AB100-ASA1, s. 3283 4Section 3283. 563.055 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1772,75 563.055 (5) The board department may reinstate a license that has been
6canceled under this section only if the previous holder complies with sub. (2) (a) and
7(b) and pays a $30 reinstatement fee.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3284 8Section 3284. 563.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1772,17 9563.10 Rules governing commingling of receipts restricted.
10Notwithstanding ss. 227.11 (2), 227.24 (1) (a) and 563.04 (3), the board department
11may not promulgate any emergency rule relating to the commingling of bingo and
12raffle receipts unless it can clearly establish that commingling will occur without
13such rule and that the rule will effectively prevent commingling. The board
14department shall set forth any such finding in its proposed rule. If upon review
15under s. 227.40, the court finds that the finding of fact upon which any emergency
16rule relating to such commingling is based is unsupported by clear and convincing
17evidence, the rule is invalid.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3285 18Section 3285. 563.12 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1772,22 19563.12 Bingo license application. (intro.) Each applicant for a license to
20conduct bingo shall file with the board department an application on a form
21prescribed by the board department. Except as provided in s. 563.135, the
22application shall include:
AB100-ASA1, s. 3286 23Section 3286. 563.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1563.12 (2) Sufficient facts relating to the incorporation or organization of the
2applicant to enable the board department to determine if the applicant is eligible for
3a license under this subchapter.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3287 4Section 3287. 563.14 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1773,8 5563.14 (title) Board Department determinations. (intro.) Upon receipt
6of an application for a license to conduct bingo, the board department shall
7investigate the qualifications of the applicant and the merits of the application and
8before issuing a license shall determine that:
AB100-ASA1, s. 3288 9Section 3288. 563.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1773,1710 563.15 (1) After making the determinations under s. 563.14, the board
11department shall either notify the applicant organization in writing why a license
12is not being issued or issue a license to such applicant organization authorizing it to
13conduct bingo at the times and places set forth in the license. Except as provided in
14sub. (1m), a license issued under this subsection shall be effective for one year from
15the first day of the month of the first occasion listed on the license and may be
16renewed annually, except that an applicant organization may request that the
17license expire on the first day of any month within the one-year licensure period.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3289 18Section 3289. 563.15 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1773,2119 563.15 (1m) A license issued under sub. (1) to an organization listed under s.
20563.11 (1) (b) to (d) shall remain in effect unless it is canceled, suspended or revoked
21by the board department or withdrawn by the organization.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3290 22Section 3290. 563.16 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1774,8 23563.16 Amendment of license to conduct bingo. Upon application by a
24licensed organization, a license may be amended, if the subject matter of the
25amendment properly and lawfully could have been included in the original license.

1An application for an amendment to a license shall be filed and processed in the same
2manner as an original application. An application for the amendment of a license
3shall be accompanied by a $3 fee. If any application for amendment seeks approval
4of additional bingo occasions or designates a new member responsible for the proper
5utilization of gross receipts, the appropriate fee under s. 563.13 (4) also shall be paid.
6If the board department approves an application for an amendment to a license, a
7copy of the amendment shall be sent to the applicant who shall attach it to the
8original license.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3291 9Section 3291. 563.17 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1774,20 10563.17 Denial of application; hearing. If the board department denies a
11license to conduct bingo, within 30 days after receiving written notification of such
12denial, an applicant may demand in writing a hearing before the board department
13upon the applicant's qualifications and the merit of the application. At the hearing,
14the burden of proof shall be on the applicant to establish his or her eligibility for a
15license. If, after the hearing, the board department enters an order denying the
16application, the order shall set forth in detail the reasons for the denial. Upon entry
17of such an order or upon the expiration of the 30-day period during which a hearing
18may be demanded, the applicant's license fee shall be refunded less reasonable
19administrative costs. If the board department approves the application, the board
20department shall issue the license within 14 days after approval.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3292 21Section 3292. 563.18 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1774,2422 563.18 (1) Proceedings to suspend or revoke a supplier's license or a license to
23conduct bingo shall be initiated by the board department pursuant to the rules
24promulgated under s. 563.05 (4).
AB100-ASA1, s. 3293 25Section 3293. 563.18 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1563.18 (3) The board's department's decision under this section is subject to
2judicial review under ch. 227.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3294 3Section 3294. 563.18 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1775,94 563.18 (4) When a license under this subchapter is suspended or revoked by
5the board department, the licensee shall immediately surrender the license to the
6board department. A licensee whose license has been revoked may reapply for a
7license one year after the effective date of the revocation. If a license has been
8suspended under sub. (3), the board department shall reinstate the license at the end
9of the period of suspension.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3295 10Section 3295. 563.21 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1775,13 11563.21 Supplier's license. Any person intending to sell or distribute bingo
12supplies or equipment to a licensed organization shall apply to the board department
13for a supplier's license.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3296 14Section 3296. 563.22 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1775,1715 563.22 (1) (intro.) An application for a supplier's license shall be filed with the
16board department on a form prescribed by the board department. The application
17shall include:
AB100-ASA1, s. 3297 18Section 3297. 563.22 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1775,2119 563.22 (1) (g) If the applicant business is organized outside of this state, the
20name and address of a resident agent who is authorized to be served legal documents
21and receive notices, orders and directives of the board department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3298 22Section 3298. 563.24 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1776,12 23563.24 Issuance of supplier's license. Upon receiving an application for a
24supplier's license, the board department may require the applicant, or if the
25applicant is a corporation, limited liability company or partnership, its officers,

1directors, stockholders and members, to appear and testify under oath on the
2contents of the application. If the board department determines that the supplier's
3license applicant possesses the requisite qualifications, a license shall be issued to
4the bingo supplier. A license issued under this section shall be effective for one year
5from the first day of the month of its issuance, and may be renewed annually. If the
6application is not approved, the department shall notify the applicant in writing of
7such action. Within 10 days after receipt of such notification, the applicant may
8demand a hearing before the board department. At the hearing, the burden of proof
9shall be on the applicant to establish his or her qualifications and the merit of the
10application. The fee, less reasonable administrative costs, shall be refunded to the
11applicant upon entry of an order denying an application after hearing, or upon
12expiration of the period during which a hearing may be demanded.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3299 13Section 3299. 563.25 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1776,24 14563.25 (title) Supplier to notify board department of changes. During
15the pendency of an application for a supplier's license, the applicant shall
16immediately notify the board department in writing of any change in the facts set
17forth in the application, including any change in any item in the application, in the
18organization, structure or mode of operation of the supplier's business and in the
19identity of persons named or required to be named in the application or the nature
20or extent of their interests. Within 10 days after any such change which occurs after
21the issuance of the license, the change shall be reported to the board department.
22Failure to notify the board department of such change shall constitute sufficient
23cause for denial of a pending license application or for suspension or revocation of a
24license which has been granted.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3300 25Section 3300. 563.26 of the statutes is amended to read:
1563.26 Maintenance of supplier's books and records. Each licensed
2supplier shall maintain his or her books and records in such manner as to enable the
3board department to determine the gross sales of bingo supplies and equipment to
4licensed organizations. Invoices for the sale of bingo supplies and equipment shall
5include the name and license number of the organization to which the supplies were
6sold, the date and amount of the sale and an enumeration of the items sold. Each
7licensed supplier and formerly licensed supplier shall maintain his or her books and
8records for not less than 4 years and shall make them available at reasonable times
9for examination by the board department or its authorized representatives.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3301 10Section 3301. 563.29 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1777,1311 563.29 (3) No licensed supplier shall sell or distribute to a licensed
12organization any card unless it is identified in the standard set of bingo cards
13prescribed by the board department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3302 14Section 3302. 563.53 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1777,1615 563.53 (1) All special bingo cards shall be in a form approved by the board
AB100-ASA1, s. 3303 17Section 3303. 563.61 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1777,2418 563.61 (1) (intro.) Each licensed organization shall file with the board
19department , on a form prescribed by the board department, a semiannual report of
20bingo operations for each 6-month period beginning on the date on which the
21organization's license is issued. The report is due on the 60th day after the last day
22of the reporting period. The report shall be accompanied by the payment of the gross
23receipts tax due. The licensed organization shall retain a copy of the report for its
24permanent records. The report shall include:
AB100-ASA1, s. 3304 25Section 3304. 563.61 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1563.61 (3) If no bingo games are held on a date when a license authorizes them
2to be held, a report to that effect shall be filed with the board department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3305 3Section 3305. 563.62 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1778,64 563.62 (1) The board department may refuse to renew a license of an
5organization found to be delinquent in filing its financial statement or found to have
6filed an incomplete statement of bingo operations.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3306 7Section 3306. 563.62 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1778,118 563.62 (2) If a licensed organization fails to file a financial statement of bingo
9operations within 5 days after notification by the board department of the
10delinquency, the board department may suspend the license, pending the filing of
11the financial statement.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3307 12Section 3307. 563.62 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1778,1613 563.62 (3) If the financial statement filed by a licensed organization is not fully,
14accurately and truthfully completed, the board department may refuse to renew a
15license or may suspend a license until such time as a statement in proper form has
16been filed.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3308 17Section 3308. 563.64 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1779,418 563.64 (2) The columnar book, deposit books, canceled checks, records of share
19drafts, check books, records of share accounts, records of negotiable orders of
20withdrawal, deposit slips, bank statements and copies of financial statements of
21bingo operations and all other books and accounts shall be maintained for not less
22than 4 years and shall be available at reasonable times for examination by the board
23department or its authorized representative. The board department may require the
24licensed organization to obtain microfilm copies of share drafts to the extent
25necessary for examination purposes. All documents supporting the entries made in

1the books of accounts shall be kept by the licensed organization for a period of not less
2than 4 years. Such documents shall include, but are not limited to, bank statements,
3canceled checks, records of share drafts, deposit slips and invoices for all
AB100-ASA1, s. 3309 5Section 3309. 563.65 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1779,14 6563.65 Proper and legitimate expenditures; reimbursement and
If a financial audit of a licensed organization shows that an expenditure of
8bingo funds was not a proper and legitimate expenditure and the board department
9requests that the licensed organization reimburse the appropriate bingo account in
10an amount equal to the amount so expended, the licensed organization may appeal
11the request to the board department. The board department may waive or reduce
12the amount of any such reimbursement if the licensed organization presents
13evidence satisfactory to the board department that the licensed organization acted
14in good faith and by mistake or inadvertently in so expending the funds.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3310 15Section 3310. 563.68 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1779,1716 563.68 (2) In accordance with a plan of expenditure approved in advance by the
17board department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3311 18Section 3311. 563.72 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1780,5 19563.72 Inspection for enforcement. Any peace officer or district attorney,
20within their respective jurisdictions, or an authorized employe of the board
21department, may, at all reasonable hours, enter the premises where a bingo occasion
22is being conducted and examine the books, papers and records of the licensed
23organization to determine if all proper taxes or fees imposed have been paid. Any
24refusal to permit such examination of the premises by the licensed organization, its
25agent or an employe or the person in charge of the premises to which the bingo license

1relates, constitutes sufficient grounds for the suspension or revocation of a license,
2and is punishable under s. 563.73 (2). In addition, such refusal constitutes sufficient
3grounds for any peace officer or other persons authorized under this section within
4their respective jurisdictions or authority to employ whatever reasonable action is
5necessary to conduct inspections permitted by this section.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3312 6Section 3312. 563.73 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1780,167 563.73 (4) The department of justice, the board department or the district
8attorney of a county of an actual or potential violation, after informing the
9department of justice, may commence an action in the circuit court in the name of
10the state to restrain any violation of any provision of this chapter. The court may,
11prior to entry of final judgment, make such an order or judgment as necessary to
12restore to any person any pecuniary loss suffered because of the acts or practices
13involved in the violation, provided proof thereof is submitted to the court. The
14department of justice may subpoena persons, require the production of books and
15other documents and request the board department to exercise its authority to aid
16in the investigation of alleged violations of this section.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3313 17Section 3313. 563.90 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1780,25 18563.90 Qualified organizations. Any local religious, charitable, service,
19fraternal or veterans organization or any organization to which contributions are
20deductible for federal income tax purposes or state income or franchise tax purposes,
21which has been in existence for one year immediately preceding its application for
22a license or which is chartered by a state or national organization which has been in
23existence for at least 3 years, may conduct a raffle upon receiving a license for the
24raffle event from the board department. No other person may conduct a raffle in this
AB100-ASA1, s. 3314
1Section 3314. 563.92 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1781,62 563.92 (1m) The board department may issue a Class A license for the conduct
3of a raffle in which some or all of the tickets for that raffle are sold on days other than
4the same day as the raffle drawing. The board department may issue a Class B
5license for the conduct of a raffle in which all of the tickets for that raffle are sold on
6the same day as the raffle drawing.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3315 7Section 3315. 563.92 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1781,128 563.92 (2) The fee for a raffle license shall be $25 and shall be remitted with
9the application. A raffle license shall be valid for 12 months and may be renewed as
10provided in s. 563.98 (1g). The board department shall issue the license within 30
11days after the filing of an application if the applicant qualifies under s. 563.90 and
12has not exceeded the limits of s. 563.91.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3316 13Section 3316. 563.92 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1781,1614 563.92 (4) Proceedings to suspend or revoke a license to conduct raffles shall
15be initiated by the board department pursuant to the rules promulgated under s.
16563.05 (4).
AB100-ASA1, s. 3317 17Section 3317. 563.93 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1781,1818 563.93 (1) (a) The number of the license issued by the board department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3318 19Section 3318. 563.935 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1782,220 563.935 (6) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the purchaser of a ticket must be
21present at the drawing to win a prize, unless the purchaser gives the ticket to another
22person who may claim the prize on behalf of the purchaser, but only if that other
23person is present at the drawing. If the purchaser of the ticket gives the ticket to
24another person to claim a prize on behalf of the purchaser, the organization

1conducting the raffle and the commission department shall not be held responsible
2or liable in any dispute regarding the ownership of the ticket.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3319 3Section 3319. 563.95 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1782,14 4563.95 Denial of application; hearing. Within 30 days after receiving
5written notification of a denial by the board department of a license to conduct a
6raffle, an applicant may demand in writing a hearing before the board department
7upon the applicant's qualifications and the merit of the application. At the hearing,
8the burden of proof shall be on the applicant to establish eligibility for a license. If,
9after the hearing, the board department enters an order denying the application, the
10order shall set forth in detail the reasons for the denial. Upon entry of such an order
11or upon expiration of the 30-day period during which a hearing may be demanded,
12the applicant's license fee shall be refunded. If the board department approves the
13application, the board department shall issue the license within 14 days after
AB100-ASA1, s. 3320 15Section 3320. 563.97 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1782,20 16563.97 Records. Each organization licensed to conduct raffles shall maintain
17a list of the names and addresses of all persons winning prizes with a retail value of
18$100 or more, and the prizes won, for at least 12 months after each raffle is conducted.
19The list shall be available at reasonable times for public examination and shall be
20provided to the board department upon request.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3321 21Section 3321. 563.98 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1783,222 563.98 (1) (intro.) Each organization licensed under this subchapter shall, on
23or before the last day of the 12th month beginning after the date on which the license
24is issued and on or before that same date in each subsequent year, report the

1following information in writing to the board department regarding the raffles which
2it has conducted:
AB100-ASA1, s. 3322 3Section 3322. 563.98 (1c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1783,64 563.98 (1c) Upon request of any organization that conducts a raffle during the
5month in which the report under sub. (1) is due, the board department may extend
6by not more than 30 days the deadline for submitting the report.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3323 7Section 3323. 563.98 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1783,128 563.98 (1m) Any organization that reports to the board department under sub.
9(1) and that had total receipts from the conduct of raffles of more than $50,000 during
10the reporting period shall include in its report a list of the names and addresses of
11all persons winning prizes with a retail value of $100 or more, and the prizes won,
12during the reporting period.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3324 13Section 3324. 563.98 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1783,1714 563.98 (2) If a copy of the financial report is not filed or is not fully, accurately
15and truthfully completed, or if the fee specified in sub. (1g) is not paid, the board
16department may refuse to renew a license or may suspend a license until the report
17in proper form has been filed or the fee is paid.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3325 18Section 3325. 564.02 (1) (ac) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,1783,1919 564.02 (1) (ac) "Department" means the department of administration.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3326 20Section 3326. 564.02 (1) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,1783,2221 564.02 (1) (ag) "Division of gaming" means the division of gaming in the
AB100-ASA1, s. 3327 23Section 3327. 564.02 (1m) of the statutes is created to read: