AB100-ASA1-AA8,31,21 1685. Page 45, line 15: delete the material beginning with ", in" and ending with
17"provide" on line 16 and substitute "solicit competitive sealed proposals from
18organizations having the capability to provide free books to educational and social
19service organizations for the purpose of promoting literacy. The department shall
20contract with the organization submitting the most advantageous competitive
21sealed proposal for the purpose of providing".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,31,22 2286. Page 46, line 25: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,31,23 23" Section 102apm. 16.31 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
116.31 (1) (b) The department shall develop the plan in consultation with the
2housing advisory council.
In preparing the plan, the department may obtain input
3from housing authorities, community-based organizations, the private housing
4industry and others interested in housing assistance and development.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,5 587. Page 49, line 14: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,6 6" Section 102rs. 16.38 of the statutes is repealed.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,7 788. Page 52, line 2: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,9 8" Section 105p. 16.46 (intro.), (1), (3) and (4) of the statutes are amended to
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,15 1016.46Biennial budget, contents. (intro.) The biennial state budget report
11shall be prepared by the secretary, under the direction of the governor, and a copy of
12a budget-in-brief thereof shall be furnished to each member of the legislature on the
13day of the delivery of the budget message. The biennial state budget report shall be
14furnished to each member of the legislature on the same day and shall contain all of
15the following information:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,19 16(1) A summary of the actual and estimated receipts of the state government
17in all operating funds under existing laws during the current and the succeeding
18bienniums, classified so as to show the receipts by funds, organization units and
19sources of income;.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,32,22 20(3) A statement showing the condition of all operating funds of the treasury at
21the close of the preceding fiscal year and the estimated condition at the close of the
22current year;.
1(4) A statement showing how the total estimated disbursements during each
2year of the succeeding biennium compare with the estimated receipts, and the
3additional revenues, if any, needed to defray the estimated expenses of the state;.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 105r 4Section 105r. 16.46 (5) of the statutes is renumbered 16.46 (5) (intro.) and
5amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,33,146 16.46 (5) (intro.) A statement of the actual and estimated receipts and
7disbursements of each department and of all state aids and activities during the
8current biennium, the departmental estimates and requests, and the
9recommendations of the governor for the succeeding biennium. Estimates of
10expenditures shall be classified to set forth such expenditures by funds, organization
11units, appropriation, object and activities at the discretion of the secretary;.
12Regardless of the classification chosen by the secretary, the statement shall compare
13the recommendations of the governor for disbursements for that classification
14during the succeeding biennium with all of the following:
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 105t 15Section 105t. 16.46 (5) (a) and (b) of the statutes are created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,33,2216 16.46 (5) (a) A base level of funding for that classification for the current
17biennium. The base level of funding shall be determined by adding, with respect to
18sum certain appropriations within that classification, the amounts appropriated for
19the 2 years in the current biennium from those appropriations and, with respect to
20sum sufficient appropriations within that classification, the estimated expenditures
21from those sum sufficient appropriations for the 2 years in the current biennium, as
22determined by the secretary.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,33,2523 (b) The secretary's estimate of the amount that will actually be expended from
24the appropriations within that classification over the 2 years of the current
189. Page 52, line 2: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,2 2" Section 105q. 16.46 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,73 16.46 (2) A summary of the actual and estimated amounts appropriated and
4the actual and estimated
disbursements of the state government from all operating
5funds during for each fiscal year of the current fiscal biennium and of the requests
6of agencies and the recommendations of the governor for the succeeding fiscal
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,8 890. Page 52, line 6: after "(h)," insert "(ip),".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,9 991. Page 53, line 7: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,10 10" Section 117s. 16.72 (2) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,1211 16.72 (2) (cm) The department shall verify and record the country of origin for
12each motor vehicle purchased for any agency.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,13 1392. Page 53, line 24: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,14 14" Section 121bg. 16.75 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,2315 16.75 (1) (a) 1. All orders awarded or contracts made by the department for all
16materials, supplies, equipment and contractual services to be provided to any
17agency, except as otherwise provided in par. (c) and subs. (2), (2g), (2m), (3m), (3t),
18(6), (7), (8) and (9) and ss. 16.73 (4) (a), 16.754, 50.05 (7) (f), 110.10 (2) (b), 287.15 (7)
19and 301.265, shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into
20consideration life cycle cost estimates under sub. (1m), when appropriate, the
21location of the agency, the quantities of the articles to be supplied, their conformity
22with the specifications, and the purposes for which they are required and the date
23of delivery.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,34,24 2493. Page 54, line 8: after that line insert:
1" Section 123mk. 16.76 (4) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,62 16.76 (4) (g) No later than January 15 of each odd-numbered year, the
3secretary shall report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) concerning the costs and
4benefits to the state resulting from the use of master leases by the department or its
5designated agents under s. 16.71 (1) during the 2-year period ending on the
6preceding December 31.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,7 794. Page 69, line 18: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,10 8"(c) Coordinate with the technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin
9board to provide private schools with telecommunications access under s. 196.218
10(4r) and contract with telecommunications providers to provide such access.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,11 1195. Page 69, line 19: before that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,12 12" Section 148e. 16.976 of the statutes is repealed.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,13 1396. Page 71, line 13: delete that line and substitute:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,15 14"17.15 (3m) Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River commission. Any
15commissioner of the Southeastern Wisconsin".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,16 1697. Page 72, line 14: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,17 17" Section 158m. 19.42 (13) (d) of the statutes is repealed.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,19 1898. Page 72, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
19with page 73, line 6.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,21 2099. Page 87, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
21$33,900 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,35,23 22100. Page 87, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
23$4,400 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
