AB1-AA1,4,19 1922. Page 30, line 11: delete "In" and substitute "Subject to s. 229.682, in".
AB1-AA1,4,20 2023. Page 32, line 1: delete lines 1 to 3 and substitute:
AB1-AA1,4,22 21"(15) Impose taxes under this subsection. A district may not impose any tax
22that is not explicitly authorized under this section. If a district".
124. Page 32, line 5: after the period insert: "A district may impose the
2following taxes by the adoption of a resolution:
AB1-AA1,5,43 (a) The taxes under subch. V of ch. 77 if the resolution receives at least 7
4affirmative votes.
AB1-AA1,5,65 (b) The taxes under s. 66.75 (1m) (a) and (e), only if all of the following
6conditions are met:
AB1-AA1,5,87 1. The district board makes a finding that revenues from the tax imposed under
8par. (a) are insufficient to fund the debt service on the bonds.
AB1-AA1,5,109 2. The district board votes to impose a tax under this paragraph with a
10unanimous vote of those present and voting.
AB1-AA1,5,1211 3. At least 7 members of the district board affirmatively vote to impose the tax
12under this paragraph.".
AB1-AA1,5,14 1325. Page 32, line 6: after "aid" insert: ", which may be used only for the
14following purposes:
AB1-AA1,5,1515 (a) Retiring the bonds used to construct the baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,5,1616 (b) Maintaining the baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,5,1717 (c) Operating the baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,5,1818 (d) Making capital improvements to the baseball park facilities".
AB1-AA1,5,19 1926. Page 32, line 8: after that line insert:
AB1-AA1,6,4 20"229.682 Special provisions. (1) If the district considers entering into a
21lease or other arrangement with a major league professional baseball team for the
22use, as its home field, of baseball park facilities that are constructed under this
23subchapter, the district shall, before entering into the lease or other arrangement,
24explore and consider ways to encourage the team to recognize and reward the

1residents of the district's jurisdiction by scheduling, on an occasional basis, special
2recognition days for such residents. The recognition may include the designation of
3one or more of the team's home games as discount ticket games, for which residents
4of the district's jurisdiction may purchase discounted admission tickets.
AB1-AA1,6,12 5(2) If the district considers entering into a lease or other arrangement with a
6major league professional baseball team for the use, as its home field, of baseball
7park facilities that are constructed under this subchapter, the district shall, before
8entering into the lease or other arrangement, explore and consider ways to
9encourage the team to accord special consideration or permanent recognition to
10residents of the district's jurisdiction, including the designation of certain seating
11sections of the baseball park facilities to recognize the counties that constitute the
12district's jurisdiction.
AB1-AA1,6,15 13(3) The district board shall explore and consider ways to solicit and encourage
14gifts and donations for the construction of baseball park facilities and, to the extent
15feasible, implement means to solicit such gifts and donations.
AB1-AA1,6,17 16229.683 Prevailing wages. The construction of a baseball park facility that
17is financed in whole or in part by a district is subject to s. 66.293.".
AB1-AA1,6,18 1827. Page 32, line 9: before "The" insert "(1)".
AB1-AA1,6,19 1928. Page 32, line 12: after that line insert:
AB1-AA1,7,7 20"(2) If the district board determines that the revenues in the special fund under
21this section exceed current operating expenses for the operation of baseball park
22facilities, the district board shall apply the excess to either fund a fund for
23maintenance costs and capital improvements or to retire bonds issued for the initial
24construction of baseball park facilities, and any bonds issued to fund or refund those

1bonds, prior to their maturity. As soon as practicable after the retirement of all bonds
2issued for the initial construction of baseball park facilities and all bonds issued to
3fund or refund those bonds and after funding a fund for maintenance costs and
4capital improvements sufficiently to meet any maintenance or capital improvement
5obligations between the district and any professional baseball team using baseball
6park facilities constructed under this subchapter as a home stadium, the district
7board shall make a certification to the department of revenue to that effect.".
AB1-AA1,7,9 829. Page 32, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
9with page 33, line 2, and substitute:
AB1-AA1,7,10 10"229.70 Minority contracting goals. (1) In this section:
AB1-AA1,7,1111 (a) "Minority business" has the meaning given in s. 66.905 (1) (a).
AB1-AA1,7,1212 (b) "Minority group member" has the meaning given in s. 560.036 (1) (f).
AB1-AA1,7,1513 (c) "Women's business" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture
14or corporation that is at least 51% owned, controlled and actively managed by
AB1-AA1,7,20 16(2) A person who is awarded a contract by a district shall agree, as a condition
17to receiving the contract, that at least 25% of the employes hired because of the
18contract will be minority group members and at least 5% of the employes hired
19because of the contract will be women if the contract is for the construction of any part
20of baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,7,24 21(3) At least 25% of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded by the
22district in the following areas shall be awarded to minority businesses and at least
235% of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded by the district in the following
24areas shall be awarded to women's businesses:
1(a) Contracts for the construction of baseball park facilities.
AB1-AA1,8,32 (b) Contracts for professional services related to the construction of baseball
3park facilities.
AB1-AA1,8,44 (c) Contracts for the underwriting of bonds.
AB1-AA1,8,8 5(4) It shall be a goal of a district, with regard to each of the contracts described
6under sub. (3) (a), (b) and (c), to award at least 25% of the dollar value of such
7contracts to minority businesses and at least 5% of the dollar value of such contracts
8to women's businesses.".
AB1-AA1,8,11 930. Page 41, line 8: on lines 8 and 9, delete the underscored material and
10substitute: "bonds or notes issued to finance a project described in s. 234.01 (4n) (d)
11and excluding
AB1-AA1,8,12 1231. Page 41, line 10: after that line insert:
AB1-AA1,8,13 13" Section 61m. 234.65 (1) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-AA1,8,1614 234.65 (1) (h) Bonds and notes issued by the authority to finance an economic
15development loan for a project described under s. 234.01 (4n) (d) are not general
16obligations of the authority.
AB1-AA1, s. 61s 17Section 61s. 234.65 (1) (hj) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-AA1,8,2018 234.65 (1) (hj) The authority may not grant economic development loans which
19total in excess of $50,000,000 to finance any one project described in s. 234.01 (4n)
AB1-AA1,8,21 2132. Page 41, line 14: delete "$50,000,000" and substitute "$53,000,000".
AB1-AA1,8,2222 (End)