imposed by a municipality or by a landmarks commission. The manual shall
6incorporate general guidelines about ways to determine whether property is taxable
7in part under s. 70.11 (8) and examples of the ways that s. 70.11 (8) applies in specific
8situations. The manual shall state that assessors are required to comply with s.
970.32 (1g) and shall suggest procedures for doing so. The manual or a supplement
10to it shall specify per acre value guidelines for each municipality for various
11categories of agricultural land based on the income that could be generated from its
12rental for agricultural use, as defined in s. 91.01 (1), and the capitalization rates
13established under s. 73.03 (49). The manual shall include guidelines for classifying
14land as agricultural land, as defined in s. 70.32 (2) (c) 1. and guidelines for
15distinguishing between land and improvements to land.
The cost of the
16development, preparation, publication and distribution of the manual and of
17revisions and amendments to it shall be borne by the assessment districts and
18requesters at an individual volume cost or a subscription cost as determined by the
19department. All receipts shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2)
20(hi). The department shall, on the 4th Monday in August, certify past-due accounts
21and include them in the next apportionment of state special charges to counties and
22municipalities under s. 70.60. If the department provides an assessment manual to
23an assessor who is hired by more than one unit of government, those units of
24government shall each pay an equal share of the cost of that manual. The
25department may provide free assessment manuals to other state agencies or

1exchange them at no cost with agencies of other states or of the federal government
2for similar information or publications.
SB104-SSA1, s. 16 3Section 16. 73.03 (49) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,7,74 73.03 (49) For the use value assessment of agricultural land, to calculate
5capitalization rates for each municipality by adding to the 5-year average of federal
6land bank short-term adjustable rate mortgages for this state's agricultural
7marketplace the municipality's net property tax rate for the previous year.
SB104-SSA1, s. 17 8Section 17. 76.125 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,7,149 76.125 (1) Using the statement of assessments under s. 70.53 and the
10statement of taxes under s. 69.61, the department shall determine the net rate of
11taxation of commercial property under s. 70.32 (2) (a) 2. and (b) 2., of manufacturing
12property under s. 70.32 (2) (a) 3. and (b) 3. and of personal property under s. 70.30
13as provided in subs. (2) to (6). The department shall enter that rate on the records
14of the department.
SB104-SSA1, s. 18 15Section 18. Chapter 77 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,7,1616 CHAPTER 77
24 RENTAL CAR TAX; penalty on sales
25 of certain agricultural land
SB104-SSA1, s. 19
1Section 19. 77.22 (2) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,8,32 77.22 (2) (em) Whether the property conveyed is or contains agricultural land,
3as defined in s. 70.32 (2) (c) 1.
SB104-SSA1, s. 20 4Section 20. 77.22 (2) (er) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,8,65 77.22 (2) (er) If the property conveyed is or contains agricultural land, the
6number of years that that land was assessed under s. 70.32 (2r).
SB104-SSA1, s. 21 7Section 21. 77.22 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB104-SSA1,8,118 77.22 (2m) If the property conveyed is or contains agricultural land, the
9register of deeds shall provide to the person who submits the return notice of the
10amount of the penalty under s. 74.48 that will be due because of the sale and of the
11time by which that penalty is required to be paid.
SB104-SSA1, s. 22 12Section 22. 77.84 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB104-SSA1,8,1913 77.84 (2) (c) In 1992 and each 5th year thereafter, the department of revenue
14shall adjust the amounts under pars. (a) and (b) by multiplying the amount specified
15by a ratio using as the denominator the department of revenue's estimate of the
16average statewide tax per acre of property classes under s. 70.32 (2) (b) 4., 1993 stats.,
17s. 70.32 (2) (b)
5., 1993 stats., and s. 70.32 (2) (b) 6., 1993 stats., for 1986 and, as the
18numerator, the department of revenue's estimate of the average tax per acre for the
19same classes of property for the year in which the adjustment is made.
SB104-SSA1, s. 23 20Section 23. Subchapter X of chapter 77 [precedes 77.994] of the statutes is
21created to read:
SB104-SSA1,8,2222 CHAPTER 77