1995 - 1996 LEGISLATURE
January 3, 1995 - Introduced by Committee on Senate Organization.
SR2,1,5 1To repeal senate rule 96; to amend senate rules 5 (2) (c), 7 (4), 8 (1), 17 (1) (o), 18
2(2) and (3), 21, 22 (2), 25 (1), 26 (1), 29, 30 (1), (2) and (3) (intro.) and (d), 31 (3),
332 (1) and (2), 33 (3), 34 (title), (1), (2) and (3), 35, 42 (1), 44, 45, 46 (1) and (5),
448, 50 (1), 89, 93 (1) and (3), 94 (3) (a), 95 and 98 (4) (intro); and to repeal and
senate rule 20 (1) and (2); relating to: the senate rules.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This resolution makes various changes to the senate rules:
Senate Rule 5 (2) (c): The rule is changed to permit legislative documents to be
electronically transmitted to the department of administration for reproduction,
rather than to a contract printer for printing.
Senate Rule 7 (4): The rule provides that, on the appeal from rulings of the
chair, a tie vote sustains the ruling of the chair.
Senate Rule 8 (1): The rule is changed to delete the requirements that members
take their seats when the senate is called to order and that members remain with
their heads uncovered while the senate is in session.
Senate Rule 17 (1) (o): The rule provides that a member may make adjournment
honors on the fifteenth order of business.
Senate Rule 18 (2) and (3): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 20 (1) and (2): The rule specifies who is a member of the committee
on senate organization. It provides that the committee, rather than the senate rules,
creates the standing committees of the senate. It provides that the chairperson of
the committee on senate organization makes all committee appointments. It deletes
the requirement that the committee on senate organization report to the senate, for
senate approval, a proposal for the number of members on each standing committee
and deletes the authority of the committee on senate organization, subject to review
by the senate, to modify committee assignments at any time.

Senate Rule 21: The rule provides that the chairperson of the committee on
senate organization, rather than the committee, appoints special committees.
Senate Rule 22 (2): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above. The rule removes the
requirement that the bulletin of proceedings be published weekly.
Senate Rule 25 (1): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above. The rule requires that only
the relating clause part of the title, not the entire title, be included in hearing notices.
Senate Rule 26 (1): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 29: See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above. The rule also permits
legislative documents to be electronically transmitted between the legislative
reference bureau and the office of the chief clerk, rather than requiring paper copies
to be delivered.
Senate Rule 30 (1), (2) and (3) (intro.) and (d): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
The rule is changed to remove the requirement that the chief clerk write on the jacket
envelopes, thereby permitting the chief clerk to record legislative action
Senate Rule 31 (3): See Senate Rule 30 (1), (2) and (3) (intro.) and (d) above.
Senate Rule 32 (1) and (2): See Senate Rules 5 (2) (c) and 25 (1) above.
Senate Rule 33 (3): The rule enumerates the types of resolutions that may be
taken up in special session without first being enumerated in the governor's call.
Senate Rule 34 (title), (1), (2) and (3): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 35: See Senate Rule 25 (1) above.
Senate Rule 42 (1): See Senate Rule 30 (1), (2) and (3) (intro.) and (d) above.
Senate Rule 44: The rule is changed to remove the requirement that the chief
clerk sign the original of all enrolled acts and resolutions.
Senate Rule 45: See Senate Rule 25 (1) above.
Senate Rule 46 (1): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 46 (5): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 48: See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 50 (1): The rule restates one part of the general rule on
germaneness to provide that an amendment is nongermane if it would require a
relating clause, rather than an entire title, essentially different.
Senate Rule 89: The rule provides that the chairperson of the committee on
senate organization, rather than the presiding officer, approve the certification to the
department of administration of the names of all persons employed by the senate.
Senate Rule 93 (1): The rule provides that senate proposals in extended or
extraordinary session must be germane to the subjects enumerated by the
committees on organization or in the joint resolution calling the extended or
extraordinary session.
Senate Rule 93 (3): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 94 (3) (a): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 95: See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above.
Senate Rule 96: The rule is repealed to delete mention of expenditures from the
statutorily created senate contingent fund that was repealed last session.

Senate Rule 98 (4) (intro.): See Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) above. The rule is changed
to delete the requirements that senate citations be typed and that they be typed by
employes assigned to the chief clerk.
SR2,3,1 1Resolved by the senate, That:
SR2, s. 1 2Section 1. Senate rule 5 (2) (c) is amended to read:
SR2,3,4 3Senate Rule 5 (2) (c) Cause to be kept and prepared for the printer the daily
4journal of the proceedings to be kept and reproduced for distribution.
SR2, s. 2 5Section 2. Senate rule 7 (4) is amended to read:
SR2,3,9 6Senate Rule 7 (4) On appeal being taken, the question shall be "Shall the
7decision of the chair stand as the judgment of the senate?" which question, and the
8action thereon, shall be entered on the journal. The vote shall be taken by ayes and
9noes. A tie vote sustains the ruling of the chair.
SR2, s. 3 10Section 3. Senate rule 8 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,3,14 11Senate Rule 8 (1) When the senate is called to order the members shall take
12their seats and remain with their heads uncovered while the senate remains in
Members, officers and employes shall wear appropriate attire while the
14senate is in session. Appropriate attire for men shall include the wearing of a coat.
SR2, s. 4 15Section 4. Senate rule 17 (1) (o) is amended to read:
SR2,3,1716 Senate Rule 17 (1) (o) Fifteenth order. Announcements , adjournment honors
17and remarks under special privilege.
SR2, s. 5 18Section 5. Senate rule 18 (2) and (3) are amended to read:
SR2,4,2 19Senate Rule 18 (2) The printed sergeant at arms shall distribute a copy of the
20calendar shall be furnished to all members before such a the calendar is acted upon.
21The committee on senate organization shall provide at least 18 hours' notice of other

