Markets, licensing, 95.68
Misrepresenting breed, 95.13
Movement and sale, 95.49
Painted utensils for feeding, 95.235
Poultry dealing regulations, 134.50
Preference in transit, 195.24
Production contracts, 100.04
Right of way when driven on highway, 346.21
Running on highways, penalty, 172.015
Sales, exception from implied warranty, 402.316 (3)
Secured transactions involving, 409.109 (3)
Limitation of actions, 893.36
Semen for artificial insemination, exempt from sales tax, 77.54 (27)
, Ch. 170
Appraisal, filing, fee, 170.03
Charges for keeping, 170.04
Neglected or abandoned animals, 951.15
Noncompliance with law, effect, 170.06
Notice required, 170.02
Removal, payment to finder, 170.06
Sale, 170.05
Who may take up, 170.01
Damage from trespass by, 90.04
Feeding garbage to, 95.10
Transportation and sale of cattle, 134.53
Truckers, licensing, 95.71
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.598