1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
September 12, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Duff and Bock, cosponsored
by Senators Cowles, Burke and Farrow, by request of Governor Tommy G.
Thompson. Referred to Committee on Environment and Utilities.
1An Act to repeal 16.11 (2) (c), 16.11 (2) (j), 16.11 (3) (h) 1. and 2., 16.11 (3) (i) 1.,
216.11 (3) (i) 3., 16.11 (3) (m), 16.11 (3) (n) 2., 16.11 (4) (b), 16.11 (6) (e), 16.11 (6)
3(h), 16.11 (6) (m), 16.11 (8) (a) and 16.11 (8) (c);
to renumber 16.11 (2) (b), 16.11
4(2) (m), 16.11 (2) (o), 16.11 (2) (p), 16.11 (2) (r), 16.11 (3) (h) 3., 16.11 (3) (h) 5.,
516.11 (3) (i) 2., 16.11 (3) (i) 5., 16.11 (8) (d) and 16.11 (9) (d);
to renumber and
6amend 16.11 (1) (a) 7., 16.11 (2) (d), 16.11 (2) (f), 16.11 (2) (g), 16.11 (2) (h), 16.11
7(2) (i), 16.11 (2) (k), 16.11 (2) (L), 16.11 (2) (q), 16.11 (2) (s), 16.11 (3) (h) 4., 16.11
8(3) (i) 4., 16.11 (3) (n) 1., 16.11 (4) (c), 16.11 (4) (d), 16.11 (4) (e), 16.11 (6) (d), 16.11
9(6) (f), 16.11 (6) (i), 16.11 (6) (j), 16.11 (6) (k), 16.11 (8) (b), 16.11 (8) (e), 16.11 (8)
10(f) and 16.11 (9) (c);
to amend 14.81 (2) (b), 14.81 (2) (c) 1., 14.81 (3) (intro.),
1114.81 (3) (a), 16.11 (1) (a) (intro.), 16.11 (1) (a) 2., 16.11 (1) (a) 4., 16.11 (1) (a) 5.,
1216.11 (1) (a) 6., 16.11 (2) (a), 16.11 (3) (b) to (d), 16.11 (3) (g), 16.11 (3) (h) (intro.),
1316.11 (3) (i) (intro.), 16.11 (3) (j) (intro.), 16.11 (3) (k), 16.11 (4) (intro.) and (a),
1416.11 (5) (b), 16.11 (6) (title) and (a) to (c), 16.11 (7) (a) 3., 16.11 (7) (a) 6., 16.11
15(7) (a) 7., 16.11 (7) (b) and (c), 16.11 (8) (title), 16.11 (8) (g), 16.11 (8) (h), 16.11
16(9) (title), 16.11 (10), 16.115 (2), 16.12 (2), 16.13 and 144.463 (1);
to repeal and
17recreate 16.11 (2) (e), 16.11 (2) (n), 16.11 (3) (h) 6., 16.11 (3) (j) 1. and 2., 16.11
1(3) (o), 16.11 (5) (c), 16.11 (6) (g), 16.11 (6) (L), 16.11 (7) (a) 9., 16.11 (8) (i) and
216.11 (9) (b); and
to create 16.11 (1) (a) 7. and 8., 16.11 (2) (b), 16.11 (2) (d), 16.11
3(2) (g), 16.11 (2) (i), 16.11 (2) (L), 16.11 (3) (h) 4., 16.11 (3) (h) 5., 16.11 (3) (h) 7.,
416.11 (3) (i) 4., 16.11 (3) (i) 5. to 10., 16.11 (3) (j) 3., 16.11 (3) (n), 16.11 (3) (p) to
5(r), 16.11 (4) (b) 6., 16.11 (5) (f) and (g), 16.11 (6) (d), 16.11 (6) (f), 16.11 (6) (i),
616.11 (6) (n) to (t), 16.11 (7) (d) to (h), 16.11 (8) (e), 16.11 (8) (f), 16.11 (8) (j), 16.11
7(9) (c) and 16.11 (9) (f) of the statutes;
relating to: the midwest interstate
8low-level radioactive waste compact.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes numerous changes in the midwest interstate low-level
radioactive waste compact (compact). The compact provides for the establishment
and operation of facilities for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated
within the states that are parties to the compact. The decision-making body for the
compact is the midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste commission
(commission). Under federal law, a state must provide for the disposal of low-level
radioactive waste generated within the state, either by itself or as part of an
interstate body.
Under current law, unless a state volunteers to host a disposal facility, the
commission designates a host state. Designation as a host state is for 20 years or the
life of the disposal facility, whichever is longer. Once a disposal facility is operating
(currently, none has begun to operate), designation of the next host state will happen
5 years before that facility closes. The new host state is then responsible for the
timely development and operation of a disposal facility.
Under this bill, a host state must accept waste for 20 years or the life of the
disposal facility, as established by the commission, whichever is shorter. Designation
of the next host state takes place before the disposal facility in the preceding host
state begins to operate. The next host state must meet deadlines for siting and
licensing of a disposal facility and for the facility to begin operating. If the next host
state fails to meet these deadlines, low-level radioactive waste generated in that
state may not be disposed of at the regional disposal facility. Under the bill, once a
party state has hosted a disposal facility, it may not again be required to host a
facility until all of the other party states have hosted a facility.
Under current law, any party state may withdraw from the compact, but the
withdrawal does not take effect until 5 years from when the state gives notice of
intent to withdraw, except that a state that has been designated a host state has 90
days from the designation during which it may withdraw without waiting 5 years.
Under this bill, a state may withdraw from the compact only if it has taken its
turn at hosting a disposal facility or has been relieved of the obligation to host a
facility after the commission determines that there is no suitable site in the state.
In addition, the withdrawing state must pay to the commission an amount that the
commission determines is necessary to ensure that the then current host state does
not incur a financial loss.
The bill requires the commission to establish a remedial action fund to pay the
costs incurred by a party state because of an event that results from the development,
operation, closing or long-term care of a compact facility that threatens human
health, safety or welfare or the environment. The bill also requires each host state
of a disposal facility to establish a long-term care fund to pay for monitoring,
security, maintenance and repair of the facility after it has closed.
The current compact authorizes a host state to establish a fee system for any
compact facility located within the state to cover costs including the planning, siting,
licensure, operation, closure and extended care of the facility. The compact requires
a host state to levy surcharges on users of the facility to cover the annual budget of
the commission.
This bill requires a host state to establish a system of fees to be collected from
the users of a regional disposal facility located within the state. The fee system must
provide the host state with revenue to pay costs associated with the facility including
operation, closing, long-term care, local impact assistance and local financial
incentives. The commission must approve the fee system. The fee system is also used
to collect the surcharge that provides funding for the commission, including funds
to pay a state designated to host a disposal facility for costs incurred in developing
the facility and moneys for the remedial action fund. Under this bill, when no
compact facility is operating, the commission may impose fees on generators of
low-level radioactive waste within party states for the commission's operating costs.
This bill includes provisions to limit the liability of host states and other party
states and provides for indemnification by waste generators for most liability and
other costs that might be imposed on the states.
Under current law, a party state that fails to comply with the terms of the
compact may have its privileges suspended or its membership in the compact
revoked. This bill also authorizes the commission to impose financial penalties on
a state that fails to comply.
Among other changes concerning the operation of the commission, this bill
provides a state hosting an operating compact facility with a veto over certain
decisions such as the decision to revoke the membership of the state designated to
host the next compact facility.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB559, s. 1
1. 14.81 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) Request the commission to conduct a public hearing on the draft
3management disposal plan under s. 16.11 (4)
(e) (d).
AB559, s. 2
2. 14.81 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (c) 1. The commission proposes to designate this state as a host state
6for a facility, as defined
under in s. 16.11 (2)
(f) (h).
AB559, s. 3
3. 14.81 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (intro.) In negotiating and developing the bylaws,
management 9disposal plan and other appropriate documents as a member of the commission, the
10commission member representing this state shall:
AB559, s. 4
4. 14.81 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) Promote this state's interest in including insurance requirements
13and an extended care and long-term liability fund as a part of the
management 14disposal plan or other appropriate documents.
AB559, s. 5
5. 16.11 (1) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) (intro.) There is created the midwest interstate low-level
17radioactive waste compact. The states party to this compact recognize that the
18congress of the United States, by enacting
the low-level radioactive waste policy act 19"The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act", as amended by the "Low-Level
20Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985",
42 USC 2021 2021b to 2021j,
21has provided for and encouraged the development of low-level radioactive waste
22compacts as a tool for
managing disposing of such waste. The party states
23acknowledge that
the congress declared that each state is responsible for providing
24for the availability of capacity either within or outside the state for the disposal of
25low-level radioactive waste generated within its borders, except for waste generated
1as a result of certain defense activities of the federal government or federal research
2and development activities. The party states also recognize that the
management 3disposal of low-level radioactive waste is handled most efficiently on a regional basis
4and that the safe and efficient management of low-level radioactive waste generated
5within the region requires that sufficient capacity to
manage dispose of such waste
6be properly provided. It is the policy of the party states to enter into a regional
7low-level radioactive waste
management disposal compact for the purpose of:
AB559, s. 6
6. 16.11 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 2. Providing sufficient facilities for the proper
management 10disposal of low-level radioactive waste generated in the region;
AB559, s. 7
7. 16.11 (1) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 4. Limiting the number of facilities required to effectively and
manage dispose of low-level radioactive waste generated in the region;
AB559, s. 8
8. 16.11 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 5. Encouraging
source reduction
of the amounts of low-level
16radioactive waste generated in the region and the environmentally sound treatment
17of waste that is generated to minimize the amount of waste to be disposed of;
AB559, s. 9
9. 16.11 (1) (a) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 6.
Distributing Ensuring that the costs,
benefits expenses,
20liabilities and obligations of
successful low-level radioactive waste
21equitably among the party states and among disposal are paid by generators and
22other persons who use
regional compact facilities to
manage dispose of their waste;
AB559, s. 10
10. 16.11 (1) (a) 7. of the statutes is renumbered 16.11 (1) (a) 9. and
25amended to read:
(1) (a) 9. Ensuring the
ecological and environmentally sound, economical
2management and secure disposal of low-level radioactive wastes.
AB559, s. 11
11. 16.11 (1) (a) 7. and 8. of the statutes are created to read:
(1) (a) 7. Ensuring that the obligations of low-level radioactive waste
5disposal that are the responsibility of the party states are shared equitably among
8. Ensuring that the party states that comply with the terms of this compact
8and fulfill their obligations under it share equitably in the benefits of the successful
9disposal of low-level radioactive waste; and
AB559, s. 12
12. 16.11 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) "Care" means the continued observation of a facility after
closure 12closing for the purposes of detecting a need for maintenance, ensuring
13environmental safety and determining compliance with applicable licensure and
14regulatory requirements and includes the correction of problems which are detected
15as a result of that observation.
AB559, s. 13
13. 16.11 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 16.11 (2) (c).
AB559, s. 14
14. 16.11 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (b) "Close", "closed" or "closing" means that the compact facility with
19respect to which any of those terms is used has ceased to accept waste for disposal.
20"Permanently closed" means that the compact facility with respect to which the term
21is used has ceased to accept waste because it has operated for 20 years or a longer
22period of time as authorized by sub. (6) (i), its capacity has been reached, the
23commission has authorized it to close pursuant to sub. (3) (h) 7., the host state of such
24facility has withdrawn from the compact or had its membership revoked or this
25compact has been dissolved.
AB559, s. 15
15. 16.11 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB559, s. 16
16. 16.11 (2) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 16.11 (2) (f) and
3amended to read:
(2) (f) "Disposal"
, with regard to low-level radioactive waste, means the
5permanent isolation of
that waste
from the biosphere in a permanent facility
6designed for that purpose in accordance with the requirements established by the
7U.S. nuclear regulatory commission or the licensing agreement state.
AB559, s. 17
17. 16.11 (2) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (d) "Compact facility" means a waste disposal facility that is located
10within the region and that is established by a party state pursuant to the designation
11of that state as a host state by the commission.
AB559, s. 18
18. 16.11 (2) (e) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: