1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
February 7, 1996 - Introduced by Representatives Albers, La Fave, Prosser,
Jensen, Duff, Green, Hoven, Huebsch, Johnsrud, Kreibich, F. Lasee, Lazich,
Lehman, Meyer, Silbaugh, Underheim, Urban, Walker, Kaufert, Cullen
Musser, cosponsored by Senators Rude, George, Fitzgerald, Darling,
Farrow, Wineke
and Schultz. Referred to Committee on Insurance,
Securities and Corporate Policy.
AB868,1,5 1An Act to renumber and amend 445.12 (3) and 632.41 (2); to amend 445.12
2(7); and to create 445.12 (3) (b), 445.12 (3g), 445.127 and 632.41 (2) (b) of the
3statutes; relating to: the sale of prearranged funeral plans, funding of
4prearranged funeral plans with life insurance policies and annuities and
5granting rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Current law provides for various restrictions relating to the use and funding of
contracts that provide for the sale of cemetery lots, mausoleum spaces and other
burial or funeral merchandise or services that are not immediately needed but will
instead be provided in the future. Generally, money paid to a cemetery authority,
funeral director or funeral establishment for such contracts must be held in trust for
the person purchasing the funeral merchandise or services.
Also, under current law, if an insurer agrees in an insurance policy to pay for
any of the incidents of burial or other disposition of the body of a deceased, the
insurance policy may not provide that the benefits are payable to a funeral director
or to any other person doing business related to burials. However, this prohibition
does not prohibit a person from naming a funeral director as a beneficiary of a life
insurance policy in conjunction with a separate agreement between the insured and
the funeral director that the proceeds of the life insurance policy will be used for
funeral and burial expenses. See 71 Opinions of the Attorney General 7 (1982).
This bill creates requirements relating to the sale and solicitation of
prearranged funeral plans that are funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy
or annuity. The bill defines "prearranged funeral plan" to mean a written agreement
between a funeral establishment or funeral director and a person in which the
funeral establishment or funeral director agrees to provide to a person, after that
person is deceased, funeral merchandise or funeral services. Under the bill, a funeral

director, an operator of a funeral establishment or an agent of a funeral director or
funeral establishment operator may sell or solicit the sale of a prearranged funeral
plan that is funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy or an annuity only if:
a) the funeral director, funeral establishment operator or agent is licensed as an
insurance intermediary; and b) all of the following requirements have been met:
1. The prearranged funeral plan specifies the licensed funeral director or the
funeral establishment that will provide the funeral services or funeral merchandise
to be provided under the plan.
2. The prearranged funeral plan includes a provision setting forth the nature
and extent of any price guarantee for the funeral merchandise or funeral services
that are to be provided under the plan.
3. The funeral director, funeral establishment operator or agent of the funeral
director or funeral establishment operator has disclosed certain information
specified in the bill to the person applying for the prearranged funeral plan. The
information that the bill requires to be disclosed includes a list of the funeral
merchandise and funeral services to be provided under the prearranged funeral
plan, a statement of whether the price of the funeral merchandise or funeral services
provided under the prearranged funeral plan is guaranteed, a statement of any
restrictions or penalties relating to delivery or performance under the prearranged
funeral plan, and an explanation of the effect on the prearranged funeral plan, if any,
of a change in the life insurance policy or annuity funding the prearranged funeral
plan, of penalties incurred for failure to pay premiums on the policy or to make
payments under the annuity or of penalties incurred or money received as the result
of cancellation or surrender of the policy or annuity.
The bill also provides an exception to the current law prohibition against a life
insurance policy providing that the benefits are payable to a funeral director or to any
other person doing business related to burials. Under the bill, a life insurance policy
may provide for the assignment of the proceeds of the policy or annuity to a funeral
director or a funeral establishment if that assignment of proceeds is contingent on
the provision of funeral merchandise or funeral services as provided for in a
prearranged funeral plan that satisfies the requirements established by the bill.
