Definitions, 92.03
Environmental impact, governmental consideration of, 1.11, 293.25 (6)
Erosion control:
Goals, state, 92.025
Planning program, 92.10
Farmland preservation, 91.80

Soil and water conservation plan, 92.104, 92.105
Geological and natural history survey, soils study, 36.25 (6)
Committee notified of changes, 80.05
Departments, notified of changes, 80.39 (2), 84.01 (17), 84.02 (3)
Intergovernmental cooperation, 92.12, 92.13
Land conservation board:
Agreements on farmland preservation:
Duties, 91.13
Relinquishment of, 91.19
Agricultural zoning ordinances, certification, 91.78
Certification of ordinances and plans, 91.06
County agricultural preservation plans, certification, 91.61
Creation, membership, 15.135 (4)
Definitions, 91.01, 92.03
Inland lakes protection and rehabilitation council, 15.347 (8)
Interdepartmental cooperation, 91.03
Appointment, 15.07 (1)
Compensation, 15.07 (5)
Vacancy, 15.135 (4)
Per diem for public members of board, 15.07 (5) (h)
Powers and duties, 92.04
Preliminary agricultural areas delineation, 91.05 (1)
Soil and water conservation studies and recommendations, 92.04 (1) (c)
Legislative intent, 92.02
Local management practices regulated, 92.11
Manure storage facilities, standards, 92.16
Municipal contracts for work on private lands, 66.34
Municipalities, cooperation, 92.12
Nonpoint source pollution abatement and agricultural chemical cleanup loan guarantees, 234.87
County may adopt, 59.70 (20)
Proposed by county, city or village, 92.11
Plan, 92.104
Policy-making and administration, 92.05
Referendum, ordinance, 92.11
Regulation of local and management practices, 92.11
Shore protection projects, 66.894 (14)
Shoreland management, 92.17
Special assessments by town for soil conservation, 66.345
Standards, 92.105
Review of standards by dept. of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, 92.106
State aids, 92.14
State soil erosion control goals, 92.025
State soils laboratory, establishment, 36.25 (9)
Town, cooperation, 92.12
Training and certification, 92.18
University regents, educational and administrative functions, 36.25 (7)
Watershed projects, 281.67