1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
February 26, 1996 - Introduced by Representatives Vrakas, Freese, Grothman,
Green, Lehman, Musser
and Plombon, cosponsored by Senators Zien, Cowles,
and Schultz. Referred to Committee on Housing.
AB962,1,8 1An Act to repeal 77.22 (2) (c), 77.22 (2) (d), 101.122 (6) and 101.122 (6r); to
101.122 (4) (a), 101.122 (7) (d) and 706.05 (12); and to create 101.122
3(3) (c), 101.122 (8) and 101.122 (9) of the statutes; relating to: eliminating the
4rental unit energy efficiency requirements, compliance with existing
5stipulations relating to the rental unit energy efficiency requirements, creating
6a procedure for issuing citations to certain persons who fail to comply with
7existing stipulations relating to the rental unit energy efficiency requirements
8and granting rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the department of industry, labor and human relations
(DILHR) administers a rental unit energy efficiency program. Under the program,
DILHR promulgates rules establishing minimum energy efficiency standards for
certain rental units. No owner of a rental unit covered by the standards may transfer
ownership of the rental unit unless a DILHR inspector or an inspector approved by
DILHR certifies that a rental unit meets the minimum energy efficiency standards
established by DILHR. The requirement for certification that a rental unit covered
by the minimum energy efficiency standards meets the standards does not apply if:
1) the inspector waives the requirement because the rental unit is scheduled for
demolition within 2 years of the transfer of ownership; or 2) the new owner of the
rental unit and DILHR or the city, village or town in which the rental unit is located
enter into a stipulation that provides that the owner will bring the rental unit into
compliance with the minimum energy efficiency standards no later than 12 months
after the date of the first transfer of the rental unit after the standards take effect.

Current law provides penalties for violation of various statutory provisions relating
to the rental unit energy efficiency program. One of the penalties provides that a
person who fails to comply with the requirements of such a stipulation may be
required to forfeit not more than $500.
Also, under current law a real estate transfer fee form must be filed at the time
a legal document conveying property is submitted to the register of deeds for
recording. On that form, the parties to the change of ownership of the property must
indicate whether the property is subject to the rental unit energy efficiency
certification requirement, whether the requirement has been waived because of
scheduled demolition, whether a stipulation regarding compliance has been entered
into, or whether the rental unit energy efficiency program does not apply to the
property. Every legal document that conveys an interest in real property and that
is offered for recording must be accompanied by the real estate transfer fee form and,
if the property is subject to the rental unit energy efficiency certification
requirement, by a copy of the certification, of the waiver of that certification due to
scheduled demolition or of a stipulation regarding compliance.
This bill sunsets the rental unit energy efficiency program on the day that the
bill takes effect. Thus, under the bill, a transfer of the ownership of a rental unit that
occurs anytime after the day the bill takes effect does not have to be certified as
meeting the rental unit energy efficiency standards, nor does the owner of a rental
unit that does not meet the rental unit energy efficiency standards have either to
seek a waiver based on demolition or enter into a stipulation agreeing to bring the
rental unit into compliance with the standards. The bill also eliminates the
requirements that: 1) a real estate transfer fee form indicate whether the
requirements of the rental unit energy efficiency program have been met, whether
there has been a waiver or stipulation or whether the requirements do not apply; and
2) a legal instrument offered for recording have attached to it a copy of the
certification, waiver or stipulation required under the program.
In addition, the bill establishes a citation procedure for enforcing stipulations
that were entered into before the sunset of the requirements of the rental unit energy
efficiency program. Under the citation procedure, DILHR or a city, village or town
that is party to a stipulation may issue a citation to any person who has not complied
with a stipulation. A citation may be issued once the person is one month past the
date for compliance specified in the stipulation. A citation issued under the bill does
not relieve the person from complying with the stipulation, and a person may be
charged with multiple violations if each violation covers a period of at least 90
consecutive days of continued failure to comply and if there is no overlap between
Under the bill, a citation specifies a date on which the person who has been
issued the citation should appear in court to contest or plead no contest to the
citation. The citation also specifies that the person may, without appearing in court,
make a deposit of money in an amount set in a schedule by DILHR and may in writing
plead no contest to the citation, in which case the money deposited is forfeited as a
penalty for the noncompliance with the stipulation. If a person issued a citation pays
a deposit but neither enters a written plea of no contest nor appears in court on the

date specified in the citation, the court may either: a) consider the nonappearance
as a no contest plea and order the deposit forfeited as a penalty for the
noncompliance; or 2) refuse to accept forfeiture of the deposit and require the
issuance of a summons or an arrest warrant for the person. A person who fails to
appear in court and whose nonappearance is considered by the court to be a no
contest plea may, within 90 days of the date of the court appearance, withdraw the
plea and contest the citation if the court finds that the person's failure to appear was
due to mistake, inadvertence, surprise or excusable neglect.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB962, s. 1 1Section 1. 77.22 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB962, s. 2 2Section 2. 77.22 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
AB962, s. 3 3Section 3. 101.122 (3) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB962,3,64 101.122 (3) (c) Enforce stipulations entered into under sub. (4) (c) before the
5effective date of this paragraph .... [revisor inserts date], by use of the citation
6procedure under sub. (8).
AB962, s. 4 7Section 4. 101.122 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB962,3,138 101.122 (4) (a) The rules adopted under sub. (2) (a) shall take effect on the first
9day of the 24th month after adoption of the rules. After the rules take effect, except
10as provided under pars. (b) and (c) and sub. (9), no owner may transfer a rental unit
11unless, within the previous 5 years, an inspector has inspected the unit and has
12issued a certificate stating that the unit satisfies applicable standards under sub. (2)
13(a) 1. or 2.
AB962, s. 5 14Section 5. 101.122 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
AB962, s. 6 15Section 6. 101.122 (6r) of the statutes is repealed.
AB962, s. 7 16Section 7. 101.122 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
1101.122 (7) (d) Stipulation. Any person who fails to comply with the
2requirements of a stipulation under sub. (4) (c) may be issued a citation under sub.
3(8) and
required to forfeit not more than $500 per dwelling unit. A person may be
4charged with multiple violations under this paragraph if each violation covers a
5period of at least 90 consecutive days of continued failure to comply, if there is no
6overlap between periods and if each period begins after the date by which a rental
7unit was to have been brought into compliance.
AB962, s. 8 8Section 8. 101.122 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB962,4,159 101.122 (8) Citation procedure. (a) 1. If a person fails to bring a rental unit
10covered by a stipulation under sub. (4) (c) into compliance with the requirements of
11the stipulation by the date specified in the stipulation, the department or the city,
12village or town which entered into the stipulation with the person may, anytime after
13the first day of the 13th month beginning after the date of the transfer of the rental
14unit, proceed under this subsection to recover a forfeiture, penalty assessment and
15jail assessment under sub. (7) (d).
AB962,4,1816 2. All actions to recover a forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail assessment
17under this subsection are civil actions in the name of the state of Wisconsin and shall
18be heard in the circuit court for the county where the rental unit is located.
AB962,4,2019 (b) The form of a citation issued under this subsection shall provide for the
AB962,4,2121 1. The name and address of the alleged violator.
AB962,4,2222 2. The name and department of the issuing department deputy or official.
AB962,5,423 3. The location, including the street address, of the rental unit to which the
24stipulation under sub. (4) (c) applies, the date by which the rental unit covered by the
25requirements of the stipulation was to have been brought into compliance, a

