SR2, s. 15 13Section 15. Senate rule 33 (3) is amended to read:
SR2,8,19 14Senate Rule 33 (3) Such resolutions as are only expressive of opinion
15Resolutions offering commendations, congratulations or condolences, memorializing
16congress or an individual or affecting senate or legislative rules or procedures
17declared not to be within the meaning of the term "business" under the constitutional
18provision limiting the matters to be considered during special sessions to such as are
19enumerated in the governor's call for a special session.
SR2, s. 16 20Section 16. Senate rule 34 (title), (1), (2) and (3) are amended to read:
SR2,8,24 21Senate Rule 34. (title) Printed bills, etc., Proposals to be on file one day
22before action.
(1) All bills and joint resolutions, and all resolutions except those
23privileged for immediate consideration under rule 69, shall, after being printed
24distributed, lay over one day before being considered.
1(2) The requirement for a one-day layover shall not apply to amendments, but
2copies of the full text, reproduced in whatever form, of each amendment shall be
3distributed to the members before final adoption of the amendment.
SR2,9,64 (3) Reading at length shall be required for resolutions privileged under rule 69
5and for any governor's veto message unless written copies of the full text of such
6documents, printed or otherwise reproduced, have been distributed to the members.
SR2, s. 17 7Section 17. Senate rule 35 is amended to read:
SR2,9,11 8Senate Rule 35. Three separate readings. Every bill, and every joint
9resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, shall receive 3 separate
10readings by title relating clause previous to its passage except where otherwise
11provided but shall not receive 2 readings on the same day.
SR2, s. 18 12Section 18. Senate rule 42 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,9,20 13Senate Rule 42 (1) Every bill or joint resolution upon which such action has
14been taken that it is next to be messaged to the assembly shall be so messaged by the
15chief clerk but shall be held in the chief clerk's office until the time for reconsideration
16of such bill or joint resolution has expired. If the rules have been suspended for
17immediate messaging, the chief clerk shall enter such action shall be noted on the
18jacket envelope
in the history file for the bill or joint resolution. Every privileged
19joint resolution shall be messaged immediately unless it is otherwise ordered by the
SR2, s. 19 21Section 19. Senate rule 44 is amended to read:
SR2,9,25 22Senate Rule 44. Signing of documents. The original of all enrolled acts and
23resolutions shall be signed by the chief clerk, and all writs, warrants and subpoenas
24issued by order of the senate shall be signed by the presiding officer, and attested by
25the chief clerk.
SR2, s. 20
1Section 20. Senate rule 45 is amended to read:
SR2,10,6 2Senate Rule 45. Offering of privileged resolution. Any resolution
3privileged by rule 69 shall, when sent to the clerk's desk, be read at length by the chief
4clerk, but may be read by title its relating clause if copies of the text have been
5distributed to the members. When so read, the privileged resolution shall be
6considered to be before the senate.
SR2, s. 21 7Section 21. Senate rule 46 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,10,15 8Senate Rule 46 (1) Bills, resolutions, amendments, petitions, reports,
9communications or other documents that may properly come before the senate shall
10be presented by a member thereof to the chief clerk, or a staff member designated by
11the chief clerk, at anytime. A brief statement of the contents thereof shall appear
12thereon, together with the name of the members introducing the same. If the
13document is to be printed, a copy shall be numbered and delivered to the legislative
14reference bureau for transmission to the contract printer.
If a document is to be
15reproduced, the chief clerk shall number the document.
SR2, s. 22 16Section 22. Senate rule 46 (5) is amended to read:
SR2,10,24 17Senate Rule 46 (5) Proposed amendments A proposed amendment that is
18offered for the purpose of being printed shall have a heading stating the number of
19the bill, joint resolution or resolution it is proposed to amend and the name of the
20member proposing the amendment. The title chief clerk shall read the number of the
21amendment shall be read and the. The amendment shall be printed reproduced. The
22jacket copy of the amendment shall be placed in the jacket and printed copies shall
23be distributed as provided by the rules. Amendments filed shall be recorded at the
24end of each day's journal.
SR2, s. 23 25Section 23. Senate rule 48 is amended to read:
1Senate Rule 48. Reading of amendments. The full text of each amendment
2shall be read to the members by the chief clerk, and the identifying number of each
3amendment shall be stated by the president, but the reading at length shall not occur
4for amendments which have been printed or otherwise reproduced and distributed
5to the members.
SR2, s. 24 6Section 24. Senate rule 50 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,11,12 7Senate Rule 50 (1) No standing committee shall report any substitute or
8amendment for any proposal originating in either house referred to such committee
9nor shall the senate consider any substitute or amendment which relates to a
10different subject, is intended to accomplish a different purpose, would require a title
11relating clause essentially different from the relating clause of the original proposal
12or would totally alter the nature of the original proposal.
SR2, s. 25 13Section 25. Senate rule 89 is amended to read:
SR2,11,19 14Senate Rule 89. Certification of payroll. The chief clerk and the sergeant
15at arms of the senate shall certify to the department of administration the names of
16all persons employed in their respective departments by the senate, the capacity in
17which employed, and the amounts respectively due them, which certificate shall be
18approved by the presiding officer chairperson of the committee on senate
SR2, s. 26 20Section 26. Senate rule 93 (1) and (3) are amended to read:
SR2,12,2 21Senate Rule 93 (1) No senate bill, senate joint resolution or senate resolution
22shall be considered unless it is germane to the subjects enumerated by the governor
23in the proclamation calling the special session proclamation or to the subjects
24enumerated by the committees on organization or in the joint resolution calling the
25extended or extraordinary session
and is recommended for introduction by the

1committee on senate organization or by the joint committee on employment
SR2,12,53 (3) The daily calendar shall be in effect immediately upon posting on the
4legislative bulletin boards. A printed The calendar shall need not be required
SR2, s. 27 6Section 27. Senate rule 94 (3) (a) is amended to read:
SR2,12,13 7Senate Rule 94 (3) (a) Within one week from the adoption of any resolution
8significantly changing these rules the chief clerk shall direct the printing
9distribution of a new pamphlet incorporating the entire text of these rules as affected
10by that resolution unless, in the judgment of the chief clerk, additional rule changes
11may soon be agreed to by the senate. Each pamphlet edition shall contain a revised
12table of contents and index prepared by the legislative reference bureau and shall
13be printed under the class 1 contract for legislative bills
SR2, s. 28 14Section 28. Senate rule 95 is amended to read:
SR2,12,18 15Senate Rule 95. (title) Printing Copies for senate. All publications for the
16senate and printing reproduction to be done for the senate shall conform to the rules
17or be as determined by the committee on senate organization or the joint committee
18on legislative organization.
SR2, s. 29 19Section 29. Senate rule 96 is repealed.
SR2, s. 30 20Section 30. Senate rule 98 (4) (intro.) is amended to read:
SR2,12,24 21Senate Rule 98 (4) (intro.) All citations on behalf of the senate shall be typed
22by employes assigned to the chief clerk, shall be
prepared on an artistic form,
23approved by the committee on senate organization committee, suitable for framing,
24and shall be in substantially the following form:
SR2,12,2525 (End)