AB892,8,74 442.02 (6) Every member of a partnership and every officer and director busi
5ness representative
of a corporation business entity who, in such capacity, does any
6of the things enumerated in subs. (1) to (5m), shall be deemed to be in practice as a
7public accountant.
AB892, s. 24 8Section 24. 442.02 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,8,179 442.02 (7) Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent the employment by
10a certified public accountant, or by a public accountant, or by a firm or corporation
11business entity, furnishing public accounting services as principal, of persons to
12serve as accountants in various capacities, as needed; provided, that such persons
13work under the control and supervision of certified public accountants or accoun
14tants with certificates of authority as hereinafter provided, that such employes shall
15not issue any statements or reports over their own names except such office reports
16to their employer as are customary and that such employes are not in any manner
17held out to the public as public accountants as described in this chapter.
AB892, s. 25 18Section 25. 442.02 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,8,2519 442.02 (9) Nothing contained in this chapter shall apply to any persons who
20may be employed by more than one person, partnership or corporation, business enti
for the purpose of keeping books, making trial balances or statements, and prepar
22ing audits or reports, provided such audits or reports are not used or issued by the
23employers as having been prepared by a public accountant and provided such per
24sons do not do any of the things enumerated in sub. (5m) (a), without complying with
25sub. (5m) (b).
AB892, s. 26
1Section 26. 442.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,9,92 442.03 (1) No person may lawfully practice in this state as a certified public
3accountant either in the person's own name, or as an employe, or under an assumed
4name, or as an officer, member a business representative or employe of a firm, or as
5an officer or employe of a corporation
business entity or sole proprietorship, unless
6the person has been granted by the examining board a certificate as a certified public
7accountant, and unless the person, firm or corporation jointly and severally, has and
8the business entity have
complied with all of the provisions of this chapter, including
AB892, s. 27 10Section 27. 442.03 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,9,1811 442.03 (2) No person may lawfully practice in this state as a public accountant
12either in the person's own name, or as an employe or under an assumed name, or as
13an officer, a business representative or employe or member of a firm, or as an officer
14or employe of a corporation
business entity or sole proprietorship, unless the person
15has been granted by the examining board a certificate of authority as a public accoun
16tant and unless the person, firm or corporation, jointly and severally, has and the
17business entity have
complied with all of the provisions of this chapter, including li
AB892, s. 28 19Section 28. 442.03 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,9,2420 442.03 (3) No corporation or other business entity and no officer, partner, stock
business representative or employe thereof may lawfully practice in this state
22as a public accountant or a certified public accountant either in the entity's or per
23son's name, or as an employe or under an assumed name, unless the natural person
24has been granted by this examining board a certificate of authority as a public

1accountant and unless the person or entity, jointly and severally, has and the busi
2ness entity have
complied with all the provisions of this chapter, including licensure.
AB892, s. 29 3Section 29. 442.06 of the statutes is repealed.
AB892, s. 30 4Section 30. 442.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,10,135 442.07 (2) No person may practice in this state as a certified public accountant
6or a public accountant, either in the person's name, under an assumed name, or as
7a member business representative or employe of a partnership business entity, ex
8cept as provided in s. 442.02 (10), unless the person has been granted a certificate
9by the examining board and secured a license for the current licensure period. No
10person may practice in this state as a public accountant, as an officer or director a
11business representative
of a corporation business entity engaged in the practice of
12public accounting, unless the corporation business entity, other than a sole propri
has secured a license for the current licensure period.
AB892, s. 31 14Section 31. 442.07 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,11,415 442.07 (3) Any partnership, which business entity that is entitled to practice
16as a certified public accountant or as certified public accountants in this state or any
17other state, every resident member business representative and resident manager
18of which is a certified public accountant of this state, after registering the partner
business entity name with the examining board, may use the designation "certi
20fied public accountant" or
"certified public accountants" in connection with the part
business entity name. Any partnership business entity, every member
22business representative and resident manager of which is a certified public accoun
23tant of this state or any other state or holds a certificate of authority under this chap
24ter, after registering the partnership business entity name with the examining
25board, may use the designation "public accountant" or "public accountants" in con

