Buildings, razing ordinances, 66.05 (10)
Civil service, 63.18 to 63.53
Aiding or obstructing person examined, 63.38
Annual report, 63.21
Applications, 63.35
Appointments to conform to rules, 63.26
Blind applicants, 63.32, 63.33
City attorney's office, 63.28, 63.29
City to cooperate, 63.22
Classification of offices, 63.23
Collective bargaining, 63.43 (3)
Appointments, terms, 63.18
Delegation to board of school directors, 63.235
Duties and powers, 63.19
Examinations, 63.32 to 63.35
Examiners; appointment, compensation, 63.36
Exempt positions, 63.27, 63.28
Funds for board, 63.31
Impersonation in applications, registrations, examinations forbidden, 63.38
Notice of appointments and offices abandoned, 63.42
Pay for appointments or promotions prohibited, 63.50
Payments, payrolls, 63.45
Political contributions, 63.49
Political influence, 63.51
Registry of eligibles, 63.37
Removals, 63.43, 63.44
Rules, 63.24, 63.25
School board employes, 63.53
Secretary, 63.30
Special expert class, 63.40
Suspensions, 63.43 (2)
Vacancies, 63.39
Special cases, 63.41
Veterans' preference, 63.37
Violations of law, 63.52
Witnesses, compulsory attendance, fees, 63.20
Common council:
Office vacancy of member, filling, 17.23 (1) (b)
School bonds, 119.49
School tax, 119.46, 119.47, 119.48
Tax levy, purpose, 65.07
Alternate procedures, 32.50 to 32.72
Housing and urban renewal, 32.05
Constable's office abolished, 62.09 (1) (e)
Crime commission, appropriation, 59.80
Ballots, preparation, 7.15 (2) (b)
Board of commissioners:
Challenges heard by, 6.48
Duties, 7.21
Members, terms, 7.20
Powers and duties, 7.22
Salaries, 7.22 (1)
Canvass by election commissioners, 7.53 (2)
Challenging registration, 6.48 (2)
Officials, appointment, 7.30 (4)
Primary, school board, 8.11 (2m)
School, 119.08
Exposition center, establishment, board to govern, 229.26
Expressway system, quitclaim deeds, transfer of studies, 59.84 (4)
Fire department, 62.50
Fire inspection, 101.14 (2)
Platoons, hours of labor, 62.13 (11a)
Firearms, seized, disposal of, 968.20 (3)
Funds, disbursement, 66.042 (5)
General charter law not to apply, 62.03
Highway funds:
Allotment for bond payments, 84.03 (1) (b)
East-west transportation corridor, 85.028
Invested fund proceeds, use, 66.04 (4)
Land, division into small parcels, penalty, 236.33
Contract for services for physically handicapped, 43.03 (6)
Public, board, 43.54 (1) (am)
Appointments, 66.146
Office vacancy, filling, 17.23 (1) (b)
Menomonee river conservation project, 23.19
Metropolitan sewerage district, 66.88 to 66.918
Motor vehicles, weight limitations, 348.15, 348.16, 349.15 (3)
Municipal court:
Circuit court concurrent jurisdiction when not in session, 755.045 (1)
Commencement of action, video or audio appearance, 800.01 (1)
Release of video-transmitted defendants, 800.04 (2)
Municipal elections, legal holiday, 895.20
Municipal theater, establishment authorized, 229.27
Museum, 229.11 to 229.18