Note: This amendment deletes the obsolete term "waterworks" and replaces it
with the term "water systems" in the statute requiring the department of natural
resources to promulgate rules for certification of operators of wastewater treatment
plants and septage servicing vehicles.
AB865, s. 44 4Section 44. 144.0255 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB865,23,125 144.0255 (1) The department may award a municipal clean drinking water
6grant, from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (tb), to a municipality for capital
7costs to achieve compliance with standards for contaminants established by the
8department by rule under the safe drinking water program under s. 144.025 (2) (t),
9if the municipality is not in compliance with those standards on or after April 1, 1990,
10if the municipality incurs the capital costs after January 1, 1989, and if the violation
11of the standards for contaminants occurs in a public water supply system owned by
12the municipality.
AB865,23,20 13(2) The department shall approve grants under this section equal to 90% of the
14amount by which the reasonable and necessary capital costs of achieving compliance
15with the standards for contaminants exceed an amount equal to $25 times the
16population that is served by the contaminated public water supply system for which
17a grant is sought if the reasonable and necessary capital costs of achieving
18compliance with such those standards are an amount equal to an amount that is
19greater than $150 times the population that is served by the contaminated water
20supply system.
Note: This amendment updates terminology relating to water systems in the
statute governing municipal clean drinking water grants.
AB865, s. 45 21Section 45. 144.442 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1144.442 (6) (c) Sequence of remedial action. In determining the sequence for
2taking remedial action under this subsection, the department shall consider the
3hazard ranking of each site or facility, the amount of funds available, the information
4available about each site or facility, the willingness and ability of an owner, operator
5or other responsible person to undertake or assist in remedial action, the availability
6of federal funds under 42 USC 9601, et seq., and other relevant factors. The
7department shall give the highest priority to remedial action at sites or facilities
8which have caused contamination of a municipal water supply system in a town with
9a population greater than 10,000. If any such site or facility is eligible for federal
10funds under 42 USC s. 9601 to 9675, but the federal funds will not be available before
11January 1, 2000, the department shall proceed with remedial action using state
AB865, s. 46 13Section 46. 144.77 (6) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
14is amended to read:
AB865,24,1915 144.77 (6) (a) The department may utilize moneys appropriated under s.
1620.370 (2) (dv) and (my) in taking action under sub. (3) (4). The department shall
17utilize these moneys to provide for the procurement, maintenance and storage of
18necessary equipment and supplies, personnel training and expenses incurred in
19locating, identifying, removing and disposing of abandoned containers.
Note: This amendment corrects a cross-reference in current law regarding the
department of natural resources' authority to utilize moneys appropriated under the
abandoned container law. Currently, the statute authorizes the department to utilize
moneys appropriated in the development of a contingency option for taking emergency
actions related to abandoned containers. The amendment deletes the reference to the
contingency plan, and instead, authorizes utilizing the moneys for removal or other
emergency actions related to abandoned containers.
AB865, s. 47 20Section 47. 145.04 (title) and (1) of the statutes are amended to read:
1145.04 (title) Waterworks Water and sewerage systems. (1) Ordinance
A city of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd class having a system of waterworks city with a
3water system
or sewerage system shall, and a village or city of the, 4th class or any
4city, town or, county or metropolitan sewerage commission may, by ordinance,
5prescribe rules relating to local permits for the installation, alteration and inspection
6of plumbing to safeguard the public health.
AB865, s. 48 7Section 48. 145.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB865,25,23 8145.05 Plumbing supervisors, supervision. (1) The common council of a
91st, 2nd or 3rd class city of the first, second or third class, having a with a water
10system or sewerage
system of waterworks or sewerage, or the officer or board in
11charge, shall appoint one or more plumbing supervisors, who shall be licensed
12plumbers, and unless under civil service shall serve for a term of 4 years or more
13subject to removal for just cause except as otherwise provided by ordinance when
14first appointed, but need not renew their licenses while they continue in office. The
15common council of a 4th class city of the fourth class and, the board of a village, town,
16or county or the commissioner in charge of any metropolitan sewerage district may
17appoint one or more plumbing supervisors who shall be practical plumbers, skilled
18sanitarians, or competent persons familiar with plumbing and unless under civil
19service shall serve for a term of 4 years or more subject to removal for just cause
20except as otherwise provided by ordinance. They shall supervise all plumbing, new
21or alterations or repairs, and report to the appointing body violations of regulations,
22and perform such other appropriate duties as may be required. Their compensation
23shall be fixed by the council, board or commission.
AB865,26,5 24(2) Where a If a water system or sewerage system of waterworks or sewerage
25has been or shall be
is established in any city, village, town or metropolitan sewerage

1district which has not provided for a board or officer to supervise plumbing, drainage
2and sewerage, the department shall take immediate and entire control of plumbing,
3drainage and sewerage intended to be connected with public sewer or waterworks
4the water system or sewerage system, and exercise all the powers conferred by this
5section until such municipalities or district provides for such supervision.
