TPR over child conceived as result of sexual assault -  SB3
University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority: retaliatory action against employes for disclosing certain information prohibited -  AB648
University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority: retaliatory action against employes for disclosing certain information prohibited -  SB357
Wetlands property tax exemption created -  SB306
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Chvala:
Senate Bills: 2, 5, 14, 20, 27, 29, 35, 42, 60, 65, 76, 79, 116, 144, 232, 276, 327, 330, 351, 368, 374, 381, 413, 462, 476, 504, 516, 518, 549, 550, 583, 596, 621, 631, 642, 655
Senate Joint Resolutions: 2, 5, 13, 17, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 42, 47, 48, 49, 52, 56
Senate Resolutions:
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 2, 10, 12, 23, 33, 34, 40, 50, 57, 64, 66, 71, 72, 73, 98, 108, 122, 131, 133, 154, 167, 175, 183, 218, 239, 247, 248, 262, 277, 280, 286, 293, 294, 310, 326, 327, 333, 336, 337, 338, 339, 346, 389, 392, 399, 443, 445, 497, 498, 510, 516, 524, 548, 569, 587, 639, 658, 663, 666, 671, 675, 717, 758, 762, 772, 809, 812, 826, 902, 925, 965, 970, 1016, 1020, 1066
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 3, 5, 17, 18, 19, 22, 42, 50, 58, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 85, 86, 87, 94
S10 Clausing, Sen. Alice (10th Sen.Dist.; Dem.)
Animal cruelty complaint investigation: procedure revised -  AB18
Automobile insurance premium reduction for certain persons completing an accident reduction course  - SB267
Battery: nonconsent element removed; exception for athletic competition -  AB217
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created  - SB456
Campaign finance law revised re limitation of disbursements by candidates; prohibition of independent disbursements by committees or individuals; violator to pay treble the amount of unlawful expenditure -  AB392
Campaign finance law revisions re contribution limitations, conduits, public grants to candidates and designation on income tax form -  SB380
Campaign finance law revisions re limitations on contributions to candidates and disbursements - AB80
Campaign finance law revisions re limitations on contributions to candidates and disbursements - SB612
Cigarette and tobacco product use: U.W. Regents authorized to prohibit on property under its jurisdiction  - SB518
Cigarette vending machines: use prohibited -  SB338
Clean energy rebate program created in DOA -  SB453
Clean indoor air law revised and expanded -  SB127
Deer and vehicle collisions: carcass tagging provision extended to persons operating airplanes - AB120
Domestic violence awareness month proclaimed in October -  SJR38
Election date changes re 1995 WisAct 16: local governments may file claim for costs -  AB694
Election inspectors: employer encouraged to promote employe participation -  SJR55
Elective state officials appointment to positions in state employment restricted -  AB431
Endangered resources income tax check-off on homestead credit claim -  AB767
Farmland preservation agreement application form revised re mortgage holder signature -  AB489
Fines collection through civil actions: circuit court may issue an assignment for judgment; lottery prize included  - SB538
Group health insurance coverage: eligibility of Governor and legislators -  SB73
Health care coverage purchase by private employers through GIB authorized; Private employer health care coverage board created in DETF -  AB1016
Home-based private educational programs: special education provisions -  AB897
Jury fees: court to refund in civil cases -  SB335
Lost money or goods: return procedure revised -  AB256
Lower St. Croix river: restrictions re zebra mussels on boats, trailers and equipment; enforcement provisions  - SB590
MA benefits recovery from estates: provisions re 1993 WisAct 437 revised -  SB140
Mining on lands owned by or under the jurisdiction of DNR prohibited; liability for damages provided; NRB sale of land restricted -  AB339
Mining permit: information requirements and conditions for denial revised -  AB337
Mining regulations and storage and disposal of waste: DNR rule exceptions prohibited -  AB338
Moped or motor bicycle special restricted operator's license: minimum age lowered; DOT authorized to charge fee  - AB673
Motor fuel dealerships: security deposit and escrow account provisions -  SB519
National girls and women in sports day proclaimed -  SJR4
Nelson, Gaylord: receipt of Presidential medal of freedom commended -  AJR58
