1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
February 21, 1996 - Introduced by Representatives Albers, Porter, Baldus,
Green, La Fave, Vrakas, Foti
and Grothman, cosponsored by Senators Petak,
Huelsman, Fitzgerald, Rude, Buettner, Cowles, Farrow, Burke, Darling,
George, Panzer
and Grobschmidt. Referred to Committee on Insurance,
Securities and Corporate Policy.
AB923,2,8 1An Act to repeal 183.0107 (1) (b), 183.0901 (3), 183.0908 (4), 183.1101 (1) (b),
2215.02 (15) (e), 215.26 (1), chapter 776, 813.02 (3) and 813.09; to renumber
3180.1602 (1); to renumber and amend 180.1915, 183.0403 (1) and 452.09 (1)
4(d); to consolidate, renumber and amend 183.0107 (1) (intro.) and (a) and
5183.1101 (1) (intro.) and (a); to amend 20.575 (1) (gb), 20.865 (1) (a), 20.865 (1)
6(g), 20.865 (1) (q), 71.07 (7) (b), 93.06 (4), 133.12, 180.0640 (6), 180.0706 (1),
7180.1604 (1), 183.0105 (3) (intro.), 183.0201, 183.0301 (1) (b), 183.0301 (2) (b),
8183.0304 (2), 183.0401 (2) (c), 183.0402 (3), 183.0403 (2), 183.0403 (3), 183.0403
9(4), 183.0403 (5) (b), 183.0405 (1) (b), 183.0405 (1) (e) (intro.), 183.0405 (1) (e)
104., 183.0601, 183.0602, 183.0702 (2) (b), 183.0706 (2) (a), 183.0707, 183.0801 (1)
11(b), 183.0801 (2) (a), 183.0801 (2) (b), 183.0802 (1) (h), 183.0802 (3), 183.0901
12(4) (a), 183.0907 (2) (intro.), 183.0907 (2) (c), 183.0908 (1), 183.0908 (3) (intro.),
13183.1008 (1) (intro.), 183.1101 (2), 183.1101 (3), 183.1101 (4), 183.1102,
14183.1203 (2) (c), 185.95, 188.26, 452.09 (1) (b), 452.09 (1) (e), 452.10 (1), 452.12
15(2) (title), 452.12 (2) (c), 452.14 (4), 452.22 (2), 551.02 (13) (b), 551.02 (13) (c),
16628.04 (1) (b) 1., 891.20 and 972.085; and to create 77.25 (15w), 180.1602 (1),
17180.1915 (1) and (2), 183.0202 (6), 183.0403 (1) (b), 183.0802 (1) (k), 183.0909,

1452.09 (1) (d) 1. to 5. and 452.12 (2) (bm) of the statutes; relating to: business
2corporation law and limited liability company law revisions, creating a real es
3tate transfer fee exemption for certain business entity transfers, extending the
4other state tax credit to members of a limited liability company, permitting a
5limited liability company to obtain a real estate brokers license, repealing pro
6visions for bringing legal actions and for filing injunctions against corporations
7or limited liability companies, the liability of service corporations and their
8shareholders, directors, officers and employes and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes a number of changes relating to business corporations, service
corporations (SCs) and limited liability companies (LLCs), including the following:
1. The bill limits the liability of SCs and their shareholders, directors, officers
and employes. Under current law, organization as an SC does not alter any contract,
tort or other legal relationship between a person receiving professional services and
one or more persons rendering those professional services who are shareholders in
an SC. Any legal liability that may arise out of the professional service is joint and
several among those shareholders of the SC. A shareholder, director, officer or em
ploye of an SC is not personally liable for the SC's debts or other contractual obliga
tions. Under the bill, a shareholder, director, officer or employe of an SC is not liable
for the omissions, negligence, wrongful acts, misconduct and malpractice of any per
son who is not under his or her actual supervision and control in the specific activity
in which the omissions, negligence, wrongful acts, misconduct and malpractice oc
curred. The bill does not affect the liability of the SC for the acts of a shareholder,
director, officer or employ while the person provides professional services on behalf
of the SC or the liability of a person for his or her own acts or the acts of a person under
his or her actual supervision and control.
2. The bill extends the income tax credit for income and franchise taxes paid
in other states to members of an LLC. Under current law, income and franchise taxes
paid to another state by a tax-option corporation may be claimed as a credit on Wis
consin income taxes by that corporation's shareholders. This bill provides the same
treatment to members of LLCs.
3. The bill exempts from the real estate transfer fee transfers between a part
nership and LLC if all of the members of the LLC are partners of the partnership,
all of the partners of the partnership are members of the LLC and the transfer is for
no consideration other than the assumption of debt or an interest in the LLC or the

