1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
June 6, 1995 - Introduced by Senator Panzer. Referred to Committee on
Environment and Energy.
1An Act to renumber and amend 144.443 (1) (b);
to amend 144.443 (4) (b); and
2to create 144.443 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes;
relating to: use of the net worth
3method of establishing proof of responsibility for compliance with requirements
4to take corrective action because of a discharge from a hazardous waste facility.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the owner or operator of a solid waste disposal facility
(landfill) or a hazardous waste disposal facility is required to maintain proof of
financial responsibility for the costs of closing the facility and of caring for the facility
after it is closed (for example, monitoring groundwater quality). The owner or
operator of a hazardous waste storage or treatment facility is required to maintain
proof of financial responsibility for the costs of closing the facility. The owner or
operator of a hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal facility from which a
discharge has occurred is required to maintain proof of financial responsibility for
the costs of corrective action to protect human health and the environment from the
discharge. Current law authorizes several methods for providing proof of financial
responsibility, including providing a bond or a letter of credit. A business or utility
that holds, or is applying for, a license to operate a solid or hazardous waste disposal
facility may provide proof of financial responsibility by satisfying specified financial
tests, including measures of net worth and creditworthiness. This is referred to as
the net worth method.
This bill authorizes any business or utility that is required to take corrective
action because of a discharge from a hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal
facility to use the net worth method of providing proof of financial responsibility,
without regard to whether the business or utility holds or is applying for, a license
to operate a solid or hazardous waste disposal facility.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB249, s. 1
1. 144.443 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 144.443 (1) (b) (intro.)
2and amended to read:
(1) (b) (intro.) "Company" means
any one of the following:
41. Any business operated for profit and any public utility which is applying for
5or holds a license for the operation of a solid or hazardous waste disposal facility
6under s. 144.44 (4) or 144.64 (2) directly or through a subsidiary, affiliate, contractor
7or other entity if the business or public utility guarantees compliance with any
8closure and long-term care responsibilities of the subsidiary, affiliate, contractor or
9other entity.
SB249, s. 2
2. 144.443 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (b) 2. Any business operated for profit and any public utility that
12is required to perform corrective action under s. 144.735.
SB249, s. 3
3. 144.443 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (b)
Application. A company which seeks to establish proof of
15financial responsibility utilizing the net worth method shall submit an application
16to the department as a part of the initial license application
, written submissions
17required under s. 144.735 or annual review procedure which includes a copy of the
18most recent annual audited financial statements which were distributed to owners,
19stockholders or other persons with a financial interest in the company and the
20opinion of an independent certified public accountant.