Exempt forms, 16.61
Governor's office, private secretary custodian, 14.07 (1)
Historical society:
Certifications, 16.61 (13)
Preservation, 44.02
Transfer to, 19.23
Land office, open to inspection, copies as evidence, 24.54
Law enforcement records, privilege to refuse to disclose, 905.09
Management service, 16.62
Microfilming, 16.61
Personal information protection,
Preservation during states of emergency, 166.10
Public records board:
Creation, membership, 15.105 (4)
Duties, 16.61
Reproduction deemed original, when, 16.61 (7), (8)
Reproduction or destruction, 16.61
Secretary of state, custodian, 14.43
State 23. Revenue Sharing23. Revenue Sharing
, Ch. 79
Accounts for, 79.01
Administration by revenue department, 79.09
Appropriation, 20.835
Definitions, 79.005
County mandate relief, 79.058
Distributions, 79.02, 79.10
Corrections, 79.08
Minimum and maximum, 79.06
Entitlements calculations, 79.03
Estimated payments, statement of, revenue dept. to provide to municipalities and counties, 79.015
Expenditure restraint program, 79.05
Municipalities formed after 1976, 79.006
Population estimates for state shared revenue distribution, 16.96 (2)
Property tax credits, 79.10, 79.14
Corrections, 79.175, 79.18
Public utility distribution, 79.04