Finally, the bill prohibits, with certain exceptions, a funeral director, a funeral
establishment operator or an agent of a funeral director or funeral establishment
operator from doing any of the following to solicit the sale of a prearranged funeral
plan funded by a life insurance policy or annuity:
1. Knowingly contacting a prospective purchaser of a prearranged funeral plan
in a hospital, health care facility or similar facility or institution.
2. Knowingly contacting a relative of a person whose death is imminent or
appears to be imminent.
3. Contacting a prospective purchaser of a prearranged funeral plan by
door-to-door solicitation or automated telephone calls that are made on a random

For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB868, s. 1 1Section 1. 445.12 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 445.12 (3) (intro.) and
2amended to read:
AB868,3,93 445.12 (3) (intro.) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral
4establishment may, directly or indirectly, solicit a funeral service or the right to
5prepare a dead human body for burial or transportation either before or after death
6has occurred, or pay or cause to be paid any sum of money or other valuable
7consideration for the securing of the right to do such work; but nothing herein shall
8interfere with the right of any person not a licensed funeral director to solicit
. This
9subsection does not prohibit any of the following:
AB868,3,12 10(a) The solicitation of memberships or sell the sale of stock or memberships in
11any association organized under ch. 185 by any person who is not a licensed funeral
AB868, s. 2 13Section 2. 445.12 (3) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB868,3,1514 445.12 (3) (b) The solicitation or sale of prearranged funeral plans to the extent
15permitted under sub. (3g) and s. 445.127.
AB868, s. 3 16Section 3. 445.12 (3g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB868,3,2017 445.12 (3g) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), a licensed funeral
18director, agent of a licensed funeral director, operator of a funeral establishment or
19agent of an operator of a funeral establishment may not solicit the sale of a
20prearranged funeral plan under s. 445.127 by doing any of the following:
11. Knowingly contacting a prospective purchaser of a prearranged funeral plan
2in a hospital, health care facility or similar facility or institution.
AB868,4,43 2. Knowingly contacting a relative of a person whose death is imminent or
4appears to be imminent.
AB868,4,75 3. Contacting a prospective purchaser of a prearranged funeral plan by
6door-to-door solicitation or automated telephone calls that are made on a random
AB868,4,118 (b) A licensed funeral director, agent of a licensed funeral director, operator of
9a funeral establishment or agent of an operator of a funeral establishment may solicit
10the sale of a prearranged funeral plan under s. 445.127 by contacting any person if
11any of the following applies:
AB868,4,1212 1. The prospective purchaser requests the contact.
AB868,4,1613 2. The contact is part of a mass-mailing, television, radio, print or other type
14of advertising campaign that is not directed solely toward persons in a hospital,
15health care facility or similar facility or institution or toward the relatives of a person
16whose death is imminent or appears to be imminent.
AB868,4,2117 (c) Paragraph (a) 3. does not prohibit a licensed funeral director, agent of a
18licensed funeral director, operator of a funeral establishment or agent of an operator
19of a funeral establishment from using mass-marketing practices or in-person
20contacts or communications permitted under this section or by a rule promulgated
21by the examining board.
AB868, s. 4 22Section 4. 445.12 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB868,5,323 445.12 (7) No licensed funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment
24may sell or cause to be sold any shares of stocks, certificates of membership or any
25other form of certificate which provides for any burial benefit or any rebate at the

1time of death to the holders thereof. This subsection does not prohibit the sale of
2prearranged funeral plans to the extent permitted under, and that are in conformity
3with, s. 445.127.
AB868, s. 5 4Section 5. 445.127 of the statutes is created to read:
AB868,5,6 5445.127 Prearranged funeral plans funded with proceeds of life
6insurance policy or annuity.
(1) In this section:
AB868,5,87 (a) "Agent" means an authorized representative of a funeral director or funeral
AB868,5,169 (b) "Cash advance item" means personal property or a service that is obtained
10by a funeral director or funeral establishment from a 3rd party and that is paid for
11by the funeral director or funeral establishment on behalf of, and subject to
12reimbursement from, a person purchasing funeral merchandise or funeral services
13from the funeral director or funeral establishment. "Cash advance item" includes
14cemetery or crematory services, pallbearers, public transportation, clergy honoraria,
15flowers, musicians or vocalists, nurses, obituary notices, gratuities and death
AB868,5,2517 (c) "Funeral merchandise or funeral services" means personal property or
18services typically sold or provided in connection with the final disposition or
19memorialization of human remains, including caskets or other primary containers,
20rental, temporary or disposable caskets or containers, outer burial containers,
21cremation or transportation containers, funeral clothing and accessories,
22monuments, grave markers, cremation urns, embalming services and funeral
23directing services. "Funeral merchandise or funeral services" does not include a cash
24advance item or opening and closing costs that are associated with the burial of a
25deceased person.
1(d) "Prearranged funeral plan" means a written agreement between a funeral
2establishment or funeral director and a person in which the funeral establishment
3or funeral director agrees to provide to a person, after that person is deceased,
4funeral merchandise or funeral services.
AB868,6,8 5(2) (a) A licensed funeral director, an operator of a funeral establishment, an
6agent of a licensed funeral director or, subject to sub. (3), an agent of a funeral
7establishment may sell or solicit the sale of a prearranged funeral plan that is funded
8with the proceeds of a life insurance policy or annuity if all of the following apply:
AB868,6,109 1. The prearranged funeral plan meets the requirements specified in subs. (4)
10to (6).
AB868,6,1211 2. The licensed funeral director, operator of the funeral establishment or agent
12is licensed as an insurance intermediary under ch. 628.
AB868,6,1613 (b) A licensed funeral director or funeral establishment may authorize an agent
14who is an insurance intermediary licensed under ch. 628 to sell or solicit the sale of
15a prearranged funeral plan that is funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy
16or annuity and that meets the requirements specified in subs. (4) to (6).
AB868,6,20 17(3) (a) No agent of a funeral establishment may solicit the sale of or sell a
18prearranged funeral plan funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy or
19annuity unless he or she has a contract with the funeral establishment that
20authorizes him or her to act as the agent of the funeral establishment.
AB868,6,2421 (b) If an agent of a funeral establishment solicits the sale of or sells a
22prearranged funeral plan funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy or
23annuity, the agent shall disclose to the prospective purchaser of the prearranged
24funeral plan the identity of the funeral establishment of which he or she is an agent.
1(4) A prearranged funeral plan that is funded with the proceeds of a life
2insurance policy or annuity shall specify in the plan the licensed funeral director or
3the funeral establishment that will provide the funeral services or funeral
4merchandise to be provided under the plan.
AB868,7,8 5(5) (a) A prearranged funeral plan that is funded with the proceeds from a life
6insurance policy or annuity shall include a provision setting forth the nature and
7extent of any price guarantee for the funeral merchandise or funeral services that
8are to be provided under the prearranged funeral plan.
AB868,7,139 (b) If an agent solicits and sells a prearranged funeral plan that is funded with
10the proceeds of a life insurance policy or annuity, the licensed funeral director who
11owns or is an agent of the funeral establishment that will provide funeral
12merchandise or funeral services under the prearranged funeral plan shall ratify the
13prearranged funeral plan in writing and with his or her signature.
AB868,7,18 14(6) Before an agent, a licensed funeral director or an operator of a funeral
15establishment accepts an applicant's initial premium or deposit for a prearranged
16funeral plan that is funded or will be funded by a life insurance policy or annuity, the
17agent, funeral director or operator of a funeral establishment shall, in a writing that
18is clear and conspicuous, disclose the following information to the applicant:
AB868,7,2019 (a) The fact that a life insurance policy or annuity is involved in or connected
20to, or is being used to fund, the prearranged funeral plan.
AB868,7,2221 (b) The type of insurance instrument or annuity that is funding the
22prearranged funeral plan.
AB868,7,2323 (c) The effect on the prearranged funeral plan of all of the following:
11. Changing the life insurance policy or annuity, including changing the
2assignment of the policy or annuity proceeds, changing the beneficiary or annuitant
3designation or changing the use of the proceeds.