Employer to list, 103.457
Faulty workmanship, loss, theft, damage, 103.455
For state employes, 20.921
Discharged employes, payment to, 109.03 (2)
Garnishment, discharge from employment for, prohibited, 425.110
Highway contracts, 103.50
Migrant labor, 103.93
Minimum wage law:
, Ch. 104
Funeral directors, 445.095
Trade or trade industry, 104.08
Classifications, orders, 104.04
Complaints, investigation, 104.05, 104.12
Definitions, 104.01
Employer's records, 104.09
Industry, labor and job development department, duties, 104.04
Intimidating employes, 104.10
License to employ for less than living wage, 104.07
Living wage prescribed, 104.02
Review of department orders, 104.04
Trade industry, minors indentured, 104.08
Unlawful wages, 104.03
Violations defined, 104.11
Wage council, 104.06
Minors, department of industry, labor and job development may sue to recover arrears, 103.32
Minor's right to, when neglected, 48.987
Penalties, 109.11
Plant closings, payment to employes, 109.03 (4)
Preference, in receiverships, 813.17
Public employes,
Refer also to the subject heads for specific employers, e.g. Cities, Schools, State
Public works contracts, wage scale:
Municipal, 66.293
Penalties, 946.15
State, 103.49, 103.50
Reciprocal agreements, 109.10
Resigned employes, payment to, 109.03 (2)
State construction contracts:
Building construction, wage rate, 103.49
Highway contracts, wages, hours, 103.50
State public works, rate, 103.49, 103.50
Statute of limitations, 893.44 (2)
Time checks, where payable, 103.45
Tips and gratuities, minimum wage obligation, 104.045
Unclaimed, 177.15
Wage claims, 109.09
Costs, 109.03 (6)
When wages payable, 109.03