Municipal court records; delivery, demand, duty, 755.12 to 755.14
Neglect of duty, 69.69
Powers and duties, 60.33
Town meetings, 60.15
Publication or posting of ordinances and resolutions, 60.80
Taxation; duties:
Property tax:
Sales tax, proof of seller's permits required to issue city license to retailer, 77.61 (11)
Tax reports:
Assessments and exemptions, delivery to revenue dept., 70.53
Failure to return reports, 69.67
Taxes levied, delivery to county, 69.60
Taxes levied. delivery to revenue dept., 69.61
Town law forms, sent to clerk, 35.20
Training programs; state treasurer may conduct, 14.59
Towns 6. Finance6. Finance
Audits, 60.43, 66.041
Action to contest, limitation, 893.77
Administrative regulations, 67.10
Authorization, XI, 3; 67.03
Form and contents, 67.06
Issues, procedure, 67.05
Payment and maturity, 67.07
Protest; issuance stayed, 67.22
Certification of obligations, 67.025
Debt limit, XI, 3; 67.03
Debt service fund, 67.11
Definitions, 67.01
Diversion of funds, liability, 67.17
Execution and sale of obligations, 67.08
Public improvement bonds, 66.059, 66.54
Public utilities, transportation; financing acquisition, improvement, operation, 66.066, 66.067
Purposes for borrowing, 67.04
Refunding, pre 1922 bonds, 992.04
Registration of obligations, 67.09
Regulations generally, 67.10
Sale of obligations, 67.08
Sanitary districts, 60.78
Tax-exempt, private activity bonds, allocation of volume cap, 560.032
Temporary borrowing, 67.045, 67.12
Validation of debt, 67.02, 67.24, 67.25
Pre 1922 debts, 67.02 (1), 992.04
Variable rate obligations, 67.15
Authorization by town meeting, 60.10 (3)
Restrictions, 66.04
Specified purposes, 60.23
Preparation and adoption, 60.40
Requirements, 65.90
Claims against town, procedure, court action, 60.44
Debt, statement of, delivery to secretary of state, 69.68
Deposits, 34.05, 60.34 (2), 60.46
Disbursements from town treasury, 60.34 (1), 60.45, 66.042
Finance book, 60.42
Financial reports, delivery to revenue dept., 73.10
Financial statement, annual, 60.41
Fiscal year, 60.40 (1)
Industrial development, 66.52
Revenue bonding, job impact estimates, 66.521, 560.034
Investments, 66.04 (2)
Delegation of investment authority, 66.04 (2m)
Local government pooled-investment fund, 25.50
Investments and advances of credit, generally, Ch. 219
For detailed analysis,

Public improvements, 66.059, 66.066, 66.067
Public utilities:
Municipal, 66.066
Service contracts and franchises, 66.061
Public works contracts and competitive bidding:
, 60.47, 66.29
Energy savings performance contracting, 66.949
Invalid contracts, obligation to pay for work performed, 66.295
Liability of contractor, bond, 779.14
Payment by municipality, 66.54
Wage scale, 66.293
Cooperative with state and technical information from, 16.73
General requirements, 66.299
Revenue sharing between municipalities, 66.028
Shared revenue account, state; distributive shares of, 79.02 to 79.06
Statutes of limitations:
Contracts, attacking, 66.13, 893.75
Payments on contracts, bonds, and other obligations, 893.61
Unclaimed funds in public treasury, 59.66 (2)
Towns 7. Highways7. Highways