4. The bill repeals a requirement in current law that corporations and LLCs
show, in their annual reports filed with the secretary of state, whether the corpora
tion or LLC has entered into any contract, combination or conspiracies in restraint
of trade.
5. The bill includes references to LLCs in the secretary of state's appropriation
for processing requests for expedited services and taking requests to reserving a
6. The bill clarifies the status of indebtedness to a shareholder incurred by a
corporation because of a distribution to its shareholders. Under current law, this in
debtedness is at parity with the corporation's indebtedness to its general, unsecured
creditors, except to the extent subordinated by agreement. This bill provides that
this provision does not affect the validity or priority of a security interest in corpora
tion property created to secure indebtedness incurred because of a shareholder dis
7. The bill amends the provisions dealing with a waiver, by a shareholder of a
corporation, of notice requirements under state law, the articles of incorporation or
bylaws. Under current law, the shareholder may waive these requirements only be
fore or after the date and time stated in the notice. This bill permits the waiver to
occur at any time.
8. The bill defines shareholder, for purposes of shareholder inspection of corpo
rate records, to include beneficial owners whose shares are held in a voting trust or
by a nominee on the beneficial owner's behalf.
9. The bill deletes the requirement that an LLC have 2 or more members.
10. The bill allows articles of organization of an LLC to include a delayed effec
tive date and time.
11. The bill deletes a requirement that LLCs maintain, at their principal place
of business, executed copies of any powers of attorney used for executing articles of
organization and amendments to them.
12. The bill allows an LLC to be licensed as a real estate broker or salesperson
and specifies how the license application requirements are to be applied to LLCs.
13. The bill changes the situations in which a member's interest in an LLC is
either not a "security" or is presumed to be a "security".
14. The bill eliminates the ability of managers of an LLC to bring a derivative
15. The bill adds a definition of liabilities to the indemnification provisions and
allows indemnification of the LLC of liabilities of members in certain circumstances.
This bill repeals a number of provisions that relate to actions and proceedings
by and against corporations. These provisions are located outside of the general busi
ness corporations chapter of the statutes and, in certain cases, they conflict with the
provisions contained in that chapter. The provisions that are repealed by this bill
include the following:
1. Certain provisions relating to injunctions against corporations. These provi
sions allow a court to restrain a corporation from assuming or exercising a corporate
right or from transacting business not authorized by its charter. The provisions also
impose certain requirements on a court in granting an injunction to suspend the gen

eral and ordinary business of a corporation. The bill does not repeal the provisions
in the business corporations chapter of the statutes that permit a court to enjoin un
lawful corporate acts in certain cases and to order the dissolution of a corporation.
2. Certain provisions regarding injunctions and suits against corporations with
banking powers. These provisions permit an injunction to be issued by the Wisconsin
supreme court whenever a banking corporation becomes insolvent, neglects or re
fuses to pay its debts or violates any law. These provisions do not specifically address
the powers of the banking commissioner or the role of federal bank regulators. Provi
sions in the banking chapter of the statutes, not repealed by the bill, permit the com
missioner of banking to bring an action in circuit court to enjoin banks to enforce com
pliance with the law and with rules and orders of the commissioner.
3. Certain procedural provisions relating to actions by creditors against corpo
rations and their officers, directors and stockholders. Separate provisions in the
business corporations chapter of the statutes, not repealed by the bill, specifically ad
dress the substantive liability of these parties and special procedures for derivative
actions by shareholders.
4. A general provision providing that, after final judgement against a corpora
tion or against a corporation's directors, trustees, officers or stockholders, the court
must cause the just and fair distribution of the corporation's property. The bill does
not repeal any of the specific provisions in the business corporations chapter of the
statutes that govern the process of winding up and liquidating a domestic corpora
tion's business and affairs.
5. General provisions granting courts "jurisdiction" over certain causes of ac
tion against directors, managers, trustees and other officers of corporations. The
causes of action covered by these provisions include actions to suspend or remove any
director, trustee or other officer from exercising their office; and to direct new elec
tions of a corporate board. The provisions also authorize the governor to fill vacan
cies on corporate boards if all members of the board are removed by a court. The pro
visions appear to conflict in certain ways with specific provisions contained in the
business corporations chapter of the statutes, not repealed by the bill.
6. Certain procedural and substantive provisions dealing with the dissolution
of a corporation and with vacating or annulling an act of incorporation or a corpora
tion's charter. Under these provisions, a judgment that a corporation has forfeited
its corporate rights, privileges and franchises results in the dissolution of the corpo
ration. These provide for a specific order of priority in distributing the assets of the
corporations, the payment of the attorney general's costs in bringing dissolution ac
tions, and the filing of judgements dissolving a corporation. The business corpora
tion chapter contains specific provisions that govern the judicial dissolution of corpo
rations, although these provisions do not provide for a specific order of priority in
distributing the assets of the dissolved corporation.
7. A specific provision allowing courts to compel discovery with respect to a cor
poration and its officers, agents and stockholders.

