Voidable transactions, 614.60
Organization expenses:
Payment of, 614.16
Reimbursement to incorporators, 614.18
Organization permit:
Application, contents, issuance, 614.13
Powers under, 614.14
Termination, 614.16
Organization procedure, acceleration, 614.22
Purposes of law, 614.02
Rates, 623.15 (2)
Rehabilitation, 614.77
Rehabilitation and liquidation law apply, 645.02 (5)
Reserves, required, 623.15 (3)
Restrictions imposed or eliminated by commissioner, 614.03
Scope of law, 614.02
Seal, omission of, 614.07 (3)
Authorized, 614.33
Regulation, 614.31
Segregated accounts, 614.24
Subscription proceeds, deposit of, 614.14
Subsidiaries, 614.24
Surplus requirements, 614.19
Tax exemption, 614.80
Transitional provisions, continued effect, 610.40
Ultra vires acts, 614.07 (2)
Variable benefits, 614.24
Voluntary conversion to mutuals, 614.76
Voluntary dissolution of solvent domestic fraternals, 614.74
Voting, no votes by proxy, 614.42 (3)
Waiver of notice, 614.07 (4)
INSURANCE 13. Health Care Liability13. Health Care Liability
, Ch. 655
For non-insurance related provisions,
Cancellation or nonrenewal, 655.24
Liability limitation, 655.23 (5)
Malpractice insurance reports, 601.427
Payments prior to fault determination, 655.245 (2)
Penalties for violations, 655.23 (6), (7)
Policy limits, 655.23 (4)
Proof of financial responsibility, 655.23
Reports on claims paid, 655.26
Required policy provisions, 655.24
Risk sharing plans:
Cancellation or nonrenewal, 655.25
Mandatory, 619.04
Policy limits, 619.01 (7)
Self-insurance, 655.23
Settlements, rejection by provider prohibited, 655.245 (1)
Insurance 14. Health Care Plans14. Health Care Plans
For provisions relating to surgical, medical, hospital, major medical or other health services policy requirements,
Adopted children, mandatory coverage, 609.75
Chiropractic coverage, 609.70
Claims experience disclosure, 632.797
Continuation coverage, 632.897
Conversion to individual policy, 632.897
Cooperatives, sickness plans, 185.981 to 185.985
County officers and employes, 59.52 (11)
Dependent student coverage, 609.655
Disability, certification of, 632.99
Disciplinary action against providers, report to board, 609.17
Employe benefit plans,
Enrollment periods, notice, 609.10
Free choice of providers, 609.05 (1)
Grievance procedure, 609.15
Group health claims experience disclosure, 632.797
Group health plans:
Contract termination and renewability, 632.749
Coverage requirements, 632.745
Guaranteed acceptance, 632.747
Health care costs recovery, restrictions, election, 609.91 to 609.94
HIV infection, prohibited provisions, 609.81
Compulsory surplus, 609.97
Initial capital and surplus requirements, 609.96
Minimum covered liabilities, 609.95
Security surplus, 609.97
Special deposits, 609.98
Hospitals, recovery of health care costs, 609.92
Individual practice associations, recovery of health care costs, 609.92, 609.93
Joint ventures desirable, legislative findings, 609.001
Lead poison screening coverage, 609.85, 632.895 (10)
Limitations on health care service corporations, 628.36
Mammogram coverage, 609.80
Management contract services, 611.67
Medical savings accounts, 632.898
Mentally ill, coverage for court-ordered services for, 609.65
Milwaukee officers and employes, 66.186
Municipal officers and employes, 66.185
Open enrollment upon liquidation, 632.795
Optometric coverage, 609.60