1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
September 6, 1995 - Introduced by Representatives Kaufert, Ziegelbauer,
Handrick, Lazich, Green, F. Lasee, Goetsch, Olsen, Ladwig, Dobyns,
Grothman, Albers, Wasserman, Kreibich, Seratti, Kelso, Ryba
Harsdorf, cosponsored by Senators Zien and Schultz. Referred to Committee
on Elections and Constitutional Law.
AJR54,1,4 1To renumber section 2 of article V; to renumber and amend section 6 of article IV;
2and to create section 6 (2) of article IV and section 2 (2) of article V of the
3constitution; relating to: limiting the number of consecutive terms permitted
4for the governor and members of the state legislature (first consideration).
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This constitutional amendment, proposed to the 1995 legislature on first
consideration, limits the governor and members of the state legislature to not more
than 12 years of consecutive service in the same office. Time served in an initial
partial term in the same office, or time served in a different office, is not counted as
part of the 12-year limit. Terms are considered consecutive unless they are more
than 2 years apart.
As a constitutional amendment, the proposal requires adoption by 2 successive
legislatures, and ratification by the people, before it can become effective.
AJR54,1,5 5Resolved by the assembly, the senate concurring, That:
AJR54, s. 1 6Section 1. Section 6 of article IV of the constitution is renumbered section 6
7(1) of article IV and amended to read:
AJR54,1,108 [Article IV] Section 6 (1) No person shall be eligible to the legislature who shall
9not have resided one year within the state, and be a qualified elector in the district
10which he the person may be chosen to represent.
AJR54, s. 2 11Section 2. Section 6 (2) of article IV of the constitution is created to read:
1[Article IV] Section 6 (2) Beginning with the terms commencing after 1998, a
2person may not serve more than 3 consecutive 4-year terms as a senator or more
3than 6 consecutive 2-year terms as a representative to the assembly. Time served
4during an initial partial term in the same house, or time served in the other house,
5shall not be counted as part of the 12-year limits. Terms are consecutive unless they
6are more than 2 years apart.
AJR54, s. 3 7Section 3. Section 2 of article V of the constitution is renumbered section 2 (1)
8of article V.
AJR54, s. 4 9Section 4. Section 2 (2) of article V of the constitution is created to read:
AJR54,2,1410 [Article V] Section 2 (2) Beginning with the term commencing after 1998, a
11person may not serve more than 3 consecutive 4-year terms as governor. Time
12served during an initial partial term in the same state office, or time served in a
13different state office, shall not be counted as part of the 12-year limit. Terms are
14consecutive unless they are more than 2 years apart.
AJR54, s. 5 15Section 5. Numbering of new provisions. (1) Article IV. The new
16subsection (2) of section 6 of article IV of the constitution created in this joint
17resolution shall be designated by the next higher open whole subsection number in
18that section if, prior to or simultaneously with the ratification by the people of the
19amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any other ratified amendment has
20created a subsection (2) of section 6 of article IV of the constitution of this state. If
21several joint resolutions simultaneously create a subsection (2) of section 6 of article
22IV, the chief of the legislative reference bureau shall determine the sequence and the
AJR54,3,624 (2) Article V. The new subsection (2) of section 2 of article V of the constitution
25created in this joint resolution shall be designated by the next higher open whole

1subsection number in that section if, prior to or simultaneously with the ratification
2by the people of the amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any other ratified
3amendment has created a subsection (2) of section 2 of article V of the constitution
4of this state. If several joint resolutions simultaneously create a subsection (2) of
5section 2 of article V, the chief of the legislative reference bureau shall determine the
6sequence and the numbering.
AJR54,3,9 7Be it further resolved, That this proposed amendment be referred to the
8legislature to be chosen at the next general election and that it be published for 3
9months previous to the time of holding such election.
AJR54,3,1010 (End)