1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
November 29, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Green, Coggs, Prosser,
Cullen, Jensen, Olsen, Wasserman, Goetsch, Grobschmidt, Ainsworth, La
Fave, Walker, Plache, Freese, L. Young, Lehman, Krug, Kreibich, Bell,
Albers, Wirch, Musser, Murat, Lazich
and Bock, cosponsored by Senators
Darling, Burke, Rosenzweig, George, Petak, Breske, Buettner and
Huelsman. Referred to Committee on Judiciary.
AB715,1,3 1An Act to amend 421.202 (7), 421.301 (9), 421.301 (10), 421.301 (11), 423.201
2and 814.04 (intro.); and to create 409.104 (12m), 421.202 (7m) and chapter 430
3of the statutes; relating to: lease-purchase agreements.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill regulates lease-purchase, or rent-to-own, agreements. The bill
defines a lease-purchase agreement as an agreement for the use of personal property
(other than an automobile) by a consumer for personal or household purposes. A
lease-purchase agreement has an initial term of 4 months or less, is automatically
renewable with additional periodic payments and permits, but does not require, the
consumer to become the owner of the personal property at the end of the agreement.
Licensing requirements
Under the bill, a person may not engage in business as a lease-purchase
company without first obtaining a license from the division of banking (division).
Each license shall state the address of the office from which business is to be
conducted and the name of the lease-purchase company. A separate license is
required for each office from or at which lease-purchase agreements are
consummated. The division may issue more than one license to a lease-purchase
company upon compliance with the licensing requirements as to each license. The
license expires on December 31 annually, without regard to when it was issued. The
bill requires a lease-purchase company to pay a fee of $300 with the initial
application and a fee of $300 annually thereafter. The license must be posted in the
office or store of the lease-purchase company and may be assigned or transferred
after filing an amended application and bond with the division and after payment
of a $25 license transfer fee.
The bill requires a lease-purchase company to provide and maintain in force
a continuing bond of not less than $5,000. The bond must be executed in the name
of the state for the benefit of the state and any person who sustains a loss because

of a violation of the provisions of this bill by a lease-purchase company. If, as a result
of an examination of the books and records of the company, the division determines
the bond is insufficient, the division may request any additional bond amount
sufficient to protect the public's interests.
The division may, after notice and reasonable opportunity for a hearing,
suspend or revoke a lease-purchase company license if the company has violated
requirements under the bill and the division determines that the violation justifies
the suspension or revocation of the license, if the division becomes aware that any
fact or condition exists which, if it had existed at the time of the original license
application, would have warranted a refusal to issue the license, or if the
lease-purchase company has failed to pay the annual license fee or maintain the
required bond. The bill provides for an appeal to the consumer credit review board
of an order suspending or revoking a license.
The bill requires a lease-purchase company to keep such books and records in
the place of business as in the opinion of the division will enable the division to
determine compliance with the provisions of the bill. The records relating to a
lease-purchase agreement must be kept for at least 2 years after the lease-purchase
agreement is terminated. The bill permits the division to examine the books and
records of any lease-purchase company, and the costs of the examination must be
paid by the lease-purchase company within 30 days after receiving a bill for the
examination fees from the division.
Disclosure and contract requirements
Under the bill, a lease-purchase company is required to make various written
disclosures to the consumer before entering into a lease-purchase agreement. The
disclosures include:
1. The total number of periodic payments and the total dollar amount of those
payments necessary to acquire ownership of the personal property subject to the
2. The consumer's right to purchase the property, including the price if the
consumer buys the property under an early-purchase option.
3. The consumer's right to terminate the lease-purchase agreement and right
to reinstate the agreement if the consumer voluntarily ends the agreement or fails
to make a payment.
4. All fees or charges applicable to the lease-purchase agreement.
Under the bill, a lease-purchase company is required to disseminate to
consumers copies of a consumer education pamphlet prepared and provided by the
division. The pamphlet is required to include information on the consumer's right
to reinstatement created under this bill, information assisting the consumer in
interpreting the disclosures required under this bill, information on filing with the
division complaints regarding possible violations of the bill and information on the
civil liability of lease-purchase companies to consumers for violations of the
provisions of this bill.
A lease-purchase agreement may not include:

1. A confession of judgment, or a written authority by the consumer that the
lease-purchase company may have a judgment entered against the consumer if the
consumer fails to make a payment required under the agreement.
2. A wage assignment.
3. A waiver of any claim or defense.
4. A security interest in any property other than the personal property that is
the subject of the agreement.
5. A provision authorizing "self-help" repossession of the property that is the
subject of the agreement.
Under the bill, if a consumer fails to make a timely periodic payment the
consumer may reinstate the lease-purchase agreement without losing any rights
under the agreement by paying the periodic payment and any late fee or other
applicable charges. This payment must be made within 5 days after the date on
which the payment was due if the consumer pays on a monthly basis, or within 2 days
if the consumer pays on a more frequent instalment basis. In addition, if the
consumer voluntarily surrenders the personal property, the consumer has the right
to reinstate the lease-purchase agreement within 21 days or 45 days, depending on
the total dollar amount of payments that the consumer made under the agreement
before surrendering the property.
Other provisions
The bill also requires an advertisement for a lease-purchase agreement to
include the number of payments needed to acquire ownership and to describe the
advertised transaction as a lease-purchase agreement if the advertisement refers to
the dollar amount of a periodic payment and refers to the consumer's right to acquire
ownership of the advertised item.
Under the bill, a lease-purchase company that violates this chapter is liable to
a consumer damaged as a result of that violation. In the case of a class action, the
amount of the liability is determined by the court, with no minimum recovery as to
each member of the class, plus the costs of the action and reasonable attorney fees.
The bill limits the total recovery in any class action or series of class actions arising
out of the same violation to $500,000 or 1% of the net worth of the lease-purchase
company, whichever is less, plus the costs of the action and reasonable attorney fees.
For other actions, liability is equal to the costs of the action and reasonable attorney
fees plus the greater of: 1) the actual damages sustained by the consumer as a result
of the violation; or 2) 25% of the total payments necessary to acquire ownership of
the personal property leased under the lease-purchase agreement, but not less than
$100 nor more than $1,000. Multiple violations in connection with a single
lease-purchase agreement are treated as a single violation. The bill also contains
provisions addressing liability when more than one lease-purchase company or
more than one consumer is a party to a lease-purchase agreement.
The bill explicitly exempts a lease-purchase agreement from coverage under
the uniform commercial code leases and secured transactions chapters and the
Wisconsin consumer act. Presently, the Wisconsin consumer act applies to
lease-purchase agreements under the holding in Palacios v. ABC TV and Stereo
, 123 Wis. 2d 79 (Ct. App. 1985).

For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB715, s. 1 1Section 1. 409.104 (12m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB715,4,32 409.104 (12m) To a transfer of an interest under a lease-purchase agreement
3under ch. 430; or
AB715, s. 2 4Section 2. 421.202 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB715,4,55 421.202 (7) Transactions subject to ch. 428; or
AB715, s. 3 6Section 3. 421.202 (7m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB715,4,77 421.202 (7m) A lease-purchase agreement under ch. 430; or
AB715, s. 4 8Section 4. 421.301 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB715,4,189 421.301 (9) "Consumer credit sale" means a sale of goods, services or an
10interest in land to a customer on credit where the debt is payable in instalments or
11a finance charge is imposed and includes any agreement in the form of a bailment
12of goods or lease of goods or real property if the bailee or lessee pays or agrees to pay
13as compensation for use a sum substantially equivalent to or in excess of the
14aggregate value of the goods or real property involved and it is agreed that the bailee
15or lessee will become, or for no other or a nominal consideration has the option to
16become, the owner of the goods or real property upon full compliance with the terms
17of the agreement. "Consumer credit sale" does not include a lease-purchase
18agreement under ch. 430.
AB715, s. 5 19Section 5. 421.301 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB715,5,620 421.301 (10) "Consumer credit transaction" means a consumer transaction
21between a merchant and a customer in which real or personal property, services or

1money is acquired on credit and the customer's obligation is payable in instalments
2or for which credit a finance charge is or may be imposed, whether such transaction
3is pursuant to an open-end credit plan or is a transaction involving other than
4open-end credit. The term includes consumer credit sales, consumer loans,
5consumer leases and transactions pursuant to open-end credit plans. "Consumer
6credit transaction" does not include a lease-purchase agreement under ch. 430.
AB715, s. 6 7Section 6. 421.301 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB715,5,108 421.301 (11) "Consumer lease" means a lease of goods which a merchant makes
9to a customer for a term exceeding 4 months. "Consumer lease" does not include a
10lease-purchase agreement under ch. 430.
AB715, s. 7 11Section 7. 423.201 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB715,5,25 12423.201 Definition. "Consumer approval transaction" means a consumer
13transaction other than a sale or lease or listing for sale of real property, a sale of goods
14at auction, the sale or lease of goods for an agricultural purpose or a loan made to
15finance the sale of goods at auction for an agricultural purpose 1) which is initiated
16by face-to-face solicitation away from a regular place of business of the merchant
17or by mail or telephone solicitation directed to the particular customer and 2) which
18is consummated or in which the customer's offer to contract or other writing
19evidencing the transaction is received by the merchant away from a regular place of
20business of the merchant and involves the extension of credit or is a cash transaction
21in which the amount the customer pays exceeds $25. "Consumer approval
22transaction" shall in no event include a catalog sale which is not accompanied by any
23other solicitation or a consumer loan conducted and consummated entirely by mail.
24"Consumer approval transaction" does not include a lease-purchase agreement
25under ch. 430.
AB715, s. 8
1Section 8. Chapter 430 of the statutes is created to read:
AB715,6,32 Chapter 430
3 Lease-purchase agreements
AB715,6,4 4430.101 Definitions. In this chapter:
AB715,6,6 5(1) "Consumer" means a natural person who leases personal property under
6a lease-purchase agreement.
AB715,6,8 7(2) "Consummation" means the time when a consumer becomes contractually
8obligated on a lease-purchase agreement.
AB715,6,9 9(3) "Division" means the division of banking.
AB715,6,11 10(4) "Lease-purchase agreement" means an agreement that satisfies all of the
11conditions under s. 430.103.
AB715,6,13 12(5) "Lease-purchase company" means a person who originates or acquires, or
13attempts to originate or acquire, lease-purchase agreements initiated in this state.
AB715,6,16 14430.102 Scope. (1) Inapplicability of other laws. Lease-purchase
15agreements that comply with this chapter are not governed by the laws relating to
16any of the following:
AB715,6,1717 (a) A consumer approval transaction, as defined in s. 423.201.
AB715,6,1818 (b) A consumer credit sale, as defined in s. 421.301 (9).
AB715,6,1919 (c) A consumer credit transaction, as defined in s. 421.301 (10).
AB715,6,2020 (d) A consumer lease, as defined in s. 421.301 (11).
AB715,6,2121 (e) A security interest, as defined in s. 401.201 (37).
AB715,6,2222 (f) A lease, as defined in s. 411.103 (1) (j).
AB715,6,23 23(2) Exclusions. This chapter does not apply to any of the following:
AB715,7,224 (a) A lease agreement that permits the consumer to become the owner of the
25property and that is primarily for business, commercial or agricultural purposes, or

1that is made with a governmental body, as defined in s. 895.52 (1) (a), or with an
AB715,7,33 (b) A lease of a safe deposit box.
AB715,7,64 (c) A lease or bailment of personal property which is incidental to the lease of
5real property, and which provides that the consumer has no option to purchase the
6leased property.
AB715,7,77 (d) A lease of an automobile.
AB715,7,98(e) A lease, bailment or agreement that is a credit sale, as defined in 15 USC
AB715,7,1010(f) A lease or bailment that is a consumer lease, as defined in 15 USC 1667 (1).
AB715,7,13 11430.103 Lease-purchase conditions. Except as provided in s. 430.102 (2),
12an agreement for the use of personal property by a natural person is a
13lease-purchase agreement if all of the following conditions are met:
AB715,7,15 14(1) The personal property is to be used primarily for personal, family or
15household purposes.
AB715,7,17 16(2) The agreement has an initial term of 4 months or less and is automatically
17renewable with each payment after the initial term.
AB715,7,19 18(3) The agreement does not obligate or require the consumer to continue
19leasing or using the property beyond the initial term.
AB715,7,21 20(4) The agreement permits the consumer to become the owner of the personal