1matters to be taken up on the next session day, but the printed distributed calendar
2shall not be changed within such 18-hour period.
SR2,4,63 (3) Except as provided in sub. (2), the printed distributed calendar shall show
4the business scheduled to be taken up on the current day, organized according to the
5orders of business established by rule 17 (1). For proposals on 2nd reading, the
6calendar shall show all pending committee reports.
SR2, s. 6 7Section 6. Senate rule 20 (1) and (2) are repealed and recreated to read:
SR2,4,9 8Senate Rule 20 (1) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the members of the
9committee on senate organization are:
SR2,4,1010 1. The majority leader as chairperson.
SR2,4,1111 2. The president.
SR2,4,1212 3. The assistant majority leader.
SR2,4,1313 4. The minority leader.
SR2,4,1414 5. The assistant minority leader.
SR2,4,1615 (b) If the 2 major political parties are represented in the senate by equal
16membership, the members of the committee on senate organization are:
SR2,4,1717 1. The president of the senate.
SR2,4,1918 2. The former majority and minority leaders and former majority and minority
19assistant leaders.
SR2,4,2020 3. The former minority caucus chairperson.
SR2,4,2321 (c) The other standing committees of the senate shall be created by the
22committee on senate organization as near to the commencement of the session as
SR2,5,324 (2) (a) The chairperson of the committee on senate organization, as near to the
25commencement of the session as possible, shall make and report to the senate all

1committee appointments of members of the majority and minority parties. The
2chairperson of the committee on senate organization shall designate a chairperson
3for each senate committee and joint committee.
SR2,5,54 (b) With regard to members of any minority party, the appointments shall be
5based on nominations by the leader of that party.
SR2,5,126 (c) The majority and minority parties of the senate shall be represented on all
7senate standing committees and on all joint standing committees on the basis
8prescribed by the chairperson of the committee on senate organization, but at least
9in proportion to the representation of the 2 major political parties in the membership
10of the senate unless, for the senate membership of a joint committee, such
11proportional representation places the senate majority party in a minority position
12on the joint committee.
SR2, s. 7 13Section 7. Senate rule 21 is amended to read:
SR2,5,18 14Senate Rule 21. Special committees. All special committees shall be
15provided for on motion or by resolution, designating the number and object, and
16unless otherwise ordered, shall be appointed by the chairperson of the committee on
17senate organization. The member first named shall act as chairperson of such
18special committee.
SR2, s. 8 19Section 8. Senate rule 22 (2) is amended to read:
SR2,6,2 20Senate Rule 22 (2) On the question of the confirmation of appointments by the
21governor, the vote shall be taken by ayes and noes which shall be entered upon the
22journal. The question of the confirmation of such appointments shall not be subject
23to a motion for reconsideration under rule 67, and the senate may, but shall not be
24required to, act upon an appointment resubmitted by the governor when the
25identical appointment has once been refused confirmation by the senate. The chief

1clerk shall record the cumulative status of all appointments in the weekly bulletin
2of proceedings.
SR2, s. 9 3Section 9. Senate rule 25 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,6,10 4Senate Rule 25 (1) Any chairperson who determines to hold a hearing shall
5schedule the hearing as early in the session as practicable. The day, hour, and place
6of hearing before any committee shall be posted on the bulletin board of each house,
7and such notice shall state the number, author, and title relating clause of the bill
8or resolution to be considered. Whenever a scheduled hearing is cancelled canceled,
9the chairperson shall immediately notify the chief clerk and post cancellation notices
10on the bulletin boards of each house.
SR2, s. 10 11Section 10. Senate rule 26 (1) is amended to read:
SR2,6,18 12Senate Rule 26 (1) On or before Monday noon of each week the chairperson of
13each senate committee shall file with the chief clerk a list of the public hearings on
14measures before that committee which will be held during the following week. Such
15list shall be printed reproduced in full in the weekly schedule of committee activities.
16The chairperson of any senate committee may file notice of hearing on or before
17Monday noon of the 2nd week prior to the week in which the public hearing is
18scheduled so as to post advance notice of the hearing.
SR2, s. 11 19Section 11. Senate rule 29 is amended to read:
SR2,6,25 20Senate Rule 29. (title) Copies of bills, etc. and resolutions. At least 5 copies
21Copies of all bills and resolutions to be introduced shall be presented by the primary
22author to the chief clerk
, enclosed in a jacket envelope as provided in rule 30. One
23copy shall be promptly returned to the legislative reference bureau with a cover
24sheet, prepared and attached by the chief clerk, containing the introductory
SR2, s. 12
1Section 12. Senate rule 30 (1), (2) and (3) (intro.) and (d) are amended to read:
SR2,7,7 2Senate Rule 30 (1) The legislative reference bureau shall provide jacket
3envelopes of a suitable size to hold any bill or resolution and the papers pertaining
4thereto, respectively, without folding or rolling. The clerk shall not file any paper for
5any purpose, the cover of which has been either folded or rolled. Such jacket
6envelopes shall be distinguished from those of the assembly by color. The envelopes
7shall be properly printed and ruled to receive the notations of the clerk.