September 1995 Special Session
1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
September 22, 1995 - Offered by Representatives Prosser, Hubler, Jensen,
Vrakas, Lehman, Bock, Coggs
and Ziegelbauer.
AB1-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB1-AA1,1,2 21. Page 6, line 1: delete lines 1 to 16.
AB1-AA1,1,3 32. Page 7, line 22: before "The" insert: "(1) In this section:
AB1-AA1,1,44 (a) "Minority business" has the meaning given in s. 66.905 (1) (a).
AB1-AA1,1,55 (b) "Minority group member" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (f).
AB1-AA1,1,86 (c) "Women's business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture
7or corporation that is at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by
AB1-AA1,1,9 9(2)".
AB1-AA1,1,10 103. Page 8, line 12: delete "initial".
AB1-AA1,2,5 114. Page 8, line 13: delete the material beginning with "attempt" and ending
12with "(a)" in line 16 and substitute: "ensure that any person who is awarded a
13contract agrees, as a condition to receiving the contract, that at least 25% of the
14employes hired because of the contract will be minority group members and at least
155% of the employes hired because of the contract will be women. The department

1shall also ensure that at least 25% of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded
2for the construction of such facilities in the following areas are awarded to minority
3businesses and at least 5% of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded for the
4construction of such facilities in the following areas are awarded to women's
AB1-AA1,2,66 (a) Contracts for the construction of baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,2,87 (b) Contracts for professional services related to the construction of baseball
8park facilities.
AB1-AA1,2,99 (c) Contracts for the underwriting of bonds.
AB1-AA1,2,13 10(3) It shall be a goal of the department, with regard to each of the contracts
11described under sub. (2) (a), (b) and (c), to award at least 25% of the dollar value of
12such contracts to minority businesses and at least 5% of the dollar value of such
13contracts to women's businesses.".
AB1-AA1,2,15 145. Page 11, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
15with page 12, line 4.
AB1-AA1,2,16 166. Page 15, line 10: after "(15)" insert "(b)".
AB1-AA1,2,17 177. Page 16, line 14: delete lines 14 to 22.
AB1-AA1,2,19 188. Page 19, line 15: delete "subch. III of ch. 229" and substitute: "s. 66.066 by
19a local professional baseball park district".
AB1-AA1,2,21 209. Page 19, line 22: after the 2nd comma insert: "obligations issued under s.
2166.066 by a local professional baseball park district,
AB1-AA1,2,22 2210. Page 19, line 25: delete the underscored material.
111. Page 20, line 14: delete "subch. III of ch. 229" and substitute: "s. 66.066 by
2a local professional baseball park district".
AB1-AA1,3,3 312. Page 21, line 13: after that line insert:
AB1-AA1,3,4 4" Section 48m. 77.707 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-AA1,3,11 577.707 Sunset. Retailers and the department of revenue may not collect a tax
6under s. 77.705 for any local professional baseball park district created under subch.
7III of ch. 229 after the calendar quarter during which the local professional baseball
8park district board makes a certification to the department of revenue under s.
9229.685 (2), except that the department of revenue may collect from retailers taxes
10that accrued before that calendar quarter and interest and penalties that relate to
11those taxes.".
AB1-AA1,3,13 1213. Page 28, line 16: delete "Four" and substitute "Six"; and delete "at least
132" and substitute "4".
AB1-AA1,3,14 1414. Page 28, line 18: delete "more" and substitute "most".
AB1-AA1,3,18 1515. Page 28, line 19: delete the material beginning with the comma and
16ending with the period on line 21 and substitute: ". A person appointed under this
17paragraph may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to
18confirmation or rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.".
AB1-AA1,3,19 1916. Page 28, line 22: delete "less" and substitute "2nd most".
AB1-AA1,3,20 2017. Page 28, line 25: after that line insert:
AB1-AA1,4,2 21"(d) One person appointed by the chief executive officer of the 4th most
22populous county within the jurisdiction of a district, except that in single-county
23jurisdictions the person under this paragraph shall be appointed by the chief
24executive officer of that county. A person appointed under this paragraph may take

1his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or rejection
2by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.
AB1-AA1,4,83 (e) One person appointed by the chief executive officer of the 5th most populous
4county within the jurisdiction of a district, except that in single-county jurisdictions
5the person under this paragraph shall be appointed by the chief executive officer of
6that county. A person appointed under this paragraph may take his or her seat
7immediately upon appointment, subject to confirmation or rejection by a majority of
8the members-elect of the county board.".
AB1-AA1,4,9 918. Page 29, line 1: delete "(d)" and substitute "(f)".
AB1-AA1,4,12 1019. Page 29, line 2: after "district" insert ". A person appointed under this
11paragraph may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment, subject to
12confirmation or rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the common council".
AB1-AA1,4,16 1320. Page 29, line 25: delete the material beginning with "most" and ending
14with "is" on page 30, line 1, and substitute: "counties that are contiguous to that
15county that have the 1st, 3rd and 4th largest populations, unless any of those
16counties is".
AB1-AA1,4,18 1721. Page 30, line 4: after "229.71." insert "Under this section, "contiguous"
18includes a county that touches another county only at a corner.".
AB1-AA1,4,19 1922. Page 30, line 11: delete "In" and substitute "Subject to s. 229.682, in".
AB1-AA1,4,20 2023. Page 32, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3 and substitute:
AB1-AA1,4,22 21"(15) Impose taxes under this subsection. A district may not impose any tax
22that is not explicitly authorized under this section. If a district".
124. Page 32, line 5: after the period insert: "A district may impose the
2following taxes by the adoption of a resolution:
AB1-AA1,5,43 (a) The taxes under subch. V of ch. 77 if the resolution receives at least 7
4affirmative votes.
AB1-AA1,5,65 (b) The taxes under s. 66.75 (1m) (a) and (e), only if all of the following
6conditions are met:
AB1-AA1,5,87 1. The district board makes a finding that revenues from the tax imposed under
8par. (a) are insufficient to fund the debt service on the bonds.
AB1-AA1,5,109 2. The district board votes to impose a tax under this paragraph with a
10unanimous vote of those present and voting.
AB1-AA1,5,1211 3. At least 7 members of the district board affirmatively vote to impose the tax
12under this paragraph.".
AB1-AA1,5,14 1325. Page 32, line 6: after "aid" insert: ", which may be used only for the
14following purposes:
AB1-AA1,5,1515 (a) Retiring the bonds used to construct the baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,5,1616 (b) Maintaining the baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,5,1717 (c) Operating the baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,5,1818 (d) Making capital improvements to the baseball park facilities".