Clearinghouse Rule 95-73 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-75 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-84 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-101 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-105 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-111 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-126 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-127 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-128 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-129 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-134 effective 1-1-96
Clearinghouse Rule 95-158 effective 1-1-96
Gary L. Poulson
Deputy Revisor
State of Wisconsin
Joint Legislative Council
December 21, 1995
Mr. Charles Sanders
Assembly Chief Clerk
1 East Main Street, Suite 402
Madison, WI 53702
Dear Charlie:
I am pleased to transmit to you the following reports to the 1995 Legislature on legislation introduced by the Joint Legislative Council:
RL 95-7 Legislation on Electronic Benefit Transfers
(1995 Senate Bill 445)
RL 95-8 Legislation on Use and Compensation of Guardians ad Litem
(1995 Assembly Bill 742)
I would appreciate your including this letter in the Journal for the information of the membership. Additional copies of these reports are available, on request, in the Legislative Council Staff offices, One East Main, Suite 401.
David J. Stute