SB622, s. 132 16Section 132. 25.46 (6m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,57,1817 25.46 (6m) The well compensation fees imposed under s. 144.441 (7) 289.63 for
18environmental repair.
SB622, s. 133 19Section 133. 25.46 (6r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,57,2120 25.46 (6r) The solid waste capacity fees imposed under ss. 144.441 (7) 289.63
21and 144.4412 289.65 for environmental repair.
SB622, s. 134 22Section 134. 25.46 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,57,2423 25.46 (7) The fees imposed under s. 144.442 (1m) 289.67 (1) for environmental
SB622, s. 135 25Section 135. 25.46 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
125.46 (8) The fees and surcharges imposed under s. 144.442 (2) and (3) 289.67
2(3) and (4)
for environmental repair.
SB622, s. 136 3Section 136. 25.46 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,58,54 25.46 (9) The moneys received from municipalities under s. 144.442 (8) 292.31
(c) for environmental repair.
SB622, s. 137 6Section 137. 25.46 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,58,87 25.46 (10) The amounts required to be paid into the environmental fund under
8s. 144.442 (9) 292.31 (8) (g) for environmental repair.
SB622, s. 138 9Section 138. 25.46 (10m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,58,1110 25.46 (10m) The moneys recovered under s. 144.442 (9m) (e) 292.61 (5) for
11environmental repair.
SB622, s. 139 12Section 139. 25.46 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,58,1413 25.46 (11) The moneys received from reimbursements under s. 144.76 292.11
14(6) (c) 1. for environmental repair.
SB622, s. 140 15Section 140. 25.46 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,58,1916 25.46 (12) The moneys received from the federal government as
17reimbursement under s. 144.76 292.11 (6) (c) 2. and for purposes related to the
18hazardous substances spills program, the abandoned container program and the
19environmental repair of waste facilities.
SB622, s. 141 20Section 141. 25.46 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,58,2221 25.46 (13) The moneys received from reimbursements under s. 144.77 292.41
22(6) (c) for the abandoned container program.
SB622, s. 142 23Section 142. 25.46 (13m) of the statutes is amended to read:
125.46 (13m) The environmental assessments imposed under s. 144.992 299.93
2for environmental enforcement, environmental repair and environmental
SB622, s. 143 4Section 143. 25.46 (15) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,59,65 25.46 (15) The fees imposed under s. 146.20 281.48 (4s) (d) for groundwater
SB622, s. 144 7Section 144. 25.46 (16) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,59,98 25.46 (16) The fees imposed under s. 147.033 (1) 283.31 (7) for groundwater
SB622, s. 145 10Section 145. 25.46 (17) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,59,1211 25.46 (17) All moneys received from fees under s. 144.442 (1s) 289.67 (2) for
12environmental repair.
SB622, s. 146 13Section 146. 25.46 (17m) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
14is amended to read:
SB622,59,1615 25.46 (17m) All moneys received under s. 144.968 292.51 (2) for cooperative
16remedial action.
SB622, s. 147 17Section 147. 25.46 (18) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,59,1918 25.46 (18) All moneys received under s. 147.23 283.87 or as a settlement to any
19action initiated or contemplated under s. 147.23 283.87 for environmental repair.
SB622, s. 148 20Section 148. 25.49 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,59,2121 25.49 (2) The fees imposed under s. 159.31 287.31.
SB622, s. 149 22Section 149. 27.019 (11) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 27,
23is amended to read:
127.019 (11) Enforce highway littering law. Such committee shall work out
2plans to enforce the provision of s. 159.81 287.81 (2) (a) prohibiting the depositing of
3solid waste on or along highways.