1nection with the partnership business entity name. An assumed name, in use prior
2to September 21, 1935, may be used the same as a partnership name, provided the
3individual persons practicing as principals under that name hold certificates
4granted by the examining board and register the name with the examining board.
AB892, s. 32 5Section 32. 442.08 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,11,12 6442.08 Licensure. Upon application by a holder of an unrevoked Wisconsin
7certificate as a certified public accountant or an unrevoked Wisconsin certificate of
8authority as provided for in this chapter, the department shall issue a license to the
9holder. A license shall also be issued to any partnership or corporation business enti
, upon application, which has complied with this chapter. The renewal date and
11renewal fee for licenses issued under this chapter are specified under s. 440.08 (2)
AB892, s. 33 13Section 33. 442.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,11,2514 442.10 (1) Whenever any person, as a certified public accountant or public ac
15countant, signs or certifies any report, schedule or statement relative to the affairs
16of any corporation, association or partnership business entity in which the person is
17financially interested or by which the person is regularly engaged as an officer a busi
18ness representative
or employe, the signature or certification shall be accompanied
19by a specific statement setting forth the fact that the person is financially interested
20in or is an officer a business representative or regular employe of the corporation,
21association or partnership
business entity. If the person is both financially inter
22ested and an officer a business representative or regular employe, the statement
23shall cover both financial interest and employment. In the case of a corporation hold
24ing a certificate of authority signing or certifying as above, the interest of any of its
25stockholders shall be disclosed.
AB892, s. 34
1Section 34. 442.10 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,12,92 442.10 (2) Notwithstanding sub. (1), no person licensed under this chapter, and
3no firm business entity of which the person is a partner or shareholder business rep
, may express an opinion as an independent certified public accountant
5on financial statements of any enterprise unless the person and the firm business
are independent of the enterprise. The requirement for independence under
7this subsection also extends to the spouse of such a person and to other relatives hav
8ing a financial or business relationship with the enterprise which, in the opinion of
9the examining board, may impair independence.
AB892, s. 35 10Section 35. 442.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,12,1611 442.11 (2) Who, when practicing under an assumed name, or as a member busi
12ness representative
of a partnership business entity, other than one which is regis
13tered under s. 442.07 as composed of certified public accountants, or as an officer a
14business representative
of a corporation business entity, announces, either in writ
15ing or by printing, that the assumed name, partnership or corporation business enti
is practicing as a certified public accountant; or
AB892, s. 36 17Section 36. 442.11 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,12,2118 442.11 (3) Who, as a member of a partnership business entity, announces, ei
19ther in writing or by printing, that the partnership business entity is practicing as
20"public accountant" or "public accountants" unless the partnership business entity
21is registered as such under s. 442.07; or
AB892, s. 37 22Section 37. 442.11 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,13,223 442.11 (4) Who, as an officer a business representative of a corporation busi
24ness entity
, permits it to practice as a public accountant unless it is registered with

