Alcohol beverages law violations, prosecutions by, 125.145
Anti-trust prosecutions, 133.17
Actions for civil forfeiture, 133.03 (3)
Injunctions, 133.16
Appropriation, 20.475, 20.505 (8)
Architects and engineers, registration enforcement, 443.18
Arson cases, proceedings and reports, 165.55
Assessor, removal proceedings, 73.06 (4)
Criminal cases, 978.045
Employment by railroad or public utility prohibited, 196.675
Powers under criminal law, 967.03
Smaller counties, population estimates, 978.041
Autopsies, 979.02
Babcock test, false reading, prosecute violation, 98.15 (2)
Benefits of district attorney and state employes in office, 978.12
Beverage tax law violations, prosecutions, 139.26
Bond and oath, 19.01
Boxing law violations, 444.16 (2)
Budget, 978.11
Burial sites preservation, action, 157.70 (7)
Certify state witness fees, 885.07
Child sexual abuse, deferred prosecution agreements, 971.37
Child support, attorneys to enforce, 59.53 (6)
Child victims and witnesses, duty to expedite proceedings, 971.105
Children's code proceedings:

Duties, 48.09
Cigarette tax law violations, prosecutions, 139.45
Citations for misdemeanors, review, 968.085 (5)
Claims against county, examine and report, 59.64 (1)
Communications, application for court order to intercept, approve request, 968.28
Compensation, 230.12 (1)
Consolidation of multi-county charges, 971.09
Contempt complaint, issuance, 785.03 (1)
Controlled substances forfeiture action, commencement, 961.555 (2)
Corporate take-over law, violations, institute criminal proceedings, 552.19 (2)
Corporation counsel, duties divided, 59.42 (1)
Crime victims, justice department may request cooperation, 949.13
Crime victims and witnesses, intergovernmental cooperation, 950.07
Criminal complaint, issuance, 968.02
Criminal defendant, pretrial detention, denial of release from custody, 969.035 (3)
Deaths, subpoena for documents on cause, 979.015
Deferred prosecution programs, 971.37, 971.38
Agreement with dept. 971.39
Volunteers in probation program, 971.40
Deputies and assistants in certain prosecutorial units, 978.03
Disorderly house, action to abate, 823.10, 823.11
Dog license law, duties, 174.12 (4)
Domestic abuse, 968.075 (7), (9)
Deferred prosecution agreements, enter into, 971.37
Drug advertising, fraudulent, 100.182
Duties, 978.05
Disposition of intrastate detainers, 971.11
Election, 978.01
Term, 59.20 (2)
Term, removal, VI, 4
Election laws, action to compel compliance, 5.07
Elector, petition for enforcement of election laws, 5.08
Eligibility for office, 978.02
Employment relations law, duties, 111.12
Endurance contests, abatement, 175.15
Extradition, application for, 976.03 (23)
False information to, penalty, 946.65
Forest trespass and fires, prosecution, 26.18
Forfeiture action, prosecute for town, 778.12
Forfeiture under chs. 30 and 31, prosecute, 30.03
Franchise investment law, commence action for injunction, 553.54
Gambling devices, transporting, action for forfeiture of vehicle or aircraft, 945.05 (3)
Gambling law enforcement, 945.041
Grand jury:
Attend when, 756.15
Oath to witnesses before, 756.14
Habeas corpus, 781.04 (2), 782.27
Habitual traffic offender:
Represent secretary, 351.04
Secretary to certify copy of conviction record to, 351.03
Highway labor laws, duties, 103.50 (8)
Indigents, reports on recoupment and repayment, 977.085 (3)
Industry, buildings and safety violation prosecutions, 101.02 (5)
Information, filing, 971.01
Injunction against child care violations, 48.77
Jury instructions, 979.08
Procedure, 979.05
When called, 979.04
Witnesses, 979.06
Insurance law, enforcement, 601.12 (2)
Interstate detainers, 976.05, 976.06
Intrastate detainers, disposition duties, 971.11