SB622, s. 150 4Section 150. 27.065 (10) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,60,155 27.065 (10) (a) The special improvement bonds herein mentioned shall be equal
6liens against all lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which special
7assessments have been made, without priority one over another, which liens shall
8take precedence of all other claims or liens thereon, except a lien under s. 144.442
292.31 (8) (i), 144.76 (13) or 144.77 292.41 (6) (d) or 292.81, and when issued shall
10transfer to the holders thereof all the right, title and interest of such county in and
11to the assessment made on account of the improvement mentioned therein and the
12liens thereby created, with full power to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure
13in the manner mortgages on real estate are foreclosed. The time of redemption
14therefrom shall be fixed by the court, and a copy of the bond foreclosed may be filed
15as a part of the judgment roll in said action in lieu of the original thereof.
SB622, s. 151 16Section 151. 29.05 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,61,417 29.05 (8) (a) The department and its wardens shall seize and hold subject to
18the order of the court for the county in which the alleged offense was committed, any
19apparatus, appliance, equipment, vehicle or device, declared by this chapter to be a
20public nuisance, which they have probable cause to believe is being used in violation
21of this chapter, an administrative rule promulgated under this chapter or s. 159.81,
22167.31, 287.81, 940.24, 941.20, 948.60, 948.605 or 948.61 or is being used in the
23commission of a crime relating to a submerged cultural resource in violation of s.
2444.47. If it is proven that within 6 months previous to the seizure the apparatus,
25appliance, equipment, vehicle or device was used in violation of this chapter or an

1administrative rule promulgated under this chapter or s. 159.81, 167.31, 287.81,
2940.24, 941.20, 948.60, 948.605 or 948.61 or was used in the commission of a crime
3relating to a submerged cultural resource in violation of s. 44.47, it shall be
4confiscated if the court directs in its order for judgment.
SB622, s. 152 5Section 152. 29.135 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,61,96 29.135 (1) (b) "Fish" means any processed or unprocessed fish of those species
7which are found in the waters of this the state as defined in s. 144.01 (19) 281.01 (18),
8including parts of fish or fish products. "Fish" does not include minnows produced
9and sold or purchased as bait.
SB622, s. 153 10Section 153. 29.29 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,61,2511 29.29 (3) (b) No person may throw or deposit, or permit to be thrown or
12deposited, into any waters within the jurisdiction of the state any lime, oil, tar,
13garbage, refuse, debris, tanbark, ship ballast, stone, sand, except where permitted
14by s. 30.12 (3) (a) 1., slabs, decayed wood, sawdust, sawmill refuse, planing mill
15shavings or waste material of any kind, or any acids or chemicals or waste or refuse
16arising from the manufacture of any article of commerce, or any other substance
17deleterious to game or fish life other than authorized drainage and sewage from
18municipalities and industrial or other wastes discharged from mines or commercial
19or industrial or ore processing plants or operations, through treatment and disposal
20facilities installed and operated in accordance with plans submitted to and approved
21by the department of natural resources under ch. 144 chs. 281, 285 or 289 to 299,
22except s. 281.48
, or in compliance with orders of that the department. Any such order
23shall be subject to modification by subsequent orders. Any person violating this
24paragraph shall forfeit not more than $200. Each day of a continuing violation is a
25separate offense.
SB622, s. 154
1Section 154. 30.01 (1b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,62,32 30.01 (1b) "Authorized base level of water loss" has the meaning given under
3s. 144.026 281.35 (1) (b).
SB622, s. 155 4Section 155. 30.01 (7m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,62,55 30.01 (7m) "Water loss" has the meaning given under s. 144.026 281.35 (1) (L).
SB622, s. 156 6Section 156. 30.01 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,62,77 30.01 (9) "Withdrawal" has the meaning given under s. 144.026 281.35 (1) (m).
SB622, s. 157 8Section 157. 30.12 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,62,189 30.12 (4) (a) Activities affecting waters of the state as defined in s. 144.01
10281.01 (18) that are carried out under the direction and supervision of the
11department of transportation in connection with highway and bridge design,
12location, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and repair are not subject to the
13prohibitions or permit or approval requirements specified under this section or s.