1the examining board, and holds an unrevoked certificate of authority from the ex
2amining board; or
AB892, s. 38 3Section 38. 442.11 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,13,84 442.11 (8) Who shall as an individual, or, as a member of a partnership or as
5an officer or director
business representative of a corporation business entity, prac
6tice or permit the partnership or corporation business entity to practice as a certified
7public accountant or as a public accountant unless a license has been secured for the
8current licensure period; or
AB892, s. 39 9Section 39. 442.11 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,13,1610 442.11 (13) Who shall, as an individual, or as a member business representa
11tive or employe
of a partnership or as an officer of a corporation business entity, per
12mit to be announced by printed or written statement that any report, certificate, ex
13hibit, schedule or statement has been prepared by or under supervision of a certified
14public accountant or by or under supervision of a public accountant when the person
15who prepared the same was not such certified public accountant or public accoun
AB892, s. 40 17Section 40. 442.12 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,13,2318 442.12 (3) In the case of a corporation or a partnership business entity, revoke,
19limit or suspend the license of the partnership or corporation business entity, or rep
20rimand it, if it is found that any officer, director or member business representative
21or employe
has been guilty of such act or omission as would be cause for revoking,
22limiting or suspending a certificate or license to the person as an individual or for
23reprimanding the person.
AB892, s. 41 24Section 41. 442.13 of the statutes is amended to read:
1442.13 Ownership of accountant's working papers. All statements, re
2cords, schedules, working papers and memoranda made by a certified public accoun
3tant or public accountant incident to or in the course of professional service to clients
4by such accountant, except reports submitted by a certified public accountant or pub
5lic accountant to a client, shall be and remain the property of such accountant, in the
6absence of an express agreement between such accountant and the client to the con
7trary. No such statement, record, schedule, working paper or memorandum shall
8be sold, transferred or bequeathed, without the consent of the client or the client's
9personal representative or assignee, to anyone other than one or more a surviving
10partners business entity or new or a successor partners of such accountant business
AB892, s. 42 12Section 42. 443.08 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,14,14 13443.08 (title) Registration requirement: firms, partnerships and corpo
business entities.
AB892, s. 43 15Section 43. 443.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,15,216 443.08 (1) The practice of architecture, professional geology and professional
17engineering pertaining to the internal operations of a firm, partnership or corpora
business entity may be performed by employes if the architectural, professional
19geological or professional engineering services are performed by or under the direct
20supervision of architects, professional geologists or professional engineers registered
21under this chapter, or persons exempt from registration under s. 443.14. Registered
22or exempt architectural, professional geological or professional engineering em
23ployes may provide architectural, professional geological or professional engineering
24data with respect to the manufacture, sale and utilization of the products of the firm,

1partnership or corporation
business entity to other registered or exempt architects,
2professional geologists or professional engineers.
AB892, s. 44 3Section 44. 443.08 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,15,124 443.08 (2) The practice of or the offer to practice architecture, professional geol
5ogy, professional engineering or designing by individual architects, professional
6geologists, professional engineers or designers registered or granted a permit under
7this chapter, through a firm, partnership or corporation business entity as princi
8pals, officers,
employes or agents business representatives, is permitted subject to
9this chapter, if all personnel who practice or offer to practice in its behalf as archi
10tects, professional geologists, professional engineers or designers are registered or
11granted a permit under this chapter and, if the business entity is a corporation, the
12corporation has been issued a certificate of authorization under sub. (3).
AB892, s. 45 13Section 45. 443.08 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,15,2114 443.08 (4) (a) No firm, partnership or corporation business entity may be re
15lieved of responsibility for the conduct or acts of its agents, business representatives
employes or officers by reason of its compliance with this chapter, nor may any in
17dividual practicing architecture, landscape architecture, professional geology, pro
18fessional engineering or designing be relieved of responsibility for architectural,
19landscape architectural, professional geological, professional engineering or design
20ing services performed by reason of his or her employment or relationship with the
21firm, partnership or corporation business entity.
AB892, s. 46 22Section 46. 443.08 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,16,723 443.08 (4) (b) All final drawings, specifications, plans, reports or other architec
24tural, geological, engineering or designing papers or documents involving the prac
25tice of architecture, professional geology, professional engineering or designing, or

