03 Aging and Long-Term Care Board
04 Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
05 Arts Board
06 Banking
07 Boundary Area Commission, Minnesota-Wisconsin
08 Building Commission
09 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
10 Circuit Courts
11 Conservation Corps Board
12 Corrections
13 Cost Containment Commission
14 Court of Appeals
15 Credit Unions
16 Development
17 Educational Communications Board
18 Elections Board
19 Employe Trust Funds
20 Employment Relations Commission
21 Employment Relations Department
22 Ethics Board
23 Gaming Commission
24 Governor
25 Health and Educational Facilities  Authority
26 Health and Social Services
27 Higher Educational Aids Board
28 Historical Society

29 Housing and Economic Development Authority
30 Industry, Labor and Human Relations
31 Insurance
32 Investment Board
33 Joint Committee on Finance
34 Judicial Commission
35 Judicial Council
36 Justice
37 Legislature
38 Lieutenant Governor
39 Lower Wisconsin State Riverway Board
40 Medical College of Wisconsin
41 Military Affairs
42 Natural Resources
43 Personnel Commission
44 Public Defender Board
45 Public Instruction
46 Public Service Commission
47 Regulation and Licensing
48 Revenue
49 Savings and Loan
50 Secretary of State
51 Securities
52 State Fair Park Board
53 Supreme Court
54 Technical College System
55 Transportation
56 Treasurer
57 University of Wisconsin System
58 Veterans Affairs
59 Other
— — — — — —  — — — — — —  — — — — — 
State agency reorganization
This bill makes a number of changes in the organization and functions of
various state agencies.
The bill changes the name of the public records and forms board to the public
records board and transfers most forms functions from that board to the department
of administration (DOA); creates a division of technology management in DOA;
transfers administration of the judicial automated information systems from the
director of state courts to DOA; transfers operational responsibility for the
transaction information for the management of enforcement system from the
department of justice (DOJ) to DOA; permits DOA to submit to the joint committee
on finance (JCF) and implement a plan providing for the consolidation in DOA by
July 1, 1996, of the functions of all state agencies related to information technology

implementation, support and management; permits DOA to submit to JCF and
implement a plan for the consolidation in DOA by July 1, 1997, of the functions of
the University of Wisconsin (UW) System relating to information technology
processing; transfers the transmission and engineering functions of the educational
communications board to DOA; permits DOA to submit to JCF and implement a plan
providing for the consolidation in DOA by July 1, 1996, of the responsibilities of state
agencies related to their capital planning and building construction functions;
permits DOA to submit to JFC and implement a plan providing for the consolidation
in DOA by July 1, 1997, of the responsibilities of state agencies primarily related to
their document production, reproduction and distribution functions; on July 1, 1996,
transfers administration of the low-income energy assistance program from the
department of health and social services (DHSS) to DOA; abolishes the sentencing
commission, along with the requirement that judges consider sentencing guidelines
established by that commission when imposing felony sentences; and abolishes the
privacy council and the position of the privacy advocate.
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection
The bill abolishes the board of agriculture, trade and consumer protection,
which directs and supervises the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
protection (DATCP); puts DATCP under the direction and supervision of a secretary
who is nominated by the governor and appointed with the advice and consent of the
senate; creates an agriculture, trade and consumer protection council to advise
DATCP; and requires DOA to submit legislation by April 1, 1995, to transfer
consumer protection functions from DOJ to DATCP.
The bill transfers responsibility for the operation of the juvenile secured
correctional facilities known as the Ethan Allen School and the Lincoln Hills School
from DHSS to the department of corrections on July 1, 1996.
The bill abolishes the council on recycling, which is attached to the department
of natural resources (DNR), and transfers the functions of that council to the
recycling market development board, which is transferred from DOA to the
department of development (DOD). On July 1, 1996, the bill transfers responsibility
for administering and enforcing state laws regulating safety and buildings from the
department of industry, labor and human relations (DILHR) to DOD; transfers to
DOD most of the responsibilities of DNR relating to leaks from underground tanks
storing petroleum and other hazardous substances, as well as the petroleum storage
remedial action program responsibilities currently performed by DILHR and DNR;
transfers to DOD the responsibilities of DATCP and DILHR relating to the platting
of subdivisions, as well as certain municipal boundary review functions currently
performed by DOA; transfers the responsibility to operate a center for international
agribusiness marketing from DATCP to DOD; and changes the name of DOD to the
department of commerce.

On July 1, 1996, the bill transfers from the department of public instruction
(DPI) to the department of revenue (DOR) the responsibility for calculating and
distributing general school aid, the responsibility for distributing handicapped
education aid, pupil transportation aid, bilingual-bicultural education aid, school
library aids and tuition payments; changes the name of DPI to the department of
education (DOE) and provides for DOE to be under the direction and supervision of
a secretary of education, who is nominated by the governor and appointed with the
advice and consent of the senate; transfers to the secretary of education all duties and
powers currently assigned or granted to the state superintendent of public
instruction; creates an office of the state superintendent, attached to DOE, under the
direction and supervision of the state superintendent; eliminates the higher
educational aids board (HEAB) and transfers all functions of HEAB to DOE;
transfers all functions of the educational approval board (EAB), currently attached
to the technical college system board, to DOE; and transfers EAB itself to DOE as
an advisory council.
Financial institutions
On July 1, 1996, the bill creates a department of financial institutions (DFI),
abolishes the office of the commissioner of banking, the office of the commissioner of
savings and loan and the office of the commissioner of securities and consolidates
their functions in DFI; reorganizes the office of the commissioner of credit unions into
the office of credit unions and attaches that office to DFI for administrative purposes;
transfers from the office of the secretary of state to DFI the responsibility for uniform
commercial code filings, for federal lien filings and for the computerized statewide
lien system operated in conjunction with county offices of registers of deeds; and
transfers from the department of regulation and licensing to DFI regulatory
responsibility over mortgage bankers, loan originators and loan solicitors.
Gaming commission
On January 1, 1996, the bill changes the composition of the gaming commission
to replace 2 full-time commissioners with state employes; on January 1, 1996,
abolishes the gaming security division of the commission and requires the
commission to contract with DOA or another person for security services and the
monitoring of regulatory compliance by gaming operations; and removes the
prohibition against private contracting for financial auditing or security monitoring
services for the state lottery.
The bill creates a governor's council on workforce excellence and consolidates
in that council oversight over the planning, coordination, administration and
implementation of various state and federal employment and education programs
currently administered by DILHR, DHSS, the technical college system, DPI, DOD
and DOA.
Health and social services
The bill eliminates the cost containment commission, which reviews and
approves certain proposed capital expenditures for hospitals, and the cost

containment council, which advises the commission. On October 1, 1995, the bill
exempts hospitals and nursing homes from DILHR's review of plans for capital
construction for compliance with building code requirements and requires DHSS to
conduct plan reviews of hospitals and nursing homes for compliance with building
code requirements and with physical plant and life safety code requirements; and on
July 1, 1996, changes the name of DHSS to the department of health and family
Industry, labor and human relations
On July 1, 1996, the bill transfers from DHSS to DILHR supervision over the
administration of the aid to families with dependent children (AFDC) program, the
job opportunities and basic skills program, and the learnfare, work-not-welfare and
parental responsibility pilot programs; transfers from DHSS to DILHR
administration of the food stamps program, the employment and training program
for food stamp recipients, the children-first program and the program for payment
of funeral expenses for recipients of certain public assistance programs; transfers
from DHSS to DILHR supervision of income maintenance administration by county
departments of social or human services; transfers the division of vocational
rehabilitation from DHSS to DILHR; transfers the national and community service
board, currently attached to DOA, to DILHR; changes the name of DILHR to the
department of industry, labor and job development; and, on the date the bill becomes
law, transfers the Wisconsin conservation corps board, currently attached to DOA,
On January 1, 1996, the bill transfers the duty to provide information and
counseling to consumers on medicare supplemental insurance from the board on
aging and long-term care to the office of the commissioner of insurance.
Judicial council
The bill abolishes the executive secretary and clerical support for the judicial
council, requires the judicial commission to provide staff services to the judicial
council and requires that council to recommend court changes that will improve
court efficiency and effectiveness and reduce costs.
The bill abolishes the public intervenor position, as well as the requirement
that the attorney general appoint a public intervenor advisory committee.
Natural resources
The bill abolishes the natural resources board, which appoints a secretary to
administer DNR; provides for nomination of the secretary of natural resources by the
governor and appointment with the advice and consent of the senate; and creates a
natural resources council to advise DNR.
Personnel commission