1101. Page 87, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$3,000 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,5 3102. Page 88, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$100,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $100,000 for the
5purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,7 6103. Page 88, line 7: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by
7$50,000 to increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,8 8104. Page 89, line 6: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,12 9105. Page 90, line 2: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by
10$500,000 to provide funding for land and water conservation staff in counties that
11on July 1, 1997, do not receive funding for staff under the nonpoint source water
12pollution abatement program.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,14 13106. Page 91, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
14$48,800 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,17 15107. Page 92, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
16$4,200,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $5,000,000 to
17decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,19 18108. Page 92, line 7: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
19$1,500,000 to increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,36,20 20109. Page 92, line 7: delete "loans" and substitute "grant program".
1110. Page 93, line 24: delete that line.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,2 2111. Page 95, line 4: delete that line.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,5 3112. Page 95, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$25,200 to decrease funding to reflect decreased costs for new position
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,6 6113. Page 95, line 6: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,9 7114. Page 95, line 19: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
8$323,500 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $323,500 to
9increase funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,11 10115. Page 99, line 2: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
11$17,700 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,13 12116. Page 99, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$11,000 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,16 14117. Page 102, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
15$200,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $200,000 to
16decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,18 17118. Page 102, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
18$23,200 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,37,20 19119. Page 103, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
20$7,600 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
1120. Page 103, line 17: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$14,300 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,5 3121. Page 104, line 8: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$186,100 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $186,100 to
5increase funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,8 6122. Page 104, line 10: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
7$123,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $123,000 to
8increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,11 9123. Page 104, line 11: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
10$22,500 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $22,500 to
11increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,14 12124. Page 105, line 2: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$331,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $331,600 to
14decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,15 15125. Page 105, line 6: delete lines 6 to 8.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,18 16126. Page 105, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
17$331,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $331,600 to
18decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,38,21 19127. Page 106, line 17: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
20$321,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $497,600 to
21increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
1128. Page 107, line 8: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$597,100 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $754,200 to
3increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,39,6 4129. Page 107, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
5$217,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $456,300 to
6decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,39,9 7130. Page 110, line 12: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
8$75,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $75,000 to
9increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,39,12 10131. Page 110, line 18: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
11$75,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $75,000 to
12increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,39,16 13132. Page 111, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
14$39,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $39,000 to
15decrease the authorized FTE positions for the historical society by 1.0 GPR position
16to reflect the elimination of the historical markers council.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,39,19 17133. Page 111, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by
18$900 to decrease funding to reflect the elimination of the submerged cultural
19resources council.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,39,21 20134. Page 114, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
21$45,500 to decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,3 22135. Page 115, line 4: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
23$62,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $62,000 to

1decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of public instruction by 1.0
2GPR positions as a result of the elimination of the American Indian language and
3culture board.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,6 4136. Page 115, line 4: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
5$1,600 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $1,600 to reflect
6the elimination of the council on instructional telecommunications.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,10 7137. Page 115, line 4: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
8$38,100 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $64,600 to
9increase the authorized FTE positions for the department of public instruction by 1.0
10GPR position to administer the public school open enrollment program.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,12 11138. Page 115, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
12$31,700 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,13 13139. Page 117, line 6: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,15 14140. Page 117, line 10: after "payments" insert "; full-time open enrollment
15transfer payments".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,16 16141. Page 117, line 23: after "education" insert "; part-time open enrollment".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,17 17142. Page 117, line 23: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,40,18 18143. Page 119, line 3: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,41,3 1144. Page 119, line 7: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$50,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $50,000 to
3increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,41,6 4145. Page 119, line 15: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
5$311,500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $311,500 to
6decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,41,8 7146. Page 120, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
8$137,200 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,41,9 9147. Page 120, line 12: delete "A" and substitute "B".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,41,10 10148. Page 121, line 12: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF