12. Page 2704, line 18: delete "(5) (cm) 3. d.,".
13. Page 2704, line 23: delete "(title), (10) (title) and (11)" and substitute "(title) and (10) (title)".
14. Page 2705, line 9: delete the material beginning with "(2) (b)" and ending with "(5) on line 10 and substitute: "49.84 (2) and (5), 49.85 (2) (b), (3) (b) and (4) (b)".
15. Page 2705, line 20: after "(d) 1." insert "c.".
16. Page 2706, line 9: delete "(a) (intro.) and (b)".
17. Page 2706, line 12: delete "49.497 (2m),".
18. Page 2707, line 19: delete ", 48.48 (14)".
Note: Section 48.48 (14) is not repealed and recreated in the bill. Instead it is amended effectively January 1, 1996, and repealed effectively July 1, 1996.
19. Page 2707, line 20: delete "tions" and substitute "tion"; delete "and 46.986 (2) (d)"; and delete "section" and substitute "sections".
20. Page 2707, line 21: after "(ie)" insert "and 46.986 (2) (d)".
Note: Section 46.986 (2) (d) is not renumbered in the bill. Instead it is repealed effective July 1, 1996.
21. Page 2711, line 2: substitute "(by Section 476b)" for "(by Section 476cb)".
Senate Amendment 116 to Assembly Bill 150
1. Page 1, line 1: before "bill" insert "engrossed".
2. Page 29, line 21: on lines 21 and 23, delete "services" and substitute "service".
3. Page 29, line 22: after "delete" insert "the first".
4. Page 30, line 2: on lines 2 and 4, delete "services" and substitute "service".
5. Page 46, line 17: substitute "of any" for "of a".
6. Page 57, line 18: delete lines 18 and 19.
Note: The statute repealed in Item 413 of Senate Amendment 116 is repealed in the preceding Item of that amendment.
7. Page 66, line 18: after "mark" insert "and the last period".
8. Page 71, line 6: substitute "delete" for "strike through".
9. Page 71, line 7: delete that line and substitute: "quired" and substitute "any social security numbers provided".".
10. Page 73, line 16: delete the 2nd comma.
11. Page 74, line 7: before the colon insert "(and adjust the appropriate totals accordingly)".
12. Page 74, line 15: substitute "1,916,000" for "1,916,600".
13. Page 79, line 20: substitute "(1et)" for "(let)".
14. Page 89, line 9: after "and 3." insert a comma.
15. Page 89, line 10: delete the last comma.
16. Page 89, line 11: delete "sections".
17. Page 89, line 12: delete "section"; and after "(title)" insert "and".
Note: The 3 preceding items reconcile Items 635 and 636 of Senate Amendment 116.
18. Page 89, line 22: substitute "20.765" for "20.756".