1statement that the alleged violator has failed to bring the rental unit into
2compliance, the statute or administrative rule violated and a description of the
3failure to comply with the stipulation in language which can be readily understood
4by a person making a reasonable effort to do so.
AB962,5,65 4. The maximum forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail assessment for which
6the alleged violator might be found liable.
AB962,5,77 5. A date, time and place for the court appearance, and a notice to appear.
AB962,5,88 6. Provisions for deposit and stipulation in lieu of a court appearance.
AB962,5,189 7. Notice that if the alleged violator makes a deposit and fails to appear in court
10at the time fixed in the citation, the alleged violator will be considered to have
11tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, penalty assessment and
12jail assessment plus costs, including any applicable fees prescribed in ch. 814, not to
13exceed the amount of the deposit. The notice shall also state that the court may
14decide to summon the alleged violator rather than accept the deposit and plea, that
15making a deposit obligates the alleged violator to bring the rental unit into
16compliance with the requirements of the stipulation under sub. (4) (c) and that
17continued failure to bring the rental unit into compliance may result in the issuance
18of additional citations.
AB962,6,519 8. Notice that if the alleged violator makes a deposit and signs the citation, the
20alleged violator will be considered to have tendered a plea of no contest and
21submitted to a forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail assessment plus costs,
22including any applicable fees prescribed in ch. 814, not to exceed the amount of the
23deposit. The notice shall also state that the court may decide to summon the alleged
24violator rather than accept the deposit and signed citation, that the alleged violator
25may, at any time before or at the time of the court appearance date, move the court

1for relief from the effects of signing the citation, that making a deposit and signing
2the citation obligates the alleged violator to bring the building into compliance with
3the requirements of the stipulation under sub. (4) (c) and that continued failure to
4bring the rental unit into compliance may result in the issuance of additional
AB962,6,76 9. Notice that the alleged violator may, either in person or by certified mail,
7enter a plea of not guilty and request a trial.
AB962,6,108 10. Notice that if the alleged violator does not make a deposit and fails to appear
9in court at the time fixed in the citation, the court may issue a summons or an arrest
AB962,6,1411 11. Notice that if the alleged violator completes any work necessary to comply
12with the requirements of the stipulation under sub. (4) (c) the department or the city,
13village or town may request the court to reduce the amount of or waive the requested
AB962,6,1515 12. Any other pertinent information.
AB962,6,1816 (c) 1. If a court requires an alleged violator to be summoned under pars. (i) and
17(j), the summons shall be in the form specified under subd. 2. and shall be
18accompanied by a complaint in the form specified in subd. 3.
AB962,6,1919 2. A summons shall contain all of the following:
AB962,6,2120 a. The title of the cause, specifying the name of the court and county in which
21the action is brought and the names of all parties to the action.
AB962,6,2422 b. A direction summoning and requiring the alleged violator to appear in a
23specified court on a particular date not less than 10 days following service of the
24summons to answer the accompanying complaint.
1c. A notice that in case of failure to appear, judgment may be rendered against
2the alleged violator according to the demand of the complaint, or the court may issue
3a warrant for the alleged violator's arrest.
AB962,7,74 3. A complaint shall contain sufficient information to provide probable cause
5to believe that the alleged violator has not complied with the requirements of a
6stipulation under sub. (4) (c). The complaint shall accompany the summons and shall
7contain the information set forth in par. (b) 1. and 2. and all of the following:
AB962,7,98 a. The title of the cause, specifying the name of the court and county in which
9the action is brought and the names and addresses of the parties to the action.
AB962,7,1510 b. A plain and concise statement of the alleged violator's failure to comply with
11the requirements of a stipulation under sub. (4) (c) and showing that the plaintiff is
12entitled to relief, the statute upon which the cause of action is based and a demand
13for a forfeiture, the amount of which shall not exceed the maximum set by the statute
14involved, a penalty assessment, a jail assessment and any other relief that is sought
15by the plaintiff.
AB962,7,1716 c. In an action against a corporation the complaint must state that the alleged
17violator is a corporation and state whether it is a domestic or foreign corporation.
AB962,7,2318 (d) A department deputy or the city, village or town official who signed the
19stipulation under sub. (4) (c) or his or her successor may issue a citation under this
20subsection. A citation shall be issued or served anywhere in the state by delivering
21a copy to the defendant personally, by leaving a copy at the alleged violator's usual
22place of abode with a person of discretion residing there or by mailing a copy to the
23defendant's last-known address.
AB962,8,424 (e) The issuance of a citation by a person authorized to do so under par. (d) is
25adequate process to give the appropriate court jurisdiction over the alleged violator

1and the subject matter of the offense for the purpose of receiving cash deposits, if
2directed to do so, and for the purposes of pars. (h) and (i). Issuance and filing of a
3citation does not constitute commencement of an action. Issuance of a citation does
4not violate s. 946.68.