AB100-ASA1,1889,2321 867.035 (1) (a) 4. The value of the solely owned property in this state left by the
22decedent, after payment of burial costs, does not exceed the amount under s. 867.03
23(1) (1g) (intro.).
AB100-ASA1, s. 3630 24Section 3630. 867.035 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
1867.035 (2) A person who possesses property of a decedent shall transmit the
2property to the department of health and family services upon receipt of an affidavit
3by a person designated by the secretary of health and family services to administer
4this section showing that the conditions in sub. (1) (a) are satisfied. Upon
5transmittal, the person is released from any obligation to other creditors or heirs of
6the decedent.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3631 7Section 3631. 867.035 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1890,158 867.035 (4) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (5) (im), with respect
9to funds collected by the department under sub. (1) related to medical assistance paid
10on behalf of the decedent or the decedent's spouse, the department of health and
11family services shall pay claims under sub. (3), shall pay to the federal government
12from the amount recovered under this section and not paid out as claims under sub.
13(3) an amount equal to the amount of federal funds used to pay the benefits recovered
14under this section and shall spend the remainder of the amount recovered under this
15section for medical assistance benefits under subch. IV of ch. 49.
AB100-ASA1, s. 5212g 16Section 5212g. 885.237 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1890,18 17885.237 (title) Presumption Presumptions as to operation and
of motor vehicle.
AB100-ASA1, s. 5212j 19Section 5212j. 885.237 of the statutes is renumbered 885.237 (1).
AB100-ASA1, s. 5212k 20Section 5212k. 885.237 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,1891,221 885.237 (2) Notwithstanding s. 341.04, the fact that an automobile, station
22wagon or any other vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of 8,000 pounds or
23less is located on a highway, as defined in s. 340.01 (22), and is not displaying valid
24registration plates, a temporary operation plate or other evidence of registration as

1provided under s. 341.18 (1) is prima facie evidence, for purposes of ch. 341, that the
2vehicle is an unregistered or improperly registered vehicle.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3632 3Section 3632. 887.23 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1891,174 887.23 (1) Who may require. The department of health and social services, the
5department of corrections, the department of education state superintendent of
6public instruction
or the board of regents of the university of Wisconsin system may
7order the deposition of any witness to be taken concerning any institution under his,
8her or its government or superintendence, or concerning the conduct of any officer
9or agent thereof, or concerning any matter relating to the interests thereof. Upon
10presentation of a certified copy of such order to any municipal judge, notary public
11or court commissioner, the officer shall take the desired deposition in the manner
12provided for taking depositions to be used in actions. When any officer or agent of
13any institution is concerned and will be affected by the testimony, 2 days' written
14notice of the time and place of taking the deposition shall be given him or her. Any
15party interested may appear in person or by counsel and examine the witness
16touching the matters mentioned in the order. The deposition, duly certified, shall be
17delivered to the authority which ordered it.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3633 18Section 3633. 893.80 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1891,2019 893.80 (8) This section does not apply to actions commenced under s. 19.37 or,
2019.97 or 281.99.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3634 21Section 3634. 895.035 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1892,1022 895.035 (2m) (b) If a child fails to pay a forfeiture or surcharge as ordered by
23a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 or a forfeiture as
24ordered by a
municipal court or if it appears likely that the child will not pay the
25forfeiture or surcharge as ordered, the representative of the public interest under s.

1938.09, the agency, as defined in s. 938.38 (1) (a), supervising the child or the law
2enforcement agency that issued the citation to the child may petition the court
3assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 to order that the amount of
4the forfeiture or surcharge unpaid by the child be entered and docketed as a
5judgment against the child and the parent with custody of the child and in favor of
6the county or appropriate municipality. A petition under this paragraph may be filed
7after the expiration of the dispositional order or sentence under which the forfeiture
8or surcharge is payable, but no later than one year after the expiration of the
9dispositional order or sentence or any extension of the dispositional order or
AB100-ASA1, s. 3635 11Section 3635. 895.035 (2m) (bm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1892,2512 895.035 (2m) (bm) 1. Before issuing an order under par. (a) or (b), the court
13assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 shall give the child and the
14parent notice of the intent to issue the order and an opportunity to be heard
15regarding the order. The court shall give the child and the parent an opportunity to
16present evidence as to the amount of the restitution or , forfeiture or surcharge
17unpaid, but not as to the amount of the restitution or , forfeiture or surcharge
18originally ordered. The court shall also give the child and the parent an opportunity
19to present evidence as to the reason for the failure to pay the restitution or, forfeiture
20or surcharge and the ability of the child or the parent to pay the restitution or,
21forfeiture or surcharge. In considering the ability of the child or the parent to pay
22the restitution or, forfeiture or surcharge, the court may consider the assets, as well
23as the income, of the child or the parent and may consider the future ability of the
24child or parent to pay the restitution or, forfeiture or surcharge within the time
25specified in s. 893.40.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3636
1Section 3636. 895.035 (2m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1893,182 895.035 (2m) (c) The court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and
3938 may order that the child perform community service work for a public agency or
4nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court in lieu of making
5restitution or paying the forfeiture or surcharge. If the parent agrees to perform
6community service work in lieu of making restitution or paying the forfeiture or
, the court may order that the parent perform community service work for
8a public agency or a nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court.
9Community service work may be in lieu of restitution only if also agreed to by the
10public agency or nonprofit charitable organization and by the person to whom
11restitution is owed. The court may utilize any available resources, including any
12community service work program, in ordering the child or parent to perform
13community service work. The number of hours of community service work required
14may not exceed the number determined by dividing the amount owed on the
15restitution or, forfeiture or surcharge by the minimum wage established under ch.
16104 for adults in nonagriculture, nontipped employment. The court shall ensure that
17the child or parent is provided with a written statement of the terms of the
18community service order and that the community service order is monitored.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3637 19Section 3637. 895.055 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1893,2320 895.055 (3) This section does not apply to any promise, agreement, note, bill,
21bond, mortgage, conveyance or other security that is permitted under chs. 561 562
22to 569 or under state or federal laws relating to the conduct of gaming on Indian
AB100-ASA1, s. 3638 24Section 3638. 895.056 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1895.056 (4) This section does not apply to any property that is permitted to be
2played, bet or wagered under chs. 561 562 to 569 or under state or federal laws
3relating to the conduct of gaming on Indian lands.
AB100-ASA1, s. 5227g 4Section 5227g. 895.57 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1894,105 895.57 (3) Subsection (2) does not apply to any humane officer, local health
6officer, peace officer, employe of the department of natural resources while on any
7land licensed under s. 29.52, 29.573, 29.574, 29.575 or 29.578 or designated as a
8wildlife refuge under s. 29.57 (1) or employe of the department of agriculture, trade
9and consumer protection if the officer's or employe's acts are in good faith and in an
10apparently authorized and reasonable fulfillment of his or her duties.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3639 11Section 3639. 938.02 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1894,1612 938.02 (2m) "Court", when used without further qualification, means the court
13assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 or, when used with
14reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.183 (2), a court of criminal jurisdiction
15or, when used with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.17 (2), a municipal
AB100-ASA1, s. 3640 17Section 3640. 938.02 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1894,2218 938.02 (10) "Judge", if used without further qualification, means the judge of
19the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 or, if used
20with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.183 (2), the judge of the court of
21criminal jurisdiction or, when used with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s.
22938.17 (2), the judge of the municipal court.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3641 23Section 3641. 938.06 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1895,1324 938.06 (1) (a) 1. In counties with a population of 500,000 or more, the county
25board of supervisors shall provide the court with the services necessary for

1investigating and supervising cases under this chapter by operating a children's
2court center under the supervision of a director who is appointed as provided in s.
346.21 (1m) (a). The director is the chief administrative officer of the center and of the
4intake and probation sections and secure detention facilities of the center except as
5otherwise provided in this subsection. The director is charged with administration
6of the personnel and services of the sections and of the secure detention facilities, and
7is responsible for supervising both the operation of the physical plant and the
8maintenance and improvement of the buildings and grounds of the center. The
9center shall include investigative services for all juveniles alleged to be in need of
10protection or services to be provided by the county department, and. The center shall
11also include
the services of an assistant district attorney or assistant corporation
12counsel or both, who shall be assigned to the center to provide investigative as well
13as legal work in the cases under this chapter and ch. 48.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3642 14Section 3642. 938.06 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1895,2115 938.06 (1) (a) 2. The chief judge of the judicial administrative district shall
16formulate written judicial policy governing intake and court services for juvenile
17matters under this chapter and the director shall be charged with executing the
18judicial policy. The chief judge shall direct and supervise the work of all personnel
19of the court, except the work of the district attorney or corporation counsel assigned
20to the court. The chief judge may delegate his or her supervisory functions under s.
21938.065 (1).
AB100-ASA1, s. 3643 22Section 3643. 938.06 (1) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1896,423 938.06 (1) (am) 1. All intake workers beginning providing services under this
24chapter who begin
employment after May 15, 1980, shall have the qualifications
25required to perform entry level social work in a county department and shall have

1successfully completed 30 hours of intake training approved or provided by the
2department prior to the completion of the first 6 months of employment in the
3position. The department shall monitor compliance with this subdivision according
4to rules promulgated by the department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3644 5Section 3644. 938.06 (1) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1896,86 938.06 (1) (am) 2. The department shall make training programs available
7annually that permit intake workers providing services under this chapter to satisfy
8the requirements specified under subd. 1.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3645 9Section 3645. 938.06 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1896,2010 938.06 (2) (a) In counties having less than 500,000 population, the county
11board of supervisors shall authorize the county department or court or both to
12provide intake services required by s. 938.067 and the staff needed to carry out the
13objectives and provisions of this chapter under s. 938.069. Intake services under this
shall be provided by employes of the court or county department and may
15not be subcontracted to other individuals or agencies, except as provided in par. (am).
16Intake workers shall be governed in their intake work, including their
17responsibilities for recommending the filing of a petition and entering into a deferred
18prosecution agreement, by general written policies which shall be formulated by the
19circuit judges for the county, subject to the approval of the chief judge of the judicial
20administrative district.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3646 21Section 3646. 938.06 (2) (am) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1896,2522 938.06 (2) (am) 1. Notwithstanding par. (a), any county which had intake
23services under this chapter subcontracted from the county sheriff's department on
24April 1, 1980, may continue to subcontract those intake services from the county
25sheriff's department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3647
1Section 3647. 938.06 (2) (am) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1897,112 938.06 (2) (am) 2. Notwithstanding par. (a), any county in which the county
3sheriff's department operates a secure detention facility may subcontract intake
4services under this chapter from the county sheriff's department as provided in this
5subdivision. If a county subcontracts intake services under this chapter from the
6county sheriff's department, employes of the county sheriff's department who staff
7the secure detention facility may make secure custody determinations under s.
8938.208 between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. and any determination under s.
9938.208 made by an employe of the county sheriff's department shall be reviewed by
10an intake worker employed by the court or county department within 24 hours after
11that determination is made.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3648 12Section 3648. 938.06 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1897,2313 938.06 (2) (b) 1. All intake workers beginning providing services under this
14chapter who begin
employment after May 15, 1980, excluding county sheriff's
15department employes who provide intake services under par. (am) 2., shall have the
16qualifications required to perform entry level social work in a county department.
17All intake workers beginning providing services under this chapter who begin
18employment after May 15, 1980, including county sheriff's department employes
19who provide intake services under par. (am) 2., shall have successfully completed 30
20hours of intake training approved or provided by the department prior to the
21completion of the first 6 months of employment in the position. The department shall
22monitor compliance with this subdivision according to rules promulgated by the
AB100-ASA1, s. 3649 24Section 3649. 938.06 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.06 (2) (b) 2. The department shall make training programs available
2annually that permit intake workers providing services under this chapter to satisfy
3the requirements specified under subd. 1.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3650 4Section 3650. 938.183 (1m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1898,85 938.183 (1m) (c) If the juvenile is convicted of a lesser offense and if any of the
6conditions specified in s. 938.183 (2) (a) 1. or 2. sub. (2) (a) or (b) applies, the court
7of criminal jurisdiction may impose a criminal penalty or a disposition specified in
8s. 938.34.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3651 9Section 3651. 938.183 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 938.183 (2).
AB100-ASA1, s. 3652 10Section 3652. 938.183 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 938.183 (3) and
11amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1898,1812 938.183 (3) When a juvenile who is subject to a criminal penalty under par. (a)
13sub. (1m) or (2) attains the age of 17 years, the department may place the juvenile
14in a state prison named in s. 302.01. If a juvenile who is subject to a criminal penalty
15under sub. (1m) or (2) is 15 years of age or over, the department may transfer the
16juvenile to the Racine youthful offender correctional facility named in s. 302.01 as
17provided in s. 938.357 (4) (d).
A juvenile who is subject to a criminal penalty under
18par. (a) sub. (1m) or (2) is eligible for parole under s. 304.06.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3653 19Section 3653. 938.183 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 938.183 (4) and
20amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1899,221 938.183 (4) If the juvenile is placed outside the juvenile's home under this
22subsection section, the order shall contain, a designation of the amount of support,
23if any, to be paid by the juvenile's parent, guardian or trustee, specifying that the
24support obligation begins on the date of the placement, or a referral to the county

1designee child support agency under s. 59.07 (97) 59.53 (5) for establishment of child
AB100-ASA1, s. 3654 3Section 3654. 938.22 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1899,114 938.22 (7) (a) No person may establish a shelter care facility without first
5obtaining a license under s. 48.66 (1). To obtain a license under s. 48.66 (1) to operate
6a shelter care facility, a person must meet the minimum requirements for a license
7established by the department of health and family services under s. 48.67 and pay
8the license fee under par. (b). A license issued under s. 48.66 (1) to operate a shelter
9care facility is valid for 2 years after the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked or
until revoked or suspended, but shall be reviewed every 2 years as
11provided in s. 48.66 (5)
AB100-ASA1, s. 3655 12Section 3655. 938.22 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1899,2013 938.22 (7) (b) Before the department of health and family services may issue
14a license under s. 48.66 (1) to operate a shelter care facility, the shelter care facility
15must pay to that department a biennial fee of $50 $55, plus a biennial fee of $15
16$16.50 per juvenile, based on the number of juveniles that the shelter care facility
17is licensed to serve. A shelter care facility that wishes to renew continue a license
18issued under s. 48.66 (1) shall pay the fee under this paragraph by the renewal
19continuation date of the license. A new shelter care facility shall pay the fee under
20this paragraph by no later than 30 days before the opening of the shelter care facility.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3656 21Section 3656. 938.22 (7) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act
22.... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read:
AB100-ASA1,1900,523 938.22 (7) (b) Before the department of health and family services may issue
24a license under s. 48.66 (1) to operate a shelter care facility, the shelter care facility
25must pay to that department a biennial fee of $60.50, plus a biennial fee of $18.15

1per juvenile, based on the number of juveniles that the shelter care facility is licensed
2to serve. A shelter care facility that wishes to continue a license issued under s. 48.66
3(1) shall pay the fee under this paragraph by the continuation date of the license.