Nude or partially nude photograph or other visual representations: taking, possessing or distributing without subject's consent prohibited; exceptions provided  - AB841
Nude or partially nude photograph or other visual representations: taking, possessing or distributing without subject's consent prohibited; exceptions provided  - SB584
Parking spaces for disabled persons: authority to report unauthorized use expanded; photograph provision  - AB803
Pesticide application to railroad right-of-way: advance notice requirement created -  AB763
Police vehicle exceeding the speed limit: exemption from giving visual and audible signals expanded  - SB587
Political contributions made by individuals or organizations acting as conduits: treatment revised  - AB49
Postage stamp commemorating Richard Bong requested -  SJR24
Retail wheeling limited within service territory of electric utility  - SB642
Revenue limits for school districts increased for technology-related expenditures re staff training, equipment upgrading, distance education and administrative efficiencies  - SB645
School aid: formula revision re Milwaukee parental choice program -  SB385
School aid: tertiary level of state support added by 1995 WisAct 27 repealed; JCF duties clarified - SB596
School district aid change re pupil enrollment; factors used in calculating revenue limits modified; school year revision re minimum hours of instruction and 180 day requirement  - AB496
School year: DPI authorized to waive 180-school-day requirement -  AB457
Shoreland and wetland zoning by local governments: authority restricted; restoration provision - SB454
Smoking in state capitol building prohibited -  AB246
Smoking in state capitol building prohibited -  SB114
Social worker certification: education requirements modified - AB672
Synthetic BGH: notification to purchaser re sale of dairy cows  - AB66
Synthetic BGH: DATCP labeling rules revised re dairy plant requirements and purchaser determination of milk content  - AB335
Synthetic BGH: DATCP prohibited from requiring qualifying language on labels saying dairy product is free of  - AB122
Synthetic BGH: report requirements - AB218
Synthetic BGH: requirements for labeling dairy products as not containing; certification by farmers revised  - AB121
Tax burden study by DOR and LFB required -  AB12
Taylor, Eugene: life and public service -  AJR89
Therapists convicted of sexual exploitation: maximum period of imprisonment increased -  AB568
Toll-free telephone line for income tax questions: DOR required to establish -  AB455
Victim's right to attend court proceedings defendant is required or permitted to attend -  SB468
Wisconsin election campaign fund grant: application withdrawal deadline modified -  AB564
Wisconsin morning milk program appropriation made sum sufficient -  SB65
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Clausing:
Senate Bills: 5, 14, 31, 34, 38, 53, 63, 74, 117, 122, 138, 154, 181, 252, 289, 301, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 326, 330, 331, 351, 352, 356, 377, 379, 381, 382, 394, 401, 441, 455, 457, 462, 473, 488, 492, 495, 506, 512, 516, 521, 522, 534, 546, 547, 549, 552, 569, 589, 591, 595, 621, 631, 635, 639, 655, 656
Senate Joint Resolutions: 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 41, 47, 48, 49, 52, 56
Senate Resolutions:
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 1, 24, 33, 40, 51, 56, 64, 65, 73, 90, 92, 98, 125, 130, 133, 154, 167, 183, 205, 222, 229, 236, 247, 252, 260, 265, 289, 292, 336, 344, 359, 372, 394, 399, 403, 415, 428, 445, 452, 495, 497, 516, 520, 529, 540, 551, 556, 569, 575, 587, 605, 612, 614, 615, 639, 648, 656, 663, 666, 690, 695, 706, 717, 736, 739, 758, 762, 770, 772, 793, 797, 799, 809, 812, 818, 829, 853, 854, 855, 857, 859, 870, 873, 902, 903, 914, 925, 931, 953, 954, 988, 989, 998, 1020, 1046, 1051, 1060, 1066, 1076
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 1, 3, 12, 17, 18, 22, 28, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 48, 50, 53, 55, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 86, 87, 92
S2 Cowles, Sen. Robert L. (2nd Sen.Dist.; Rep.)
Absentee ballot application date and overseas elector procedures revised -  SB125
Admission fees to state trails and certain state park: percentage retained by concessionaires or agents increased  - AB762
ATV operation by minors: laws revised -  AB196
Battery in violation of harassment injunction made a felony -  SB588
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created  - SB456
Cigarette and tobacco products: retailer licensing and sale or gifting regulation authority transferred to DHFS; local ordinance and DOR permit provisions - SB546