Assembly Rule 53 (intro.), (1), (2), (3) and (4) (intro.) and (b): See Assembly Rule
2 (3) above.
Assembly Rule 54 (1): The rule restates one part of the general rule on
germaneness to provide that an amendment is nongermane if it would require a
relating clause, rather than an entire title, substantially different.
Assembly Rule 56 (1): The rule requires a member to be recognized or addressed
only by the number of the member's district, rather than by that number or by
reference to the member's county or municipality of residence or by the main county
or municipality in that member's district.
Assembly Rule 56 (2): The rule requires the presiding officer to announce the
order that the members may speak.
Assembly Rule 59 (3): See Assembly Rule 2 (3) above. The rule also prohibits
the display of exhibits, and permits reading aloud from a constitutional provision,
assembly rule or joint rule directly related to the proposal or its amendments.
Assembly Rule 62 (3m): The rule requires the presiding officer to rule on a point
of order within 7 legislative days.
Assembly Rule 67: The rule permits debate on motions to take from the table.
Assembly Rule 69m: The rule provides that a motion to recess to a day of the
year other than the day of the year on which the motion is made has the same effect
as a motion to adjourn.
Assembly Rule 70 (1): The rule provides that a motion to adjourn is not in order
while the assembly has recessed for a party caucus and is not under call.
Assembly Rule 73 (1) (b): The rule prohibits reconsideration of an assembly
action to recede from its position on a proposal so as to agree with the position of the
Assembly Rule 73 (2) (a): The rule recognizes that the chief clerk reads the
relating clause, not the entire title of a proposal.
Assembly Rule 73 (2) (b) and (3) (a): The rule provides that a motion for
reconsideration of the vote by which a proposal is adopted, indefinitely postponed,
rejected or nonconcurred in may be entered before other business is begun or on the
8th order of business on the next roll call day.
Assembly Rule 73 (4) (a): See Assembly Rule 2 (3) above.
Assembly Rule 73 (4) (c): The rule requires the reconsideration of both the vote
to engross and the vote to adopt a substitute amendment in order to return a proposal
consisting of a substitute amendment to the amendable stage.
Assembly Rule 73 (6): The rule permits the assembly to authorize the
withdrawal of a motion to reconsider.
Assembly Rule 74 (title) and (2): The rule prohibits the amendment of a motion
to take from the table and limits each member to speaking only 2 minutes on the

Assembly Rule 75 (1) (a) 3. and (d): The rule provides the form for stating the
questions on amendments and conference reports.
Assembly Rule 79 (5): The rule provides that both members of a pair are
considered not present for the purpose of establishing a qualified majority or
Assembly Rule 80 (4): The rule prohibits the division of a bill vetoed in its
entirety by the governor.
Assembly Rule 80 (6): The rule changes the references to vetoed items to vetoed
Assembly Rule 83 (4): The rule establishes the words the presiding officers
must state upon a call of the assembly being requested.
Assembly Rule 93 (4): See Assembly Rule 2 (3) above.
Assembly Rule 94 (3) (a) and (b): See Assembly Rule 2 (3) above.
Assembly Rule 95 (3) and (4): The rule expands on the definitions of adoption
and amendment.
Assembly Rule 95 (6): The rule expands the area of the assembly chamber.
Assembly Rule 95 (19): See Assembly Rule 2 (3) above.
Assembly Rule 95 (27m): The rule defines extraordinary session.
Assembly Rule 95 (39), (54), (63), (66) and (67): The rule redefines joint
resolution, passage, recess, regular session and rejection.
Assembly Rule 95 (72): The rule repeals the definition of revision.
Assembly Rule 95 (82) and (84): The rule redefines special committee and
special session.
Assembly Rule 97 (3): The rule prohibits the use of an assembly citation to
declare a special day or to declare a person an honorary citizen.
AR2,5,1 1Resolved by the assembly, That:
AR2, s. 1 2Section 1. Assembly rule 2 (3) is amended to read:
AR2,5,73 Assembly Rule 2 (3) On the day a new legislature is convened under section
413.02 (1) of the statutes, the chairperson of each party caucus shall notify the chief
5clerk of the offices established by his or her party caucus and the incumbents therein,
6and thereafter shall notify the chief clerk of any change in such offices or incumbents.
7Each notification shall be printed entered in the journal.
AR2, s. 2 8Section 2. Assembly rule 3 (1) (h) is amended to read:
1Assembly Rule 3 (1) (h) Receive communications from other branches of
2government and, when required, direct that they be read to the assembly or printed
3entered in the journal.
AR2, s. 3 4Section 3. Assembly rule 3 (1) (j) is amended to read:
AR2,6,65 Assembly Rule 3 (1) (j) Appoint members to all assembly and joint legislative
6committees or other bodies as required by law, legislative rule or other directive.
AR2, s. 4 7Section 4. Assembly rule 5 (1) (b), (c), (d) and (f) are amended to read:
AR2,6,108 Assembly Rule 5 (1) (b) Supervise the preparation and keeping of the daily
9journal, daily calendars, weekly bulletins of proceedings and weekly schedule of
10committee activities.
AR2,6,1211 (c) Supervise the official recording of all assembly actions and the making of
12all required entries upon the jackets of in the history file for proposals.
AR2,6,1513 (d) After During or after each daily session, ascertain that notify the legislative
14reference bureau file copy of any proposal introduced on that day, or of any substitute
15amendment or amendment deposited on that day, has been sent to the bureau.
AR2,6,2116 (f) Any assembly proposal ordered engrossed and read a 3rd time shall be
17reviewed by the chief clerk with regard to incorporating whatever amendments have
18been adopted. When a proposal has been correctly engrossed, it shall be submitted
19to the assembly for a 3rd reading. If the proposal is to be reprinted reproduced in
20engrossed form, the work shall be performed by the legislative reference bureau
21under joint rule 63.
AR2, s. 5 22Section 5. Assembly rule 6 (1) (g) is amended to read:
AR2,7,223 Assembly Rule 6 (1) (g) Maintain order and quiet in and about the chamber,
24remove disorderly persons or clear the galleries or areas adjoining other areas of the
25chamber when directed to do so by the presiding officer, and carry out any other

1instructions of the presiding officer in relation to any disturbance which may occur
2in or near the chamber.
AR2, s. 6 3Section 6. Assembly rule 9 (1) is repealed and recreated to read:
AR2,7,54 Assembly Rule 9 (1) As early as possible in each legislative biennium, the
5following standing committees of the assembly shall be appointed by the speaker:
AR2,7,66 (a) Aging and long-term care, committee on.
AR2,7,77 (b) Agriculture, committee on.
AR2,7,88 (c) Children and families, committee on.
AR2,7,99 (d) Colleges and universities, committee on.
AR2,7,1010 (e) Consumer affairs, committee on.
AR2,7,1111 (f) Criminal justice and corrections, committee on.
AR2,7,1212 (g) Education, committee on.
AR2,7,1313 (h) Elections and constitutional law, committee on.
AR2,7,1414 (i) Environment and utilities, committee on.
AR2,7,1515 (j) Financial institutions, committee on.
AR2,7,1616 (k) Government operations, committee on.
AR2,7,1717 (L) Health, committee on.
AR2,7,1818 (m) Highways and transportation, committee on.
AR2,7,1919 (n) Housing, committee on.
AR2,7,2020 (o) Insurance, securities and corporate policy, committee on.
AR2,7,2121 (p) Judiciary, committee on.
AR2,7,2222 (q) Labor and employment, committee on.
AR2,7,2323 (r) Mandates, committee on.
AR2,7,2424 (s) Natural resources, committee on.
AR2,7,2525 (t) Rural affairs, committee on.
1(u) Small business and economic development, committee on.
AR2,8,22 (v) State affairs, committee on.
AR2,8,33 (w) Tourism and recreation, committee on.
AR2,8,44 (x) Urban and local affairs, committee on.
AR2,8,55 (y) Urban education, committee on.
AR2,8,66 (z) Veterans and military affairs, committee on.
AR2,8,77 (zd) Ways and means, committee on.
AR2,8,88 (zm) Welfare reform, committee on.
AR2, s. 7 9Section 7. Assembly rule 9 (2) (b) is amended to read:
AR2,8,1110 Assembly Rule 9 (2) (b) The speaker shall make all committee appointments
11of members of the majority party, and the.
AR2,8,13 12(bm) The first-named person of each standing committee shall be the
13chairperson and the second-named person shall be the vice chairperson.
AR2, s. 8 14Section 8. Assembly rule 9 (2) (c) is amended to read:
AR2,8,1815 Assembly Rule 9 (2) (c) The speaker shall make all committee appointments
16of members of the minority party as nominated by the minority leader , and the
, except that the speaker may appoint any member of the minority
18party as chairperson of a committee.
AR2,8,23 19(cm) Unless the member is the chairperson, the first-nominated minority
20member of each standing committee who is first nominated by the minority leader
21shall be the ranking minority member of that committee unless the speaker and
22minority leader agree that the first-nominated member shall serve as vice
23chairperson of the committee
AR2, s. 9 24Section 9. Assembly rule 9 (4), (5), (6) and (7) are amended to read:
1Assembly Rule 9 (4) The members of the There shall also be an assembly
2committee on finance shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint
3committee on finance. The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a
4cochairperson of the joint committee.
AR2,9,95 (5) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee on audit
6shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint legislative audit committee.
7The chairperson of the assembly committee shall be a cochairperson of the joint
8committee. Proposals may be referred to, and reported by, the joint committee in the
9same manner as other standing committees.
AR2,9,1510 (6) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee for review
11of administrative rules shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint
12committee for review of administrative rules. The chairperson of the assembly
13committee shall be a cochairperson of the joint committee. Proposals may be referred
14to, and reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing
AR2,9,2016 (7) The members of the There shall also be an assembly committee on
17employment relations shall be consisting of the assembly members of the joint
18committee on employment relations. The chairperson of the assembly committee
19shall be a cochairperson of the joint committee. Proposals may be referred to, and
20reported by, the joint committee in the same manner as other standing committees.
AR2, s. 10 21Section 10. Assembly rule 10 (1) is renumbered assembly rule 10 (1m) and
22amended to read:
AR2,9,2423 Assembly Rule 10 (1m) Special committees may be created by resolution. Any
24such committee shall cease to exist: