1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
September 25, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Bell, Bock, Boyle, Baldwin,
Kaufert, Olsen, Musser, Notestein, Plache, Ryba, Wasserman, Schneiders,
and Robson, cosponsored by Senators Burke, Moen, A. Lasee and
Darling. Referred to Committee on Consumer Affairs.
AB567,1,7 1An Act to renumber 441.115; to renumber and amend 441.07 (2), 448.02 (6)
2and 455.09 (3); to amend 457.25 (4) and 978.07 (1) (d); and to create 441.07
3(1d), 441.07 (1h), 441.07 (2) (b), 441.075, 441.115 (2), 448.02 (3g), 448.02 (3r),
4448.02 (6) (b), 448.03 (2) (jm), 448.35, 455.02 (4), 455.085, 455.09 (1g), 455.09
5(1r), 455.09 (3) (b), 457.02 (3m), 457.035, 457.26 (3), 457.26 (4), 457.26 (5) and
6940.22 (3) (e) of the statutes; relating to: disciplinary proceedings against
7certain therapists convicted of sexual exploitation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law prohibits a therapist from having sexual contact with any of his or
her patients or clients. Current law defines "therapist" as a physician, psychologist,
social worker, nurse, chemical dependency counselor, member of the clergy or any
other person, whether or not licensed, who performs or purports to perform
psychotherapy. Under current law, if the therapist is licensed and is convicted of
having sexual contact with a patient or client, the therapist may be disciplined by
the examining board which licensed him or her (the board of nursing, the medical
examining board, the psychology examining board or the examining board of social
workers, marriage and family therapists and professional counselors) on the basis
of either being a felon or engaging in unprofessional conduct. Under current law,
the appropriate examining board's disciplinary proceeding could result in a
reprimand of the license holder or a limitation, suspension or revocation of the
This bill requires the appropriate examining board to revoke a therapist's
license for 3 years upon the first conviction for having sexual contact with a patient
or client, and requires the examining board to revoke a therapist's license

permanently for a 2nd such conviction. The bill sets conditions on reinstatement for
a therapist whose license has been revoked as a result of a first-time conviction for
having sexual contact with a patient or client. The bill also requires the appropriate
examining board to provide patients or clients with notice of certain disciplinary
hearings and an opportunity to attend the hearings or to provide a written statement
to the examining board. The bill requires that records of complaints against
therapists for having sexual contact with a patient or client must be kept for 10 years.
Finally, the bill requires the examining boards to prepare an informational brochure
on sexual misconduct by therapists for distribution to therapists and to patients and
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB567, s. 1 1Section 1. 441.07 (1d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,2,62 441.07 (1d) (a) If a person licensed under this chapter is convicted under s.
3940.22 (2) and the person has no previous convictions under that section, the board
4shall revoke his or her license for 3 years. If the person is convicted under s. 940.22
5(2) and has a previous conviction under that section, the board shall revoke his or her
6license permanently.
AB567,2,127 (b) The board may not reinstate the license of a person whose license has been
8revoked under par. (a) and who is eligible for reinstatement of his or her license
9unless the person has submitted evidence satisfactory to the board that he or she has
10been evaluated for the need for treatment by, and has completed any recommended
11treatment with, a person or facility that the board considers qualified and
12appropriate to evaluate and treat the person whose license has been revoked.
AB567,3,313 (c) In any proceeding for revocation under par. (a), the board shall allow a
14patient or client who has an interest in the proceeding, or the patient's or client's
15designated representative, to attend all hearings held by the board concerning the
16proceeding. The board shall give notice of the hearing to the patient, client or

1designated representative by mailing a written statement informing the patient,
2client or designated representative of the time, place and nature of the hearing. The
3notice shall be mailed at least 10 days before the date of the hearing.
AB567,3,74 (d) The board shall maintain a record of a complaint that a person licensed
5under this chapter violated s. 940.22 (2) and of any proceedings under this section
6based on that complaint for 10 years after the date on which the complaint is
AB567, s. 2 8Section 2. 441.07 (1h) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,3,159 441.07 (1h) The board shall notify a patient or client who has an interest in a
10proceeding under this section, or the patient's or client's designated representative,
11as soon as reasonably practical after the board makes a final decision on whether to
12suspend, limit or revoke a license or reprimand a person licensed under this chapter.
13The board shall notify the patient, client or designated representative of the board's
14final decision under this subsection, by telephone and by a written statement mailed
15to the patient, client or designated representative.
AB567, s. 3 16Section 3. 441.07 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 441.07 (2) (a) and amended
17to read:
AB567,3,2018 441.07 (2) (a) The Except as provided in par. (b) and sub. (1d), the board may
19reinstate a revoked license, no earlier than one year following revocation, upon
20receipt of an application for reinstatement.
AB567, s. 4 21Section 4. 441.07 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,4,622 441.07 (2) (b) If a license is revoked under sub. (1d), the board shall mail a
23written notice of any hearing that the board holds on the application for
24reinstatement to a patient or client whose complaint formed a basis for the conviction
25and to the office of the district attorney that handled the prosecution of the licensee,

1if they can be found. The notice shall be mailed at least 2 weeks before the hearing.
2The notice shall inform the person or office notified of the manner in which the person
3or office may provide written statements to the board concerning the application for
4reinstatement. The board shall give consideration to any written statements
5provided by the person or office and received on or before the date specified in the
AB567, s. 5 7Section 5. 441.075 of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,4,16 8441.075 Information on sexual exploitation by licensees. (1) The board
9shall publish an informational brochure about sexual exploitation by a person
10licensed under this chapter. The brochure shall be made available to all applicants
11for licenses and all persons licensed under this chapter and to a patient or client who
12complains to the board or another authority about sexual exploitation by a person
13licensed under this chapter. The brochure shall be developed by the board in
14consultation with the medical examining board, the psychology examining board,
15the examining board of social workers, marriage and family therapists and
16professional counselors and the coalition for ethics in professional relationships.
AB567,4,18 17(2) The brochure prepared under sub. (1) shall include all of the following
AB567,4,1919 (a) A legal and an informal definition of sexual exploitation by a therapist.
AB567,4,2120 (b) A brief description of common personal reactions and histories of a victim
21of sexual exploitation.
AB567,4,2222 (c) A patient's or client's bill of rights.
AB567,4,2423 (d) A list of the options for reporting sexual exploitation and instructions for
24each option.
1(e) A full description of administrative, civil, criminal and professional
2association complaint procedures.
AB567,5,43 (f) A description of services available for the support of a victim of sexual
AB567, s. 6 5Section 6. 441.115 of the statutes is renumbered 441.115 (1).
AB567, s. 7 6Section 7. 441.115 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,5,117 441.115 (2) A person whose license is revoked under s. 441.07 (1d) (a) may work
8as a researcher in the area of nursing or as an administrator of an institution that
9provides training for nurses, provides nursing services or conducts research in the
10area of nursing if the person does not engage in the practice of professional nursing
11or the practice of practical nursing.
AB567, s. 8 12Section 8. 448.02 (3g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,5,1713 448.02 (3g) Sexual exploitation by a therapist. (a) If a person licensed as a
14physician under this chapter is convicted under s. 940.22 (2) and the person has no
15previous convictions under that section, the board shall revoke his or her license for
163 years. If the person is convicted under s. 940.22 (2) and has a previous conviction
17under that section, the board shall revoke his or her license permanently.
AB567,5,2318 (b) The board may not reinstate the license of a person whose license has been
19revoked under par. (a) and who is eligible for reinstatement of his or her license
20unless the person has submitted evidence satisfactory to the board that he or she has
21been evaluated for the need for treatment by, and has completed any recommended
22treatment with, a person or facility that the board considers qualified and
23appropriate to evaluate and treat the person whose license has been revoked.
AB567,6,524 (c) In any proceeding for revocation under par. (a), the board shall allow a
25patient or client who has an interest in the proceeding, or the patient's or client's

1designated representative, to attend all hearings held by the board concerning the
2proceeding. The board shall give notice of the hearing to the patient, client or
3designated representative by mailing a written statement informing the patient,
4client or designated representative of the time, place and nature of the hearing. The
5notice shall be mailed at least 10 days before the date of the hearing.
AB567,6,96 (d) The board shall maintain a record of a complaint that a person licensed
7under this chapter violated s. 940.22 (2) and of any proceedings under this section
8based on that complaint for 10 years after the date on which the complaint is
AB567, s. 9 10Section 9. 448.02 (3r) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,6,1811 448.02 (3r) Notice of decision. The board shall notify a patient or client who
12has an interest in a proceeding under this section, or the patient's or client's
13designated representative, as soon as reasonably practical after the board makes a
14final decision on whether to suspend, limit or revoke a license, certificate or limited
15permit or reprimand a person holding a license, certificate or limited permit granted
16by the board. The board shall notify the patient, client or designated representative
17of the board's final decision under this subsection, by telephone and by a written
18statement mailed to the patient, client or designated representative.
AB567, s. 10 19Section 10. 448.02 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 448.02 (6) (a) and
20amended to read:
AB567,6,2421 448.02 (6) (a) The Except as provided in par. (b) and sub. (3g), the board may
22restore any license, certificate or limited permit which has been voluntarily
23surrendered or revoked under any of the provisions of this chapter, on such terms and
24conditions as it may deem appropriate.
AB567, s. 11 25Section 11. 448.02 (6) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
1448.02 (6) (b) If a license, certificate or limited permit is revoked under sub.
2(3g), the board shall mail a written notice of any hearing that the board holds on the
3application for reinstatement to a patient or client whose complaint formed a basis
4for the conviction and to the office of the district attorney that handled the
5prosecution of the licensee, if they can be found. The notice shall be mailed at least
62 weeks before the hearing. The notice shall inform the person or office notified of
7the manner in which the person or office may provide written statements to the board
8concerning the application for reinstatement. The board shall give consideration to
9any written statements provided by the person or office and received on or before the
10date specified in the notice.
AB567, s. 12 11Section 12. 448.03 (2) (jm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,7,1612 448.03 (2) (jm) Any person whose license, certificate or limited permit is
13revoked under s. 448.02 (3g) (a) who is working solely as a researcher in an area of
14practice regulated under this chapter or solely as an administrator of an institution
15that provides training or services or conducts research in an area of practice
16regulated under this chapter.
AB567, s. 13 17Section 13. 448.35 of the statutes is created to read:
AB567,8,2 18448.35 Information on sexual exploitation by licensees. (1) The board
19shall publish an informational brochure about sexual exploitation by a person who
20holds a license, certificate or limited permit under this chapter. The brochure shall
21be made available to all applicants for and holders of licenses, certificates or limited
22permits under this chapter and to a patient or client who complains to the board or
23another authority about sexual exploitation by a person who holds a license,
24certificate or limited permit under this chapter. The brochure shall be developed by
25the board in consultation with the board of nursing, the psychology examining board,

1the examining board of social workers, marriage and family therapists and
2professional counselors and the coalition for ethics in professional relationships.
AB567,8,4 3(2) The brochure prepared under sub. (1) shall include all of the following
AB567,8,55 (a) A legal and an informal definition of sexual exploitation by a therapist.
AB567,8,76 (b) A brief description of common personal reactions and histories of a victim
7of sexual exploitation.
AB567,8,88 (c) A patient's or client's bill of rights.
AB567,8,109 (d) A list of the options for reporting sexual exploitation and instructions for
10each option.
AB567,8,1211 (e) A full description of administrative, civil, criminal and professional
12association complaint procedures.
AB567,8,1413 (f) A description of services available for the support of a victim of sexual