1429.29, 30.11, 30.123, 30.195, 30.20, 59.971, 61.351, 62.231, or 87.30 or ch. 144 or 147
15chs. 281 to 285 or 289 to 299, except s. 281.48. However, at the earliest practical time
16prior to the commencement of these activities, the department of transportation
17shall notify the department of the location, nature and extent of the proposed work
18that may affect the waters of the state.
SB622, s. 158 19Section 158. 30.124 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,62,2420 30.124 (1) (intro.) Notwithstanding ss. 30.12, 30.125, 30.20, 30.44 and 30.45
21and if the department finds that the activity will not adversely affect public or private
22rights or interests in fish and wildlife populations, navigation or waterway flood flow
23capacity and will not result in environmental pollution, as defined in s. 144.01 (3)
24299.01 (4), the department may do all of the following on public lands or waters:
SB622, s. 159 25Section 159. 30.18 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.18 (2) (b) Streams or lakes. No person, except a person required to obtain
2an approval under s. 144.04 281.41, may divert water from any lake or stream in this
3state without a permit under this section if the diversion will result in a water loss
4averaging 2,000,000 gallons per day in any 30-day period above the person's
5authorized base level of water loss.
SB622, s. 160 6Section 160. 30.18 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,63,107 30.18 (3) (b) Application; streams or lakes. An application for a permit required
8under sub. (2) (b) shall be submitted in the form required under s. 144.026 281.35 (5)
9(a). If the diversion also meets either condition specified under sub. (2) (a), the
10application shall also comply with par. (a).
SB622, s. 161 11Section 161. 30.18 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,63,1912 30.18 (4) (a) Upon receipt of a complete application, the department shall
13follow the notice and hearing procedures under s. 30.02 (3) and (4). In addition to
14the notice requirements under s. 30.02 (3) and (4), the department shall mail a copy
15of the notice to every person upon whose land any part of the canal or any other
16structure will be located, to the clerk of the next town downstream, to the clerk of any
17village or city in which the lake or stream is located and which is adjacent to any
18municipality in which the diversion will take place and to each person specified in
19s. 144.026 281.35 (5) (b) or (6) (f), if applicable.
SB622, s. 162 20Section 162. 30.18 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,63,2321 30.18 (4) (b) If a hearing on the application for a permit is conducted as a part
22of a hearing under s. 144.836 293.43, the notice and hearing provisions in that section
23supersede the notice and hearing provisions of par. (a).
SB622, s. 163 24Section 163. 30.18 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.18 (5) (b) Streams or lakes. The department shall approve an application
2for a permit required under sub. (2) (b) if the grounds for approval specified under
3s. 144.026 281.35 (5) (d) are met and, if the permit is also required under sub. (2) (a),
4if the department makes the determinations specified under par. (a).
SB622, s. 164 5Section 164. 30.18 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,64,96 30.18 (6) (a) Contents of permit. The department shall specify on each permit
7issued under this section the quantity of water that may be diverted and the times
8during which water may be diverted. In addition, if the permit is one which is
9required under sub. (2) (b), the permit shall comply with s. 144.026 281.35 (6).
SB622, s. 165 10Section 165. 30.18 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,64,1511 30.18 (6) (d) Review of permits. If the permit is one that is required under sub.
12(2) (a), but not under sub. (2) (b), and the permit was issued on or after August 1, 1957,
13the department shall review the permit at least once every 5 years. If the permit is
14one that is required under sub. (2) (b), the department shall review the permit as
15required under s. 144.026 281.35 (6) (b).
SB622, s. 166 16Section 166. 30.18 (6m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,64,1817 30.18 (6m) (c) The department may revoke a permit issued under sub. (5) (b)
18only as provided under s. 144.026 281.35 (6).
SB622, s. 167 19Section 167. 30.19 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,64,2220 30.19 (3) (b) If a hearing on the application for a permit is conducted as a part
21of a hearing under s. 144.836 293.43, the notice, comment and hearing provisions in
22that section supersede the notice, comment and hearing provisions of par. (a).
