, Ch. 36
Academic staff, 36.09 (4m)
Appointments, 36.15
Sick leave, 36.30
Admission policies, 36.11 (3)
Admissions and related matters, information program, 36.25 (36)
Advanced opportunity program, 36.25 (14)
Agricultural and life sciences college:
Agricultural technology and family farm program, 36.25 (30m)
Buildings exempt from code when used for agricultural purposes, 101.05
Demonstration stations, experiments, 36.25 (3)
Drainage district report, 88.11 (5)
Dutch elm disease studies, 36.25 (4)
Seed certifying agency, 94.40
Soils laboratory, 36.25 (9)
Agricultural lands:
Platting, sale, purchase, 13.48 (2) (d)
Sale and relocation, 36.33
Agricultural safety and health center, 36.25 (32)
Agriculture, integrated program, 36.25 (27)
Abuse prevention and intervention programs, 36.48
Beer, restrictions on brewers or wholesalers, 125.33
Purchase restrictions, 125.69
American Indian health plan, duties, 36.25 (35)
Academic staff, 36.15
Faculty, 36.13
Lapse, 36.21
Limited, 36.17
Other, 36.19
Appropriations, 20.285, 20.866 (2)
Capital improvement authorizations, 20.866 (2) (s), (t)
Reimbursement, when required, 36.52
Archives as depositories for records, 16.61 (13)
Athletic department, deficit, funds, 36.44 (2)
Athletic events:
Body passing, alcohol consumption prohibited, 59.54 (11), 167.32, 778.25 (1) (a), 938.17 (3)
Complimentary and reduced price tickets prohibited, exceptions, 36.39
Auxiliary reserve funds, 36.11 (13), 36.46
Biotechnology education, 36.25 (31)
Board of regents:
Appointments, 36.13 to 36.21
Corporate body, 36.07 (1)
Creation, 15.91
Duties, reports, 15.04
General provisions, 15.07
Insurance, may procure, 36.11 (5)
Investment board to assist, 25.17 (9)
Investment of gifts, 36.29 (1)
Meetings, officers, records, 36.07
Members, selection, 15.07 (1)
Police power, 36.11 (2)
Powers and duties, 36.11
Reports required:
Expenditures, 36.11 (29m)
Information technology, 36.11 (30)
Responsibilities, 36.09 (1)
Staff of, 16.57
Building program planning and approval, 36.11 (26)