Breakfast program, 115.341
Certifying students eligibility, 115.347
Lunch program, 115.34
Morning milk program, 115.343
Nutritional improvement for elderly, 115.345
Powers, 15.04
Preschool to grade 5 program grants, duties, 115.45
Private schools, determination, 118.165, 118.167
Proprietary schools, rules and approval, 38.51
Protective behaviors programs, development, 115.368
Pupil discrimination, policies, complaints, determination, appeals, 118.13
Pupil membership audits, 115.28 (18)
Religious beliefs, accommodation, 115.28 (31)
Annual school district report, 120.18, 121.05
By officers and boards, 115.30 (1)
To governor and legislature, 115.30 (4)
School age parents program, 115.91 to 115.93
School buildings, inspection, order to repair, 115.33
School district boundary appeal board:

Creation, 15.375 (2)
Jurisdiction, procedure, 117.05
School districts:
Report to dept. regarding aid, 121.87
Valuation, certification by revenue department, 121.06
School nurses, certification, 115.28 (7m)
School performance report, 115.38
Sectarian instruction excluded, 115.28 (2)
State aid:
Adjustment, redetermination of assessment, 121.09
Low income students, achievement guarantee program, 118.43
Provide estimate to districts, 121.15 (4)
Withholding, 121.006
Suicide prevention council, creation, membership, 15.377 (7m)
Suicide prevention program, assistance to schools, 115.365
Tax bills, provide information for, 115.28 (22)
Crimes against children, court to report to superintendent, 973.135
Discrimination, hold hearings, 118.20
Qualifications, interstate compact, 115.46, 115.47
Supply, information and analysis, 115.29 (5)
Teacher exchange, coordination and publicizing, 115.28 (34)
Teacher improvement program, 115.41
Teacher certificates, 118.19, 118.192
Testing of pupils, 118.30
Transcript, development of uniform form, 115.28 (32)
Transportation or board and lodging of pupils, approve state aid, 121.58 (5)
Tuition for pupils, written agreements, approve, 121.78 (1)
Uniform financial fund accounting, prescribe, 115.28 (13)
Youth village program, 118.42
Academic excellence higher education scholarships, 39.41
Appropriation, 20.235
Accredited institution, 39.30 (1)
Department, 39.26
Institution of higher education, 39.32 (1)
Resident student, 39.30 (1), 39.32 (1)
Dental education contracts, duties of dept., 39.46
Federal aid, duties regarding administration, 39.28 (2)
Determination of student costs, 39.31
Education commission, review of proposed formulae, 39.285
Full-time post high students, eligibility, amount, 39.30
Higher education and talent incentive, 39.435
Guaranteed student loan program, 39.33
Public purpose corporations, 181.79
Health education loan program:
Administration, 39.325
Funding, 39.374
Independent student grants, 39.45
Indian student assistance, 39.38
Interstate agreements, 39.42
Medical student loan program, repayment obligation terminated, 39.34
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity agreement, administration, 39.47
Minority civil engineer scholarship and loan repayment incentive grant program, 85.107
Minority group pupil scholarships, 115.43
Minority teacher loan program, 39.40
Minority undergraduate grants, administer, 39.44
National direct student loans, servicing, 36.31 (3)
Nursing student stipend loans, 39.39
Powers and duties, 39.28
Scholarships for teachers in educationally disadvantaged areas, repayment obligation terminated, 39.35
Student loan program:
Administration, 39.32, 39.33
Deduction from state employe's earnings to repay, 39.32 (11)
Funding, 39.37
Academic excellence higher education scholarships, 39.41