1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
September 21, 1995 - Introduced by Senators Jauch, Rude, Ellis, Farrow, Risser,
Schultz, Fitzgerald, Panzer, Huelsman, Moen, Decker, Chvala, Shibilski,
Cowles, Rosenzweig, Weeden, Buettner, A. Lasee, Adelman, George,
Drzewiecki, Zien, Darling, Breske, Petak, C. Potter, Clausing, Welch,
Wineke, Burke, Moore and Andrea.
1Relating to: the life and public service of John Plewa.
Whereas, John Plewa was born on September 22, 1945, in Milwaukee and died
3on September 13, 1995, in Wauwatosa; and
Whereas, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and was
5a teacher at Milwaukee Area Technical College; and
Whereas, he was first elected to the assembly in 1972 and was reelected 5 times;
Whereas, in the assembly he served diligently on a number of committees and
9was the chairperson of the state affairs committee for 4 terms; and
Whereas, he was elected to the senate in November 1984 and had served in that
11body since that time; and
Whereas, during his tenure in the senate he was the cochairperson of the joint
13committee for review of administrative rules and the chairperson of the committee
14on housing, government operations and cultural affairs and of the committee on
15business, economic development and urban affairs; and
Whereas, Senator Plewa was known as a compassionate and caring legislator,
17for his willingness to work with his colleagues from both political parties and for his
1great respect for the legislative process, his colleagues, his constituents, his staff and
2all of those who were part of the legislature; and
Whereas, he was the driving force behind the passage of the landmark
4Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act; and
Whereas, John was also known for his efforts to promote awareness of
6Wisconsin's Polish heritage, such as the passage of annual resolutions that
7recognized Poland's first constitution; and
Whereas, he was a devoted husband and father, always remembering to put
9family first, taking a moment from busy schedules and the business of the day to
10acknowledge how important his family, extended family and friends were to him; and
Whereas, his life and public service were guided by his strong religious faith;
Whereas, public service was John's life, he was admired for his excellence in
14constituent relations and his effectiveness and he always made time for his people;
Whereas, he will always be remembered for his sense of humor, pleasant
17disposition and thoughtfulness despite having to suffer a very serious injury to his
18back and a long and courageous struggle with cancer; now, therefore, be it
19Resolved by the senate, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the
20Wisconsin legislature recognize John Plewa's dedicated public service over more
21than 2 decades, his courage and his genial personality; express their sorrow at his
22untimely death; and extend their condolences to his family, his friends and the
23constituents whom he served so loyally and well; and, be it further
1Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide copies of this joint
2resolution to John Plewa's wife, Susan, and to his children, Andrew Plewa and
3Jeremy Plewa.