Removal, 17.12 (2)
Vacancies in office, 17.23 (2)
CITIES 6. Common Council6. Common Council
, 62.11
Accounts of officers, to examine, 62.12 (3)
Audits and reports, finances and operations, 66.041
Corporate authority, vested in mayor and council, 62.09 (7)
County supervisor and alderperson, combined office, 66.192
Emergency government, 166.03 (4), 166.06, 166.07
Emergency powers, 66.325
How constituted, 62.11 (1)
Licenses and permits, appeal rights generally,
Veto, override, 62.09 (8)
Vote, 62.11 (1), (3)
Open meetings law, 19.81 to 19.98
Time, 62.11 (2)
Members, 62.09 (1)
Compatibility with office of county supervisor, 59.10 (4), 66.192
Compensation, 62.09 (6)
Election, 62.09 (3)
Eligibility for other offices, 66.11
Fence viewers, 90.01
Municipal court, ordinance creating, 755.01
Code; adoption, publication, 66.035
Criminal conduct, power to prohibit, 66.051
Mayoral veto, override, 62.09 (8)
Penalty restrictions, 66.115
Style, publication, 62.11 (3), (4)
Traffic regulation, 349.03
Powers, 62.11 (5)
President, 62.09 (8) (e)
Proceedings, publication, 62.11 (4)
Public deposits, duty to designate depository, 34.05 (1)
Quorum, two-thirds to constitute, 62.11 (3)
Redistricting, 62.08
Rules for board of public works, 62.14 (4)
Voting procedure, 62.11 (3)
Accounting, 62.12 (3)
Audits and reports, 66.041
Action to contest, limitation, 893.77
Administrative regulations, 67.10
Authorization, XI, 3; 67.03
Vote required, 62.12 (6)
Form and contents, 67.06
Issues, procedure, 67.045, 67.05
Payment and maturity, 67.07
Protest; issuance stayed, 67.22
Certification of obligations, 67.025
Debt limit, XI, 3; 67.03
Debt service fund, 67.11
Definitions, 67.01
Diversion of funds, liability, 67.17
Execution and sale of obligations, 67.08
Joint city-county projects, 66.51
Public improvement bonds, 66.059, 66.54
Public utilities, transportation; financing acquisition, improvement, operation, 66.066, 66.067
Purposes for borrowing, 67.04
Refunding, pre 1922 bonds, 992.04
Registration of obligations, 67.09
Regulations generally, 67.10
Sale of obligations, 67.08
Sewer district bonds, 62.185
Tax-exempt private activity bonds, allocation of volume cap, 560.032
Temporary borrowing, 67.045, 67.12
Validation of debt, 67.02, 67.24, 67.25
Pre-1922 debts, 67.02 (1), 992.04
Variable rate obligations, 67.15
Budget system, 65.90
Appropriation restrictions, 62.12 (6), 66.04 (1)
First class city system,
Officers and departments; requests and accounts to be filed, 62.12 (2)
Optional system, board of estimates, 65.01
Comptroller's duties, 62.09 (10)
Cooperative contracts with other municipalities, 66.30
Debt, statement of, delivery to secretary of state, 69.68
Financial reports, delivery to revenue dept., 73.10
Fiscal year, 62.12 (1)
Deposit of, 34.05, 62.12 (7)
Disbursements; procedure:
, 66.042
Execution of payment orders by clerk, 62.09 (11)
Record of payment orders, 66.081
License moneys, 62.12 (5)