BUILDINGS 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Boilers and mechanical devices, 101.17
Community-based residential facilities, building requirements, develop, 101.127
Construction contracts,
Controlled substances, prohibited uses, 961.42
Definitions, 101.01
Electrical construction regulation:
Commerce department, powers and duties, 101.82, 101.84
Compliance with rules, 101.88
Definitions, 101.80
Municipal authority, 62.17, 101.86, 101.865
Penalties under the law, 101.88
Wiring regulation, 101.87
Electricians, certification of, 101.87
Excavations, rights and duties of adjoining landowners, 101.111
Exempt buildings, 101.05
Fire, hazards, prevention, 101.14 (1)
Fire marshal, entry, 165.55 (9), (10)
Firewalls, uniform rules, 101.135
Heating, cooling and ventilating contractors, 101.178
Height, control by transportation department, 114.135
Historic buildings:
Abrasive cleaning of, 101.1215
Building code, 101.121
Municipal, rights and obligations, 44.42, 66.037
Razing, 66.05 (9)
Unauthorized demolition, penalty, 943.014
Inspection fees and records, 101.19
Lines, 62.23 (11)
Milwaukee, property insurance escrow, 632.10 to 632.104
Mortgaged, removal, replevin, 708.04
Moving on city streets, permit, 62.14
Open stairways, guarding, 167.20
Public buildings, construction:

Boilers and mechanical devices, 101.17
Commerce dept. authority, 101.02 (15)
Inspection fees and records, 101.19
Construction, approval and inspection, 101.12
Disabled persons, accommodations, 101.13
Electrical regulation and inspection, 101.80 to 101.88
Energy conservation code, 101.027
Erosion control, construction sites, 101.1205
Heated sidewalks prohibited, 101.124
Safety glazing of glass in hazardous locations, 101.125
Ventilation requirements, 101.025
Wage rate:
Municipal, 66.293
State, 103.49
Variances from standards, 101.055 (4)
Public nuisances, 66.05, 823.21
Safe place statute, 101.02 (15), 101.11
Safety glazing of glass in hazardous locations, 101.125
Sewage, connections, compelled, 281.45
Smoke detectors, requirement, 101.145, 101.615, 101.645, 101.745, 101.925
Smoking regulated, 101.123
Solar access, obstruction, damages, 700.41, 844.22
Urinals, flushing devices for, rules, 101.07