For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB923, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.575 (1) (gb) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,5,132 20.575 (1) (gb) Expedited service and telephone application for reservation of
The amounts in the schedule for processing of a document, request for in
4formation or certification in an expeditious manner under s. 14.38 (9), 179.16 (5),
5180.0122 (4), 181.68 (1) (k), 183.0114 (1) (u) or 185.83 (1) (h) and for taking telephone
6applications to reserve a name under s. 179.03 (2), 180.0402, 181.07 (2), 183.0104 or
7185.045. All expedited service fees collected under ss. 14.38 (9), 179.16 (5), 180.0122
8(4), 181.68 (1) (k), 183.0114 (1) (u) and 185.83 (1) (h) and all fees for telephone applica
9tion to reserve a name collected under s. 179.03 (2), 180.0122 (1) (e) or (f), 181.68 (1)
10(g), 183.0114 (1) (e) or (f) or 185.045 shall be credited to this appropriation. Notwith
11standing s. 20.001 (3) (a), any unencumbered balance at the close of a fiscal year ex
12ceeding 10% of the previous fiscal year's expenditures under this appropriation shall
13lapse to the general fund.
AB923, s. 2 14Section 2. 20.865 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,6,215 20.865 (1) (a) Judgments and legal expenses. A sum sufficient to pay for legal
16expenses under ss. s. 59.31 and 776.43, for costs under ss. 227.485 and 814.245 and
17for the costs of judgments, orders and settlements of actions, appeals and complaints
18under subch. II of ch. 111 or subch. II or III of ch. 230, and those judgments, awards,
19orders and settlements under ss. 21.13, 165.25 (6), 775.04 and 895.46 that are not
20otherwise reimbursable as liability costs under par. (fm). Release of moneys under

1this paragraph pursuant to any settlement agreement, whether or not incorporated
2into an order, is subject to approval of the attorney general.
AB923, s. 3 3Section 3. 20.865 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,6,124 20.865 (1) (g) Judgments and legal expenses; program revenues. From the ap
5propriate program revenue and program revenue-service accounts, a sum sufficient
6to pay for legal expenses under ss. s. 59.31 and 776.43, for costs under ss. 227.485
7and 814.245 and for the cost of judgments, orders and settlements of actions, appeals
8and complaints under subch. II of ch. 111 or subch. II or III of ch. 230, and those judg
9ments, awards, orders and settlements under ss. 21.13, 165.25 (6), 775.04 and 895.46
10that are not otherwise reimbursable as liability costs under par. (fm). Release of mo
11neys under this paragraph pursuant to any settlement agreement, whether or not
12incorporated into an order, is subject to approval of the attorney general.
AB923, s. 4 13Section 4. 20.865 (1) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,6,2214 20.865 (1) (q) Judgments and legal expenses; segregated revenues. From the
15appropriate segregated funds, a sum sufficient to pay for legal expenses under ss. s.
1659.31 and 776.43, for costs under ss. 227.485 and 814.245 and for the cost of judg
17ments, orders and settlements of actions, appeals and complaints under subch. II of
18ch. 111 or subch. II or III of ch. 230, and those judgments, awards, orders and settle
19ments under ss. 21.13, 165.25 (6), 775.04 and 895.46 that are not otherwise reim
20bursable as liability costs under par. (fm). Release of moneys under this paragraph
21pursuant to any settlement agreement, whether or not incorporated into an order,
22is subject to approval of the attorney general.
AB923, s. 5 23Section 5. 71.07 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,7,1224 71.07 (7) (b) If a resident individual, estate or trust pays a net income tax to
25another state, that resident individual, estate or trust may credit the net tax paid to

1that other state on that income against the net income tax otherwise payable to the
2state on income of the same year. The credit may not be allowed unless the income
3taxed by the other state is also considered income for Wisconsin tax purposes. The
4credit may not be allowed unless claimed within the time provided in s. 71.75 (2), but
5s. 71.75 (4) does not apply to those credits. For purposes of this paragraph, amounts
6declared and paid pursuant to the income tax law of another state shall be deemed
7a net income tax paid to that other state only in the year in which the income tax re
8turn for that state was required to be filed. Income and franchise taxes paid to anoth
9er state by a tax-option corporation or limited liability company may be claimed as
10a credit under this paragraph by that corporation's shareholders or that limited li
11ability company's members
who are residents of this state and who otherwise qualify
12under this paragraph.
AB923, s. 6 13Section 6. 77.25 (15w) of the statutes is created to read:
AB923,7,1814 77.25 (15w) Between a partnership and a limited liability company if all of the
15members of the limited liability company are partners of the partnership and all of
16the partners of the partnership are members of the limited liability company and if
17the transfer is for no consideration other than the assumption of debt or an interest
18in the limited liability company or the partnership.
AB923, s. 7 19Section 7. 93.06 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,7,2320 93.06 (4) Law enforcement. At the request of the attorney general or of any
21district attorney, assist in the enforcement of any of the following statutes relating
22to trade: ss. 133.03 to 133.07, 133.10, 133.12 to 133.15, 133.17, 134.01, 185.94,
23776.32, 776.36, 784.04 and 939.31.
AB923, s. 8 24Section 8. 133.12 of the statutes is amended to read:
1133.12 Domestic and foreign corporations and limited liability compa
2nies; cancellation of charters or certificates of authority for restraining
3trade; affidavit.
Any corporation or limited liability company organized under the
4laws of this state or foreign corporation or foreign limited liability company autho
5rized to transact business in this state pursuant to a certificate of authority from the
6secretary of state which violates any provision of this chapter, may, upon proof there
7of, in any circuit court have its charter or authority to transact business in this state
8suspended, canceled or annulled. Every corporation or limited liability company
9shall, in its annual report filed with the secretary of state, show whether it has en
10tered into any contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy
11in restraint of trade or commerce.
The department of justice shall enforce this sec
AB923, s. 9 13Section 9. 180.0640 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,8,1914 180.0640 (6) A corporation's indebtedness to a shareholder incurred because
15of a distribution made in accordance with this section is at parity with the corpora
16tion's indebtedness to its general, unsecured creditors except to the extent subordi
17nated by agreement. This subsection does not affect the validity or priority of a secu
18rity interest in corporation property created to secure indebtedness incurred because
19of a distribution.
AB923, s. 10 20Section 10. 180.0706 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,9,221 180.0706 (1) A shareholder may waive any notice required by this chapter, the
22articles of incorporation or the bylaws before or after the date and time stated in the
at any time. The waiver shall be in writing and signed by the shareholder en
24titled to the notice, contain the same information that would have been required in
25the notice under any applicable provisions of this chapter, except that the time and

1place of meeting need not be stated, and be delivered to the corporation for inclusion
2in the corporate records.
AB923, s. 11 3Section 11. 180.1602 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 180.1602 (1m).
AB923, s. 12 4Section 12. 180.1602 (1) of the statutes is created to read:
AB923,9,65 180.1602 (1) In this section, "shareholder" includes a beneficial owner whose
6shares are held in a voting trust or by a nominee on the beneficial owner's behalf.
AB923, s. 13 7Section 13. 180.1604 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB923,9,138 180.1604 (1) If a corporation does not within a reasonable time allow a share
9holder to inspect and copy any record described in s. 180.1602 (1) or (2), the share
10holder who complies with s. 180.1602 (1) (1m) or (2), as applicable, may apply to the
11circuit court for the county where the corporation's principal office or, if none in this
12state, its registered office is located for an order to permit inspection and copying of
13the records demanded.