Net fishing:
Commercial fishing in outlying waters, 29.33 (1)
License, 29.30
License exemption, 29.145
Mississippi and St. Croix rivers, license, 29.34
Restrictions, 29.30
Slat, Mississippi river, 29.343
Trammel net, Mississippi river, 29.344
Net guns, use, 29.17 (4)
Described, 29.336
Nuisance when, 29.03 (1), (2m)
Possession, limitations, 29.286
Nongame species, conservation program, 29.175
Noxious substances or devices forbidden, 29.29
Outlying waters, defined, 29.01 (11)
Refer to the individual sections for penalties imposed for the violation thereof
Conservation violations, 23.09 (7), 23.095
Fishing shelter removal assessment, 29.9967
General provisions, 29.99
Natural resources assessments, 29.997
Natural resources restitution payments, 29.998
Parties to violation, 29.996
Repeat offenders, 29.995
Wild animal protection assessments, 29.9965
see Licenses and permits, under this head
Pesticides, DNR rules, 29.29 (4)
Pigeons, protection, 29.256
Poison bait, 29.29, 29.60
Endangered species, 29.415 (4)
In close season, 29.39
Predatory animals to public zoos, 29.605
Of fish by state, 29.50, 29.51
Of mammals and birds by state, 29.54
Privileged, 29.50
Public hunting and fishing grounds, 29.555
Public waters, removal of plants or plant products from, 29.54 (2)
Hunting season, 29.174 (14)
Landowner may hunt, 29.24
Bounty on, 66.37
Nuisance when, 29.03 (9)
Refuges, 23.09 (2)
Protected, 29.56
Resident, defined, 29.01 (12)
Sale of:
Confiscated goods, 29.05 (8), 29.06
Eggs from trout or salmon, 29.48 (3)
Endangered species, 29.415 (4)
Game or fish, 29.48
Scientific collector permits, 29.092 (10), 29.093 (10), 29.17
Senior citizen:
Fishing license exemption, 29.145 (1)
Recreation card, 29.093 (12), 29.095
Shining animals, 29.245
Skins of fur bearing animals, possession regulated, 29.41
Skunks; possession, sale, release, destruction, 29.427
Snares, nuisance when, 29.03 (5)
Snowmobile, use of prohibited when pursuing animals, 350.07
Spearfishing, law enforcement aid program, 29.599
Spring guns:
Forbidden, 941.20 (2)
Nuisance when, 29.03 (5)
Department to design and produce, 29.09 (13)
Duck, 29.102
Effective periods, 29.093
Fee schedule, 29.092
Great Lakes trout and salmon, 29.15
Pheasant hunting, 29.1025
Trout, 29.149
Waterfowl, 29.102
Stupefying substances, prohibited use, 29.29
Sturgeon, illegally taking, 29.99 (5m)
Sturgeon spearing licenses and tags, 29.148
Tags or seals, interfering with, 29.644
Permit fees, 29.092 (6), 29.093 (6)
Permits, records, 29.136
Transportation exemption, 29.43 (5), 29.44 (2), 29.45 (5), 29.46 (5), 29.47 (7)
Title to, 29.02
Tranquilizer guns, use, 29.17 (4)
Transplantation, fish, 29.51 (2)
Deer, 29.45, 29.578