SB622, s. 168 23Section 168. 30.19 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,65,524 30.19 (4) Issuance of permit. If the department finds that the project will not
25injure public rights or interest, including fish and game habitat, that the project will

1not cause environmental pollution as defined in s. 144.01 (3) 299.01 (4), that any
2enlargement connected to navigable waterways conforms to the requirement of laws
3for the platting of land and for sanitation and that no material injury to the rights
4of any riparian owners on any body of water affected will result, the department shall
5issue a permit authorizing the enlargement of the affected waterways.
SB622, s. 169 6Section 169. 30.20 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,65,167 30.20 (2) (a) The department, whenever consistent with public rights, may
8enter into contracts on behalf of the state for the removal of any material from the
9bed of any navigable lake or any of the outlying waters, and for the lease or sale of
10the material. Every contract shall contain such conditions as may be necessary for
11the protection of the public interest and the interests of the state and shall fix the
12compensation to be paid to the state for material so removed, except that no
13compensation may be paid for the material if the contract is with a municipality as
14defined in s. 144.01 281.01 (6) and the material is to be used for a municipal purpose
15and not for resale. No contract entered into under this paragraph may run for a
16longer period than 5 years.
SB622, s. 170 17Section 170. 30.202 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,65,2318 30.202 (3) Exemption from statutes and rules. Dredge spoil disposal activities
19authorized under sub. (2) are exempt from any prohibition, restriction, requirement,
20permit, license, approval, authorization, fee, notice, hearing, procedure or penalty
21specified under ss. 29.29, 30.01 to 30.20, 30.21 to 30.99, 59.971 or 87.30 or ch. 144 or
chs. 281 to 285 or 289 to 299, except s. 281.48, or specified in any rule
23promulgated, order issued or ordinance adopted under those sections or chapters.
SB622, s. 171 24Section 171. 30.202 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.202 (4) Hazardous waste dredge spoil disposal. In consultation with the
2U.S. corps of engineers, the department shall establish special conditions and
3standards for the disposal of dredge spoils which are hazardous waste, as defined
4under s. 144.61 (5) 291.01 (7). These special conditions and standards shall be
5established to ensure that public health and the environment are protected.
SB622, s. 172 6Section 172. 30.203 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,66,87 30.203 (4) (d) It may not cause environmental pollution, as defined in s. 144.01
299.01 (4).
SB622, s. 173 9Section 173. 30.204 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,66,1810 30.204 (5) Exemption from certain statutes and rules. Activities of the
11department in conducting the lake acidification experiment are exempt from any
12prohibition, restriction, requirement, permit, license, approval, authorization, fee,
13notice, hearing, procedure or penalty specified under ss. 29.29 (3), 30.01 to 30.03,
1430.06 to 30.16, 30.18 to 30.29, 30.50 to 30.99, 59.971, 87.30, 144.01 to 144.27, 144.43
15to 144.79, 144.96 to 144.99 or 159.81
287.81, 299.15 to 299.23, 299.91, 299.95 or
or ch. 147 chs. 281, 283 or 289 to 292 or specified in any rule promulgated,
17order issued or ordinance adopted under any of those sections or that chapter
SB622, s. 174 19Section 174. 30.206 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,67,320 30.206 (1) For activities which require a permit or approval under ss. 30.12 (3)
21(a) and 30.19 (1) (a), the department may issue a general permit authorizing a class
22of activities, according to rules promulgated by the department. Before issuing
23general permits, the department shall determine, after an environmental analysis
24and notice and hearing under ss. 227.17 and 227.18, that the cumulative adverse
25environmental impact of the class of activity is insignificant and that issuance of the

1general permit will not injure public rights or interest, cause environmental
2pollution, as defined in s. 144.01 (3) 299.01 (4), or result in material injury to the
3rights of any riparian owner.
SB622, s. 175 4Section 175. 30.21 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB622,67,65 30.21 (3) (a) Each public utility operating under a permit under this section on
6January 1, 1986, shall comply with s. 144.026 281.35 (2), if applicable.
SB622, s. 176 7Section 176. 30.28 (2m) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read: