Against coroner's administrators or executors for defaults of deputies, 59.35 (2)
Arson, death caused by, 943.065 (2)
Attached property, execution after death, 811.25
Continuation of pending action on death, incompetence, 803.10
Nonstock, dissolved, remedies, 181.65
Stock, dissolved, remedies, 180.1408
Damages against executors, 895.02
After creditor's death, 815.15
After debtor's death, 815.12, 815.14
Heirs and legatees, liability, 777.42
Personal representative's right to bring action, 777.01
Real property, action for recovery, 843.06
Statute of limitations, 893.22
Substitution of parties on death or incompetence, 803.10
Wrongdoer's estate liable, 777.01
Wrongful death,