1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
June 1, 1995 - Introduced by Senators Leean, Ellis and Rude, by request of
Governor Tommy G. Thompson. Referred to Committee on Health, Human
Services and Aging.
SB240,1,4 1An Act to repeal 50.02 (6); to amend 20.435 (1) (gm); and to create subchapter
2III of chapter 50 [precedes 50.50], 146.81 (1) (p) and 146.82 (2) (a) 17. of the
3statutes; relating to: regulating rural medical centers, granting rule-making
4authority, making an appropriation and providing penalties.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the department of health and social services (DHSS) must
investigate the concept of regulating a new category of health care providers known
as rural medical centers.
This bill eliminates that provision and establishes rural medical centers as a
category of health care providers that, beginning on January 1, 1997, must be
licensed, inspected and otherwise regulated by DHSS. Under the bill, a facility may
be regulated as a rural medical center if it is located in a county, city, town or village
that has a population of less than 15,000 and in an area that the federal bureau of
the census has not defined as an urbanized area and if it provides 2 or more health
care services. The health care services are those provided by a hospital, a nursing
home, a hospice, a rural health clinic or an ambulatory surgery center; or they are
home health services, outpatient physical therapy services, end-stage renal disease
services or services that are specified by DHSS by rule.
The bill establishes licensing procedures and requires that DHSS promulgate
rules that establish standards for operation of rural medical centers, minimum
requirements for license issuance, licensure fee amounts, and procedures and
criteria for waiver of or variance from standards and requirements. The bill
authorizes DHSS to conduct unannounced inspections of rural medical centers and
requires a rural medical center to provide access to any patient health care records
necessary to fulfill the purpose of any DHSS inspections or investigations. The bill
prohibits an unlicensed entity from using the phrase "rural medical center" to
describe itself, prohibits intentional interference with any investigation by DHSS of

alleged violations, prohibits certain intentional retaliation or discrimination against
employes or patients and prohibits intentional destruction or modification of original
inspection reports.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB240, s. 1 1Section 1 . 20.435 (1) (gm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB240,2,92 20.435 (1) (gm) Licensing, review and certifying activities. The amounts in the
3schedule for the purposes specified in ss. 50.135, 50.49 (2) (b), 50.52 (2) (a), 146.50
4(8), 250.05 (6), 252.22 (7), 254.176, 254.178, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39,
5254.47, 254.61 to 254.89 and 255.08 (2), subch. IV of ch. 50 and ch. 150. All moneys
6received under ss. 50.135, 50.49 (2) (b), 50.52 (2) (a), 50.93 (1) (c), 146.50 (8) (d),
7150.13, 250.05 (6), 252.22 (7), 254.176, 254.178, 254.20 (5) and (8), 254.31 to 254.39,
8254.47, 254.61 to 254.89 and 255.08 (2) (b), less the amounts appropriated under s.
920.488 (1) (g), shall be credited to this appropriation.
SB240, s. 2 10Section 2. 50.02 (6) of the statutes is repealed.
SB240, s. 3 11Section 3. Subchapter III of chapter 50 [precedes 50.50] of the statutes is
12created to read:
SB240,2,13 13CHAPTER 50
SB240,2,1514 Subchapter III
15 rural medical centers
SB240,2,16 1650.50 Definitions. In this subchapter:
SB240,2,17 17(1) "Ambulatory surgery center" has the meaning given in s. 49.45 (6r) (a) 1.
SB240,2,19 18(2) "End-stage renal disease services" has the meaning given under 42 CFR
1(3) "Health care services" means any of the following:
SB240,3,22 (a) Care that is provided in or by any of the following:
SB240,3,33 1. A hospital.
SB240,3,44 2. A nursing home.
SB240,3,55 3. A hospice.
SB240,3,66 4. A rural health clinic.
SB240,3,77 5. An ambulatory surgery center.
SB240,3,88 (b) Home health services.
SB240,3,99 (c) Outpatient physical therapy services.
SB240,3,1010 (d) End-stage renal disease services.
SB240,3,1111 (e) Services that are specified in rules that the department promulgates.
SB240,3,12 12(4) "Home health services" has the meaning given in s. 50.49 (1) (b).
SB240,3,13 13(5) "Hospice" has the meaning given in s. 50.90 (1).
SB240,3,14 14(6) "Hospital" has the meaning given in s. 50.33 (2) (a) or (b).
SB240,3,15 15(7) "Medicare" has the meaning given in s. 49.45 (3) (L) 1. b.
SB240,3,17 16(8) "Outpatient physical therapy services" has the meaning given under 42
17USC 1395x
SB240,3,19 18(9) "Patient" means an individual who receives services from a rural medical
SB240,3,20 20(10) "Rural health clinic" has the meaning given under 42 USC 1395x (aa) (2).
SB240,3,22 21(11) "Rural medical center" means a facility, building, structure, institution or
22place that meets all of the following conditions:
SB240,3,2423 (a) Provides 2 or more health care services through the facility, building,
24structure, institution or place or through a related corporate entity.
1(b) Is located in a county, city, town or village that has a population of less than
215,000 and that is in an area that is not an urbanized area, as defined by the federal
3bureau of the census.
SB240,4,4 450.51 Departmental powers. The department shall do all of the following:
SB240,4,6 5(1) Provide uniform, statewide licensing, inspection and regulation of rural
6medical centers as specified in this subchapter.
SB240,4,7 7(2) Promulgate rules that establish all of the following:
SB240,4,108 (a) For the operation of rural medical centers, standards that are designed to
9protect and promote the health, safety, rights and welfare of patients who receive
10health care services in rural medical centers.
SB240,4,1211 (b) Minimum requirements for issuance of a provisional license, an initial
12regular license or a regular license renewal to rural medical centers.
SB240,4,1513 (c) Provisional rural medical center licensure fees and regular rural medical
14center initial licensure and licensure renewal fees. The amounts of the fees shall be
15based on the health care services provided by the rural medical center.
SB240,4,1716 (d) A procedure and criteria for waiver of or variance from standards under par.
17(a) or minimum requirements under par. (b).
SB240,4,21 1850.52 Licensing procedure and requirements. (1) No person may
19conduct, maintain, operate or permit to be conducted, maintained or operated health
20care services at a rural medical center unless the rural medical center is licensed by
21the department.
SB240,4,24 22(2) The department shall issue a provisional license, an initial regular license
23or a regular license renewal as a rural medical center to an applicant if all of the
24following are first done:
1(a) The applicant pays the appropriate license fee, as established under s. 50.51
2(2) (c). Fees collected under this paragraph shall be credited to the appropriation
3under s. 20.435 (1) (gm) for licensing and inspection activities.
SB240,5,74 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), the department inspects the health care
5services provided by the applying rural medical center and finds that the applicant
6is fit and qualified and meets the requirements and standards of this subchapter and
7the rules promulgated under this subchapter.