1landscape architectural papers or documents prepared by a landscape architect reg
2istered under this chapter, prepared for the use of the corporation business entity,
3for delivery by it to any person or for public record within the state shall be dated and
4bear the signature and seal of the architect, landscape architect, professional geolo
5gist, professional engineer or designer who was in responsible charge of their prepa
6ration. This paragraph does not apply to persons exempt under s. 443.14 (3), (4) or
AB892, s. 47 8Section 47. 443.08 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,16,169 443.08 (5) No firm, partnership or corporation business entity may engage in
10the practice of or offer to practice architecture, professional geology, professional en
11gineering or designing in this state, or use in connection with its name or otherwise
12assume, use or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression
13that it is engaged in the practice of architecture, professional geology, professional
14engineering or designing, nor may it advertise or offer to furnish an architectural,
15professional geological, professional engineering or designing service, unless the
16firm, partnership or corporation business entity has complied with this chapter.
AB892, s. 48 17Section 48. 443.08 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,16,2418 443.08 (6) Any firm, partnership or corporation using the word "engineering"
19or any of its derivatives in its name prior to April 24, 1964, shall be permitted to con
20tinue to do so and shall be permitted to use such word in any new firm, partnership
21or corporation business entity formed as a result of a reorganization of the firm, part
22nership or corporation, if the firm, partnership or corporation business entity does
23not practice or offer to practice architecture, professional engineering or designing
24unless it complies with all other applicable provisions of this chapter.
AB892, s. 49 25Section 49. 443.11 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1443.11 (2) The examining board may reprimand or may limit, suspend or re
2voke the certificate of authorization of a corporation if any of its agents, business rep
3resentatives or
employes or officers has committed any act or has been guilty of any
4conduct which would authorize a reprimand or a limitation, suspension or revocation
5of the certificate of registration of a registrant or the certificate of record of an engi
6neer-in-training under this chapter, unless the corporation submits evidence satis
7factory to the examining board that the agent, business representative or employe
8or officer is not now practicing or offering to practice architecture, professional geolo
9gy or professional engineering in its behalf.
AB892, s. 50 10Section 50. 443.14 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,17,1911 443.14 (4) Any person who practices architecture, professional geology or pro
12fessional engineering, exclusively as a regular employe of a private company or cor
business entity, by rendering to the company or corporation business entity
14architectural, professional geological or professional engineering services in connec
15tion with its operations, so long as the person is thus actually and exclusively
16employed and no longer, if the company or corporation business entity has at least
17one architect, professional geologist or professional engineer who is registered under
18this chapter in responsible charge of the company's or corporation's business entity's
19architectural, professional geological or professional engineering work in this state.
AB892, s. 51 20Section 51. 443.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,18,321 443.15 (2) Nothing in this chapter prevents any person , firm or corporation or
22business entity
from making plans and specifications for or supervising the erection,
23enlargement or alteration of any new building containing less than 50,000 cubic feet
24total volume or addition to a building which by reason of such addition results in a
25building containing less than 50,000 cubic feet total volume or structural alteration

1to a building containing less than 50,000 cubic feet total volume. Nothing in this
2chapter prevents any person, firm or corporation or business entity from making re
3pairs or interior alterations to buildings which do not affect health or safety.
AB892, s. 52 4Section 52. 445.01 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,18,65 445.01 (8) "Person" includes firm, corporation, partnership, cooperative and
6association of individuals
any business entity.
AB892, s. 53 7Section 53. 445.105 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,18,128 445.105 (4) Violations of this chapter or any rules or regulations of the examin
9ing board committed by any person, or an officer, agent or by a business representa
or employe with the knowledge or consent of any person operating such funeral
11establishments, shall be considered sufficient cause for reprimand or for limitation,
12suspension or revocation of such funeral establishment permit.
AB892, s. 54 13Section 54. 448.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,18,2014 448.08 (1) Fee splitting. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no per
15son licensed or certified under this chapter may give or receive, directly or indirectly,
16to or from any person, firm or corporation or business entity any fee, commission, re
17bate or other form of compensation or anything of value for sending, referring or
18otherwise inducing a person to communicate with a licensee in a professional capac
19ity, or for any professional services not actually rendered personally or at his or her
AB892, s. 55 21Section 55. 448.08 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,19,922 448.08 (2) Separate billing required. Any person licensed under this chapter
23who renders any medical or surgical service or assistance whatever, or gives any
24medical, surgical or any similar advice or assistance whatever to any patient, physi
25cian or corporation business entity, or to any other institution or organization of any

