For assessment, 70.27
Replats, 236.36
Plumbing, 145.04, 145.05
Regional planning commission, 66.945
Rural planning, 27.019
Sanitary code, 59.70 (1)
Shoreland management ordinances, 92.17
Unsewered property:
Building on, 66.036
County responsibilities, 145.20 (2)
Ordinance, 59.70 (5)
Sanitary permit, issuance, 145.135, 145.19
Septage, disposal by, 281.48 (5m)
Zoning, generally, 59.69
Agricultural ordinances, 91.71 to 91.78
Airport areas, 114.136
Boards of adjustment, 59.694
Building inspector to enforce, 59.698
Family day care homes, 66.304
Fees for appeals, 59.697
Fees for filing petitions, 59.696, 59.697
Floodplain, 87.30
Petition to, by town board, 60.61 (3)
Shoreland management ordinances, 92.17
Shorelands on navigable waters, 59.692
Subdivision control, 236.45
COUNTIES 11. Lands, County Owned11. Lands, County Owned
Acquisition, management and conveyances:
Board powers, 59.52 (6)
Constitutional authority to acquire, XI, 3a
Title, how held and conveyed, 59.06
Adverse possession against, 893.29
Drainage district assessment, 88.48
Public lands, sale to county, 24.09
Relief from conditions of dedications, 66.27
Rents, return to municipalities, 59.52 (17)
Tax-deeded lands:
Exchange of lands, 59.69 (8)
Sale, notice, proceeds, 75.35
Vacating or altering plats:
Application, 236.40
Areas dedicated to public, 236.43
Hearing and order, 236.42
Notice, 236.41
Recording order, 236.44
Tax delinquent lands, sale, notice, 75.69
Tax title, evidence of, 992.08
Title to property, 59.06
Zoning of county owned lands, 59.69 (9)
Counties 12. Officers and Employes12. Officers and Employes
, 59.20
Abstractor, 59.44
Bond and oath, 59.21
Actions against:
Damages, costs, 895.46
Expenses, 895.35
Notice of claims, limitations, damages limits, 893.80
Sheriff, coroner, medical examiner; statute of limitations, 893.70
Administrative coordinator; designation, duties, 59.19
Administrator, 59.18
Administration dept.; appointment and supervisory power, 59.52 (1)
Budgetary procedure, 59.60 (1)
Constitutional authority, IV, 23, 23a
Corporation counsel; appoint, supervise, remove, 59.42 (1) (b)
County abstractor; appointment, supervision, 59.44 (1) (b)
Assessors, 70.99
Appointment, 59.48, 70.99 (1)
Board of, establishment, 70.99 (10m)
Certification, 73.09
Discontinue, 70.99 (14)
Review of assessments, 70.47 (3) (a)
Attorneys, support enforcement responsibility, 59.53 (6)
Auditor, 59.47
Automobile allowance, how paid, 59.52 (10)
Bonds, 19.01, 59.21
Action on; self-incrimination, immunity, 885.24
Blanket bonds, 59.52 (11)
Payment of premium, 19.01 (8)
Suit on, 19.015
Building inspector, appointment, 59.698

Child welfare services, 48.56 to 48.59
Civil service, 59.52 (8), 63.01 to 63.17
Collective bargaining, 111.70
Law enforcement employes, 111.77
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Combination positions, Menominee county, 59.20 (2)
Conservation wardens, 23.10 (2)
Corporation counsel, 59.42