Note: These amendments delete the obsolete term "waterworks" and replaces it
with the term "water system" in the statutes relating to plumbing permits and plumbing
AB865, s. 49 6Section 49. 160.27 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB865,26,127 160.27 (5) Notwithstanding subs. (1) to (3), a regulatory agency may develop
8and operate a system for monitoring and sampling groundwater to determine
9compliance with this chapter. This section does not affect the authority of the
10department to require groundwater monitoring by owners or operators of solid or
11hazardous waste facilities or, water supply systems or wastewater systems under ch.
12144, 147 or 162.
Note: This amendment deletes the term "water supply" and replaces it with the
term "water systems" in the statute relating to requiring groundwater monitoring.
AB865, s. 50 13Section 50. 160.34 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB865,26,19 14160.34 No mandatory well repair as a condition for testing. No
15regulatory agency may require as a condition for the testing of a private water supply
16system at the request of the owner that the owner agree to institute changes
17necessary to bring the construction or design of the water supply system into
18compliance with administrative rules in effect at the time of testing but not in effect
19prior to 1954.
Note: This amendment deletes the term "water supply" and replaces it with the
term "water systems" in the statute prohibiting mandatory well repair as a condition for
AB865, s. 51 20Section 51. 196.58 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1196.58 (7) (a) If a municipality operating a waterworks water system seeks to
2serve consumers of an area which is part of the municipality and in the same county,
3but in order to serve such consumers it is necessary or economically prudent for the
4municipality to install mains, transmission lines, pipes or service connections
5through, upon or under a public street, highway, road, public thoroughfare or alley
6located within the boundaries of any adjacent municipality, the municipality seeking
7the installation may file a petition with the clerk of the legislative body of the
8adjacent municipality requesting approval for the installation of the mains,
9transmission lines, pipes or service connections. The governing body of the adjacent
10municipality shall act on the petition within 15 days after the petition is filed. If the
11governing body of the adjacent municipality fails to act within the 15-day period, the
12petition shall be deemed approved and the municipality may proceed with the
13installations required for service to its consumers. If, however, the governing body
14of the adjacent municipality rejects the petition, the municipality may make
15application to the commission for authority to install within the boundaries of the
16adjacent municipality the installations necessary to provide service to its consumers.
17The commission shall hold a hearing upon the application of the municipality. If the
18commission determines that it is necessary or economically prudent that the
19municipality seeking to serve its consumers make the installations within the
20boundaries of the adjacent municipality, the commission shall promptly issue an
21order authorizing the municipality to proceed to make the installation. In the order,
22the commission may establish the manner of making the installation.
Note: This amendment deletes the term "waterworks" and replaces it with the
term "water system" in the statute governing installations by a water system in a
AB865, s. 52 23Section 52. 254.36 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1254.36 (3) (intro.) The council shall monitor the development and
2implementation of private and local, state and federal government radiation-related
3policies and programs which may affect the health or well-being of the citizens of the
4state. These policies and programs include those involving ionizing radiation from
5X-rays or radioactive materials, nonionizing radiation such as lasers and
6microwaves, radioactive waste handling and disposal, the transportation of
7radioactive materials, radioactive air and water pollutants, radiation emergency
8response planning, the contamination of drinking water supplies systems by
9radioactive materials, the environmental monitoring of radioactive materials and
10radon or its products of radioactive decay. As a result of monitoring these policies and
11programs, the council may:
Note: This amendment deletes the term "water supplies" and replaces it with the
term "water systems" in the statute relating to monitoring of government policies and
programs by the radiation protection council.
AB865, s. 53 12Section 53. 301.24 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB865,28,1613 301.24 (2) Easements. The department may grant easements for the extension
14of municipal and public utilities onto the lands of the institutions under its
15jurisdiction, for the purpose of connecting railroads, roads, waterworks water
, sewers, electric lines and similar facilities, to serve the institutions.
Note: This amendment deletes the term "waterworks" and replaces it with the
term "water systems" in the statute relating to the power of the department of natural
resources to grant easements for the extension of utilities onto the lands of institutions
under its jurisdiction.
AB865, s. 54 17Section 54. 560.08 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB865,29,618 560.08 (2) (b) Assemble and correlate information relating to all facets of the
19state's economic resources, including without limitation, the labor supply, markets
20for Wisconsin products, power development, highways, watersheds, waterways,
21waterfront and harbor developments, water freight rates, tariffs, demurrage charges

1and state and federal regulations affecting ports, river basins, flood prevention,
2parks, reservations, river valleys, forests, wildlife refuges, aviation facilities,
3drainage and sanitary systems, waste disposal, waterworks, soil conservation,
4railroad rights-of-way, power transmission facilities, urban development, food,
5housing and water supplies systems, and factors which influence the development
6of new economic enterprises such as taxes and the regulation of industry.
Note: This amendment deletes the term "water supplies" and replaces it with the
term "water systems" in the statute relating to the duty of the department of development
to assemble and correlate information relating to all facets of the state's economic
AB865,29,77 (End)