AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,220 115.92 (1) Any school board may establish a program for school age parents
21who are residents of the school district. The program shall be designed to provide
22services and instruction to meet the needs of school age parents, including education
23on the skills required of a parent; family planning, as defined in s. 253.07 (1) (a),
24including natural family planning; and information on adoption services. The

1program shall be coordinated with existing vocational and job training programs in
2the school district.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,3 3992. Page 1264, line 17: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,4 4" Section 2780d. 117.20 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,8 5117.20 Referendum procedures. (1) If a referendum is required under ss.
6117.08 to 117.11, it shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November
7occurring not sooner than 45 days following receipt of the petition or adoption of the
8resolution under s. 117.08 (3) (a), 117.09 (3) (a), 117.10 (3) (a) or 117.11 (4) (a).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,19 9(2) The clerk of each affected school district shall publish notice, as required
10under s. 8.55 10.06 (4), in the territory of that school district. The procedures for
11school board elections under s. 120.06 (5), (9), (11), (13) and (14) apply to a
12referendum held under this section. The school board and school district clerk of each
13affected school district shall each perform, for that school district, the functions
14assigned to the school board and the school district clerk, respectively, under those
15subsections. The form of the ballot shall correspond to the form prescribed by the
16elections board under ss. 5.64 (2) and 7.08 (1) (a). The clerk of each affected school
17district shall file with the secretary of the board a certified statement prepared by
18the school district board of canvassers of the results of the referendum in that school
AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,20 20993. Page 1266, line 13: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,284,21 21" Section 2782j. 118.019 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,285,222 118.019 (2) (e) Human sexuality; reproduction; contraception family planning,
23as defined in s. 253.07 (1) (a)
, including natural family planning; human
24immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; prenatal

1development; childbirth; adoption; available prenatal and postnatal support; and
2male responsibility.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,285,3 3994. Page 1267, line 3: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,285,4 4" Section 2783g. 118.125 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,286,45 118.125 (2) (d) Pupil records shall be made available to persons employed by
6the school district which the pupil attends who are required by the department under
7s. 115.28 (7) to hold a license and other school district officials who have been
8determined by the school board to have legitimate educational interests, including
9safety interests, in the pupil records. Law enforcement officers' records obtained
10under s. 938.396 (1m) (a) shall be made available under this paragraph for the
11purposes of
as provided in s. 118.127 (2) to those employes of the school district who
12have been designated by the school board to receive that information for the purpose
13of providing alcohol and other drug abuse programs. Law enforcement officers'
14records obtained under s. 938.396 (1m) (am) and (b) shall be made available under
15this paragraph for the purposes of s. 118.127 (2m) and (3) to persons employed by the
16school district which the pupil attends who are required by the department under s.
17115.28 (7) to hold a license, to other school district officials who have been determined
18by the school board to have legitimate educational interests, including safety
19interests, in those records and to those employes of the school district who have been
20designated by the school board to receive that information for the purpose of
21providing treatment programs
. A school board member or an employe of a school
22district may not be held personally liable for any damages caused by the
23nondisclosure of any information specified in this paragraph unless the member or
24employe acted with actual malice in failing to disclose the information. A school

1district may not be held liable for any damages caused by the nondisclosure of any
2information specified in this paragraph unless the school district or its agent acted
3with gross negligence or with reckless, wanton or intentional misconduct in failing
4to disclose the information.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 2785b 5Section 2785b. 118.127 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,286,186 118.127 (2) A school district shall use disclose information from law
7enforcement officers' records obtained under s. 938.396 (1m) (a) to persons employed
8by the school district who are required by the department under s. 115.28 (7) to hold
9a license and to other school district officials who have been determined by the school
10board to have legitimate educational interests, including safety interests, in that
11information. In addition, if that information relates to a pupil of the school district,
12the school district shall also disclose that information to those employes of the school
13district who have been designated by the school board to receive that information
14the purpose of providing alcohol and other drug abuse treatment programs for pupils
15enrolled in the school district. A school district shall may not use law enforcement
16officers' records obtained under s. 938.396 (1m) (a) as the sole basis for expelling or
17suspending a pupil or as the sole basis for taking any other disciplinary action,
18including action under the school district's athletic code, against a pupil
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 2785bm 19Section 2785bm. 118.127 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB100-ASA1-AA8, s. 2785c 20Section 2785c. 118.127 (3) of the statutes is repealed.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,286,21 21995. Page 1267, line 24: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,286,22 22" Section 2787b. 118.145 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,423 118.145 (4) The school board of a school district operating high school grades
24shall allow a pupil enrolled in a private school or a pupil enrolled in a home-based

1educational program, who has met the standards for admission to high school under
2sub. (1), to take up to 2 courses during each school semester if the pupil resides in
3the school district in which the public school is located and if the school board
4determines that there is sufficient space in the classroom.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,6 5996. Page 1280, line 16: delete the material beginning with "order," and
6ending with "committees" on line 18 and substitute "order under s. 14.23".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,7 7997. Page 1280, line 21: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,11 8"118.30 (1g) (a) By August 1, 1998, each school board shall adopt pupil
9academic standards in mathematics, science, reading and writing, geography and
10history. If the governor has issued pupil academic standards as an executive order
11under s. 14.23, the school board may adopt those standards.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,12 12998. Page 1280, line 22: delete "118.30 (1g)" and substitute "(b)".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,15 13999. Page 1280, line 23: after "examination" insert "that is designed to
14measure whether pupils meet the pupil academic standards adopted by the school
15board under par. (a)".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,17 161000. Page 1280, line 24: delete that line and substitute "standards issued
17as an executive order under s. 14.23".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,18 181001. Page 1280, line 25: delete "sub. (1) (b)".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,19 191002. Page 1281, line 13: delete "1999-2000" and substitute "2000-01".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,20 201003. Page 1281, line 14: after "(1g)" insert "(b)".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,21 211004. Page 1282, line 10: delete "2001" and substitute "2002".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,22 221005. Page 1282, line 17: after "from" insert "the".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,287,23 231006. Page 1284, line 24: delete that line.
11007. Page 1292, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and
2ending with page 1293, line 4, and substitute:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,6 3"118.40 (3) (b) A contract under par. (a) or under sub. subs. (2m) or (2r) may be
4for any term not exceeding 5 school years and may be renewed for one or more terms
5not exceeding 5 school years. The contract shall specify the amount to be paid by the
6school board
to the charter school during each school year of the contract.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,7 71008. Page 1293, line 23: delete "subd. 2." and substitute "subds. 2. and 3.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,8 81009. Page 1294, line 9: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,13 9"3. Notwithstanding subd. 2., if the city of Milwaukee contracts with an
10individual or group operating for profit to operate a school as a charter school, the
11charter school is an instrumentality of the school district operating under ch. 119 and
12the board of the school district operating under ch. 119 shall employ all personnel for
13the charter school.".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,14 141010. Page 1294, line 18: delete lines 18 to 20.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,16 151011. Page 1294, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and
16ending with page 1295, line 8.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,17 171012. Page 1295, line 17: after that line insert:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,18 18" Section 2843g. 118.51 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,19 19118.51 Full-time open enrollment. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,2120 (a) "Child with exceptional educational needs" has the meaning given in s.
21115.76 (3).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,288,2322 (b) "Nonresident school board" means the school board of a nonresident school
1(c) "Nonresident school district" means a school district, other than a pupil's
2resident school district, that the pupil is attending or has applied to attend under this
AB100-ASA1-AA8,289,44 (d) "Parent" includes a guardian.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,289,55 (e) "Resident school board" means the school board of a resident school district.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,289,66 (f) "Resident school district" means the school district in which a pupil resides.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,289,13 7(2) Applicability. Beginning in the 1998-99 school year, a pupil may attend
8a public school, including a prekindergarten, early childhood or school-operated day
9care program, in a nonresident school district under this section, except that a pupil
10may attend a prekindergarten, early childhood or school-operated day care program
11in a nonresident school district only if the pupil's resident school district offers the
12same type of program that the pupil wishes to attend and the pupil is eligible to
13attend that program in his or her resident school district.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,289,23 14(3) Application procedures. (a) Submission and acceptance or rejection. 1.
15The parent of a pupil who wishes to attend a public school in a nonresident school
16district under this section shall submit an application, on a form provided by the
17department under sub. (15) (a), to the school board of the nonresident school district
18that the pupil wishes to attend, not earlier than the first Monday in February and
19not later than the 3rd Friday in February of the school year immediately preceding
20the school year in which the pupil wishes to attend. On the 4th Monday in February,
21the nonresident school board shall send a copy of the application to the pupil's
22resident school board and the department. The application may include a request
23to attend a specific school or program offered by the nonresident school district.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,290,324 2. A nonresident school board may not act on any application received under
25subd. 1. until after the 3rd Friday in February. If a nonresident school board receives

1more applications for a particular grade or program than there are spaces available
2in the grade or program, the nonresident school board shall determine which pupils
3to accept on a random basis.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,290,74 3. On or before the first Friday following the first Monday in April following
5receipt of the application, the nonresident school board shall notify the applicant, in
6writing, whether it has accepted the application. If the nonresident school board
7rejects an application, it shall include in the notice the reason for the rejection.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,290,138 4. On or before the first Friday following the first Monday in April following
9receipt of a copy of the application, if a resident school board denies a pupil's
10enrollment in a nonresident school district under sub. (6), (7) or (12) (b) 1., the
11resident school board shall notify the applicant and the nonresident school board, in
12writing, that the application has been denied and include in the notice the reason for
13the denial.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,290,1714 5. If an application is accepted, on or before the 2nd Friday following the first
15Monday in May following receipt of the application, the nonresident school board
16shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the specific school or program that the pupil
17may attend in the following school year.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,290,2118 6. If an application is accepted, on or before the first Friday following the first
19Monday in June following receipt of a notice of acceptance, the pupil's parent shall
20notify the nonresident school board of the pupil's intent to attend school in that school
21district in the following school year.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,290,2522 (b) Notice to resident school district. Annually by June 30, each nonresident
23school board that has accepted a pupil under this section for attendance in the
24following school year shall report the name of the pupil to the pupil's resident school
1(c) Subsequent reapplication; when required. 1. If a pupil's parent notifies a
2nonresident school board, under par. (a) 6., that the pupil intends to attend school
3in that school district in the following school year, the pupil may attend that school
4district in the following school year and may continue to attend that school district
5in succeeding school years without reapplying, except that the nonresident school
6board may require that the pupil reapply, no more than once, when the pupil enters
7middle school, junior high school or high school.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,118 2. If at any time a pupil who is attending school in a nonresident school district
9under this section wishes to attend school in a different nonresident school district
10under this section, the pupil's parent shall follow the application procedures under
11par. (a).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,13 12(4) Adoption of policies and criteria. (a) By December 1, 1997, each school
13board shall adopt a resolution specifying all of the following:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,1414 1. Its reapplication requirements, if any, under sub. (3) (c) 1.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,1515 2. Its acceptance and rejection criteria under sub. (5) (a) and (b).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,1616 3. A statement of the preference required under sub. (5) (c).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,1717 4. Its transfer limitations, if any, under sub. (6).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,2018 5. If the school district is eligible for aid under subch. VI of ch. 121, the
19limitation on transfers into or out of the school district imposed by the school board
20under sub. (7).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,291,2521 6. Whether it will provide transportation under s. 121.54 (10) for some or all
22of the pupils who reside in the school district and attend school in a nonresident
23school district under this section for some or all of the pupils who reside in other
24school districts and attend its schools under this section, and the means, under s.
25121.55, by which it will provide such transportation.
1(b) If the school board revises its criteria or policies under par. (a), it shall do
2so by resolution.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,5 3(5) Nonresident school district acceptance criteria. (a) Permissible criteria.
4 Except as provided in par. (c), the criteria for accepting and rejecting applications
5from nonresident pupils under sub. (3) (a) may include only the following:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,96 1. The availability of space in the schools, programs, classes or grades within
7the nonresident school district, including any class size limits, pupil-teacher ratios,
8pupils attending the school district for whom tuition is paid under s. 121.78 (1) (a)
9or enrollment projections established by the nonresident school board.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,1310 2. Whether the pupil has been expelled from school by any school district
11during the current or 2 preceding school years for any of the following reasons or
12whether a disciplinary proceeding involving the pupil, which is based on any of the
13following reasons, is pending:
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,1614 a. Conveying or causing to be conveyed any threat or false information
15concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy any
16school property by means of explosives.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,1817 b. Engaging in conduct while at school or while under supervision of a school
18authority that endangered the health, safety or property of others.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,2219 c. Engaging in conduct while not at school or while not under the supervision
20of a school authority that endangered the health, safety or property of others at
21school or under the supervision of a school authority or of any employe of the school
22district or member of the school board.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,292,2423 d. Possessing a dangerous weapon, as defined in s. 939.22 (10), while at school
24or while under the supervision of a school authority.
14. Whether the special education program or related services described in the
2child's individualized education program under s. 115.80 (4) are available in the
3nonresident school district or whether there is space available in the special
4education program identified in the child's individualized education program,
5including any class size limits, pupil-teacher ratios or enrollment projections
6established by the nonresident school board.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,293,97 5. Whether the child has been screened by his or her resident school board
8under s. 115.80 (2) to determine if there is reasonable cause to believe that the child
9is a child with exceptional educational needs.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,293,1310 6. Whether the child has been reported to his or her resident school board under
11s. 115.80 (1) or identified by his or her resident school board under s. 115.80 (2) but
12not yet evaluated by a multidisciplinary team appointed by his or her resident school
13board under s. 115.80 (3).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,293,1914 (b) Rejection after initial acceptance. The criteria under par. (a) may provide
15that, notwithstanding the nonresident school board's acceptance of an application
16under sub. (3) (a) 3., at any time prior to the beginning of the school year in which
17the pupil will first attend school in the school district under this section, the school
18board may notify the pupil that he or she may not attend school in the school district
19if the school board determines that any of the criteria under par. (a) 2. are met.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,293,2220 (c) Required preference. A nonresident school board shall give preference in
21accepting applications under sub. (3) (a) to pupils and to siblings of pupils who are
22already attending public school in the nonresident school district.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,294,8 23(6) Resident school district transfer limitations. A school board may limit
24the number of its resident pupils attending public school in other school districts
25under this section in the 1998-99 school year to 3% of its membership. In each of the

17 succeeding school years, a school board may limit the number of its resident pupils
2attending public school in other school districts to an additional 1% of its
3membership. If more than the maximum allowable number of resident pupils apply
4to attend public school in other school districts in any school year under this section,
5the school board shall determine which pupils will be allowed to attend public school
6in other school districts on a random basis, except that the school board shall give
7preference to pupils who are already attending public school in the school district to
8which they are applying under this section and to siblings of such pupils.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,294,15 9(7) Racial balance. (a) The school board of a school district that is eligible for
10aid under subch. VI of ch. 121 shall reject any application for transfer into or out of
11the school district made under this section if the transfer would increase racial
12imbalance in the school district. A pupil who transfers out of a school district under
13subch. VI of ch. 121 shall not be counted in that school district's membership, as
14defined in s. 121.004 (5), for the purpose of determining the school district's racial
15balance under this paragraph.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,294,1916 (b) The school board of a school district that receives applications for transfer
17into the school district under subch. VI of ch. 121 and this section may not accept
18applications made under this section until it has accepted or rejected all applications
19made under subch. VI of ch. 121.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,295,2 20(8) Disciplinary records. Notwithstanding s. 118.125, the resident school
21board shall provide to the nonresident school board to which a pupil has applied
22under this section, upon request by that school board, a copy of any expulsion
23findings and orders pertaining to the pupil, a copy of records of any pending
24disciplinary proceeding involving the pupil, a written explanation of the reasons for

1the expulsion or pending disciplinary proceeding and the length of the term of the
2expulsion or the possible outcomes of the pending disciplinary proceeding.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,295,8 3(9) Appeal of rejection. If the nonresident school board rejects an application
4under sub. (3) (a) or (7) or the resident school board prohibits a pupil from attending
5public school in a nonresident school district under sub. (6), (7) or (12) (b) 1., the
6pupil's parent may appeal the decision to the department within 30 days after the
7decision. The department shall affirm the school board's decision unless the
8department finds that the decision was arbitrary or unreasonable.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,295,13 9(10) Pupil assignment. A nonresident school board may assign pupils accepted
10to attend public school in the school district under this section to a school or program
11within the school district. The school board may give preference in attendance at a
12school, program, class or grade to residents of the school district who live outside the
13school's attendance area.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,296,2 14(12) Special education program or related services. (a) Unavailable after
. If the individualized education program for a pupil, developed or revised
16under s. 115.80 (4) after a child begins attending public school in a nonresident school
17district under this section, requires a special education program or related service
18that is not available in the nonresident school district or if there is no space available
19in the special education program identified in the child's individualized education
20program, including any class size limits, pupil-teacher ratios or enrollment
21projections established by the nonresident school board, the nonresident school
22board may notify the child's parent and the child's resident school board that the
23program or service is not available in the nonresident school district. If such notice
24is provided, the child shall be transferred to his or her resident school district, which

1shall provide an educational placement for the child under ss. 115.80 (4m) and 115.85
AB100-ASA1-AA8,296,153 (b) Undue financial burden. 1. If the costs of the special education program
4or services required in the individualized education program under s. 115.80 (4) for
5a child with exceptional educational needs whose parent has submitted an
6application under sub. (3) (a), as proposed to be implemented by the nonresident
7school district, would impose upon the child's resident school district an undue
8financial burden in light of the resident school district's total economic
9circumstances, including its revenue limit under subch. VII of ch. 121, its ability to
10pay tuition costs for the pupil and the per pupil special education program or services
11costs for children with exceptional educational needs continuing to be served by the
12resident school district, the child's resident school board may notify the child's parent
13and the nonresident school board by the first Friday following the first Monday in
14April that the pupil may not attend the nonresident school district to which the child
15has applied.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,297,816 2. If the costs of the special education program or services required in an
17individualized education program for a pupil, developed or revised under s. 115.80
18(4) after a child begins attending public school in a nonresident school district under
19this section, as implemented or proposed to be implemented by the nonresident
20school district, would impose upon the child's resident school district an undue
21financial burden in light of the resident school district's total economic
22circumstances, including its revenue limit under subch. VII of ch. 121, its ability to
23pay tuition costs for the pupil and the per pupil special education program or services
24costs for children with exceptional educational needs continuing to be served by the
25resident school district, the child's resident school board may notify the pupil's

1parent and the nonresident school board that the program or services impose such
2an undue financial burden on the resident school district. If such notice is provided,
3the child shall be transferred to his or her resident school district, which shall provide
4an educational placement for the child under ss. 115.80 (4m) and 115.85 (2). The
5pupil's parent may appeal a required transfer under this subdivision to the
6department within 30 days after receipt of the notice. The department shall affirm
7the resident school board's determination unless the department finds that the
8determination was arbitrary or unreasonable.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,297,12 9(13) Rights and privileges of nonresident pupils. A pupil attending a public
10school in a nonresident school district under this section has all of the rights and
11privileges of pupils residing in that school district and is subject to the same rules
12and regulations as pupils residing in that school district.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,297,17 13(13m) Participation in certain programs. A pupil attending a public school in
14a nonresident school district under this section shall be considered a resident of the
15nonresident school district for the purposes of participating in programs of a
16cooperative educational service agency or a county handicapped children's education
AB100-ASA1-AA8,297,21 18(14) Transportation. (a) Responsibility. 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the
19parent of a pupil attending public school in a nonresident school district under this
20section is responsible for transporting the pupil to and from school in the nonresident
21school district attended by the pupil.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,297,2522 2. If the pupil is a child with exceptional educational needs and transportation
23of the pupil is required in the individualized education program developed for the
24child under s. 115.80 (4) or is required under s. 121.54 (3), the nonresident school
25district shall provide such transportation for the child.