1kind, including a hospital, for which a charge is made to such patient receiving such
2service, advice or assistance, shall, except as authorized by Title 18 or Title 19 of the
3federal social security act, render an individual statement or account of the charges
4therefor directly to such patient, distinct and separate from any statement or account
5by any physician or other person, who has rendered or who may render any medical,
6surgical or any similar service whatever, or who has given or may give any medical,
7surgical or similar advice or assistance to such patient, physician, corporation busi
8ness entity
, or to any other institution or organization of any kind, including a hospi
AB892, s. 56 10Section 56. 452.09 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,19,1311 452.09 (1) (b) The name and address of the applicant; if the applicant is a part
business entity, the name and address of each member; and if the applicant
13is a corporation, the name and address of each of its officers
business representative.
AB892, s. 57 14Section 57. 452.09 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,19,1815 452.09 (1) (d) The business or occupation engaged in by the applicant, or if a
16partnership business entity, by each member, or if a corporation, by each officer busi
17ness representative
, for a period of at least 2 years immediately preceding the date
18of the application.
AB892, s. 58 19Section 58. 452.09 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,19,2420 452.09 (1) (e) Any other information which the department may reasonably re
21quire to enable it to determine the competency of each applicant, including each
22member business representative of the partnership, or each officer of the corporation
23business entity, to transact the business of a broker or salesperson in a manner which
24safeguards the interests of the public.
AB892, s. 59 25Section 59. 452.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1452.10 (1) An application shall be verified by the applicant. If made by a part
business entity it shall be verified by at least 2 members. If made by a corpo
3ration it shall be verified by the president and secretary
business representatives.
AB892, s. 60 4Section 60. 452.12 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,20,95 452.12 (2) (a) A license may be issued to a corporation business entity if the
6corporation business entity has at least one officer business representative licensed
7as a broker. The license issued to the corporation business entity entitles each officer
8business representative of the corporation business entity who is a licensed broker
9to act as a broker on behalf of the corporation business entity.
AB892, s. 61 10Section 61. 452.12 (2) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB892, s. 62 11Section 62. 452.12 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,20,1712 452.12 (2) (c) Application for a corporate or partnership business entity license
13shall be made on forms prescribed by the department, listing the names and address
14es of all officers and partners business representatives, and shall be accompanied by
15the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1). If there is a change in any of the officers or partners
16business representatives, the change shall be reported to the department, on the
17same form, within 30 days after the effective date of the change.
AB892, s. 63 18Section 63. 452.133 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,20,2219 452.133 (3) (b) Act in a transaction on the broker's own behalf, on behalf of the
20broker's immediate family or firm, or on behalf of any organization or business entity
21in which the broker has an interest, unless the broker has the written consent of all
22parties to the transaction.
AB892, s. 64 23Section 64. 452.14 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,21,524 452.14 (4) If a broker is a company business entity it shall be sufficient cause
25for reprimand or for the limitation, suspension or revocation of a broker's license that

1any officer, director or trustee business representative of the company, or any mem
2ber of a partnership
business entity, or anyone who has a financial interest in or is
3in any way connected with the operation of a brokerage business, has been guilty of
4any act or omission which would be cause for refusing a broker's license to such per
5son as an individual.
AB892, s. 65 6Section 65. 452.22 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,21,147 452.22 (2) The certificate of the secretary or his or her designee to the effect that
8a specified individual, partnership or corporation business entity is not or was not
9on a specified date the holder of a broker's, salesperson's or time-share salesperson's
10license or registration, or that a specified license or registration was not in effect on
11a date specified, or as to the issuance, limitation, suspension or revocation of any li
12cense or registration or the reprimand of any holder thereof, the filing or withdrawal
13of any application or its existence or nonexistence, is prima facie evidence of the facts
14therein stated for all purposes in any action or proceedings.
AB892, s. 66 15Section 66. 458.22 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,21,21 16458.22 Use of title restricted to individual. No firm, partnership, corpora
business entity or other group of individuals may use the title "Wisconsin certi
18fied appraisers", "Wisconsin certified general appraisers", "Wisconsin certified resi
19dential appraisers", "Wisconsin licensed appraisers" or any similar title in
20connection with the name or signature of the firm, partnership, corporation business
or group of individuals.
AB892, s. 67 22Section 67. 459.02 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,22,423 459.02 (2) Nothing in this subchapter shall prohibit any corporation or mercan
24tile establishment
business entity which maintains an established business address
25from engaging in the business of selling or offering for sale hearing aids at retail

1without a license, provided that for the purpose of selling and fitting hearing aids it
2employs persons licensed under this subchapter. Such corporation or mercantile es
business entity shall annually file with the examining board a list of all
4persons employed for the purpose of selling and fitting hearing aids.
AB892, s. 68 5Section 68. 480.01 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB892,22,96 480.01 (3) (b) If the auction company is a partnership, association or corpora
business entity, any partner of the partnership, officer or director of the associa
8tion or officer or director of the corporation
business representative of the business