Stadium discounts for officials prohibited, 19.451
Fees charged by officers to be uniform, 66.111
Fire fighters:
Chief of department:
Appointment, subordinates, 62.13 (3), (4)
Required, 62.09 (1)
Collective bargaining and arbitration, 111.77
Disciplinary actions, 62.13 (5)
Rest day, 62.13 (11), 213.13
Rules governing leaving city, 62.13 (10m)
Forester, 27.09
Health commissioner, 62.09 (1)
Health officials and departments,
Highway safety coordinator, 62.135
Holidays, Memorial day, leave for employes, 45.49
Humane officers, appoint, 58.07
Insurance benefits:
Health, accident, life, 66.185
Self-insured health plans, 66.184
Interchange of government employes, 230.047
Interim officers upon incorporation, 66.019 (3)
Labor negotiator, 111.70 (5)
Mayor, 62.09 (1)
Animals doing damage, appraisers, fee, 173.01
Animals running at large, duties, 172.04, 172.05
Board of review membership, 70.46
Common council; membership, voting, calling meetings, 62.11
Emergency powers, 66.325
Notice to destroy weeds, 66.96
Plan commission membership, 62.23 (1)
Powers and duties, 62.09 (7), (8)
Military service, leave, reinstatement, 45.51
Municipal judge:
Oath and bond, 755.03
Salary, 755.04
Term, 755.02
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Oath of office, 62.09 (4)
Occupational safety and health regulations, 101.02 (15) (jm), 101.055
Powers and duties, 62.09 (7)
Private interest in public contracts prohibited, 946.13
Public land commissioners, 27.11
Public utility commissioners, 66.068
Recall of officers, 9.10
Records belonging to:

Delivery to successor, 19.21, 19.24
Legal custodians, 19.33
Removal or suspension, 17.12
Assessors, boards of review, 17.14
Civil service employes, 17.12 (4)
Police and fire fighters, 62.13 (5), (5m), (6m)
Procedure, 17.16
Resignations, 17.01
Retirement system,
See also Collective bargaining, under this subhead

Fixed, paid, 62.09 (6)
Increases during terms of office, 66.196
Schedules, automatic, 66.199
School crossing guards, appointment, 349.215
Special counsel, compensation, 62.09 (12)
Stadium discounts for officials prohibited, 19.451
Street commissioners, 62.09 (1)
Terms, 62.09 (5)
Unions authorized, 111.70
Due to armed service, 17.035
Filling, 17.23
How caused, 17.03
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Notice, 17.17
Qualification of successor, 17.28
Substitutes, temporary, 62.09 (5) (d)
Weed commissioners, 66.97, 66.99
Worker's compensation, 102.03 (1) (c) 5., 102.07 (10)

CITIES 12. Parks and Recreation12. Parks and Recreation
Acquisition of property for, 27.08 (2), 62.22
Board of park commissioners, 27.08
Police, legislative power, 27.14
Board of public land commissioners, 27.11
Common council powers, 27.08
County exercise of municipal park powers, 27.075
Forester, duties, 27.09
Forests, community, 28.20 to 28.23
Laying out, vacating or extending; notice required, 840.11
Lease to subdivision association of land dedicated and unimproved, 236.29 (3)
Moneys received for, how dispersed, 27.15
Construction and maintenance costs, 27.12 (1)
Damages from deficient construction, maintenance, 27.12 (2)