Account of ore received, penalty, 107.11, 107.12
Aid program, development department to assist in, 560.03 (4)
Conflicting claims, 107.03
Contracts and leases, rules governing, 107.01
Conveyance of mineral rights:
Lapse and reversion of interests, 706.057
Recording instruments, 706.05 (2), (3)
Registration, 706.055
Unrecorded, void, 706.08
County zoning, 59.69 (4) (a)
Definitions, 107.001
Leases, 107.20, 107.25
Permits, 293.21
Reporting requirements, 107.15
Fraud or neglect by miner, 107.04
Geological and natural history survey, 36.25 (6)
Injuries to persons and property:
Claims, mining damage fund, 107.31
Closed sites, application of law, 107.34
Current mining sites, application of law, 107.35
Liability of mining companies, 107.32
Limitation periods on claims, 107.33, 893.925
Inspection, 101.15 (2) (d)
Lakes and streams, removal of ore from beds of, 30.20
Liens, mining and smelting:
Extent, filing claims, 779.36
Foreclosure, same as mechanic's, 779.39
Mortgage not to affect, 779.38
Notice to officer, satisfaction, 779.37
Who may have, 779.35
Metallic mining council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (12)
Duties, 289.08
Mine shaft in Milwaukee county, abandoned, filling or fencing, 167.27
Nonmetallic mining reclamation:
Council, 15.347 (19)
Definitions, 295.11
DNR review, 295.18
Fees, 295.15
Applicability of ordinances, 295.16
Cities, villages or towns, 66.038, 295.14
Counties, 66.038, 295.13
Enforcement, 295.19
Inspection, 295.17
Preservation of certain deposits, 295.20
Rules, 295.12
Sale contracts, 402.107 (1)
Tax, metalliferous minerals, 70.37 to 70.396
For detailed analysis,

MINING 2. Permits and Environmental Regulation2. Permits and Environmental Regulation
Exploration, 293.21 (3)
Operator or prospector to file, 293.51
Release, 293.63
Cessation of mining,
see Reclamation or cessation, under this subhead
Conflict of laws, 293.93
Definitions, 293.01
Enforcement by justice department, 293.87
Citizen suits, 293.89
Environmental impact statement, 293.35 (5), 293.39, 293.43
Exploration; license, bond, 293.21
Forfeitures, exploring, prospecting or mining without authorization, 293.81
Local agreements regarding development, 293.41
Local impact committee, 293.33
Natural resources department:
Inspection powers, 293.86
Orders of department, 293.83
Cessation of mining or reclamation, 293.59
Powers and duties, 293.13, 293.15
Review of departmental decision, 293.95
Review of mining and reclamation plans and bonds, 293.53 (2)
Nonconforming sites, 293.91
Permits and licenses:
General provisions:
Cancellation, 293.53 (2), 293.83 (3), 293.85, 293.87
Deposit required, 70.395 (2) (dc)
Exploration, 293.21
Hearings on applications, 293.43
Lack of, forfeiture, 293.81
Modification, 293.55
Orders of natural resources department, violations, 293.83
Pollution discharge, application, 283.51
Preliminary data collection, monitoring, 293.31
Reclamation plan, 293.35, 293.37 (3), 293.55
Security required, 293.51
Mine excavation permits, 101.15
Mining permits:
Application, 293.37