4A new shelter care facility shall pay the fee under this paragraph by no later than
530 days before the opening of the shelter care facility.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3657 6Section 3657. 938.22 (7) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1900,127 938.22 (7) (c) A shelter care facility that wishes to renew continue a license
8issued under s. 48.66 (1) and that fails to pay the fee under par. (b) by the renewal
9continuation date of the license or a new shelter care facility that fails to pay the fee
10under par. (b) by 30 days before the opening of the shelter care facility shall pay an
11additional fee of $5 per day for every day after the deadline that the facility fails to
12pay the fee.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3658 13Section 3658. 938.223 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1900,1914 938.223 (1) The county board of supervisors of any county may contract with
15one or more counties in Minnesota that operate a secure detention facility for the use
16of one or more Minnesota secure detention facilities for the holding of juveniles who
17meet the criteria under s. 48.208, 938.17 (1), 938.183 (1m) (a) or 938.208 or who are
18subject to a disposition under s. 938.17 (1) (b) or 938.34 (3) (f), a sanction under s.
19938.355 (6) (d) 1. or short-term detention under s. 938.355 (6d) or 938.534 (1)
AB100-ASA1, s. 3659 20Section 3659. 938.224 of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,1901,2 21938.224 Contracts with department for secure detention facility
(1) The county board of supervisors of any county may contract with the
23department for the use of a secured correctional facility operated by the department
24for the holding of juveniles who meet the criteria under s. 48.208, 938.17 (1), 938.183
25(1m) (a) or 938.208 or who are subject to a disposition under s. 938.17 (1) (b) or 938.34

1(3) (f), a sanction under s. 938.355 (6) (d) 1. or short-term detention under s. 938.355
2(6d) or 938.534 (1).
AB100-ASA1,1901,3 3(2) A contract under sub. (1) shall require all of the following:
AB100-ASA1,1901,54 (a) That the county may use a secured correctional facility for holding a juvenile
5under sub. (1) only if any of the following criteria are met:
AB100-ASA1,1901,76 1. There is no county-operated secure detention facility approved by the
7department within 40 miles of the county seat of the county.
AB100-ASA1,1901,98 2. There is no bed space available in a county-operated secure detention facility
9approved by the department within 40 miles of the county seat of the county.
AB100-ASA1,1901,1310 (b) That the county may use a secured correctional facility for holding a juvenile
11under sub. (1) only if the department approves that use based on the availability of
12beds in the secured correctional facility and on the programming needs of the
AB100-ASA1,1901,15 14(3) In addition to the requirements under sub. (2), a contract under sub. (1)
15shall include all of the following:
AB100-ASA1,1901,1916 (a) The per person daily rate to be paid by the county for holding a juvenile
17under sub. (1) and the charges to be paid by the county for any extraordinary medical
18and dental expenses and any programming provided for the juvenile by the
AB100-ASA1,1901,2220 (b) Any other matters that are necessary and appropriate concerning the
21obligations, responsibilities and rights of the contracting county and the
AB100-ASA1,1901,24 23(4) A juvenile held in custody under sub. (1) is under the supervision and
24control of the department and is subject to the rules and discipline of the department.
AB100-ASA1, s. 5257m 25Section 5257m. 938.30 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.30 (6) If a petition is not contested, the court shall set a date for the
2dispositional hearing which allows reasonable time for the parties to prepare but is
3no more than 10 days from the plea hearing for a juvenile who is held in secure
4custody and no more than 30 days from the plea hearing for a juvenile who is not held
5in secure custody. If it appears to the court that disposition of the case may include
6placement of the juvenile outside the juvenile's home, the court shall order the
7juvenile's parent to provide a statement of income, assets, debts and living expenses
8to the court or the designated agency under s. 938.33 (1) at least 5 days before the
9scheduled date of the dispositional hearing or as otherwise ordered by the court. The
10clerk of court shall provide, without charge, to any parent ordered to provide a
11statement of income, assets, debts and living expenses a document setting forth the
12percentage standard established by the department of health and family services
13workforce development under s. 46.25 49.22 (9) and listing the factors that a court
14may consider under s. 46.10 (14) (c). If all parties consent the court may proceed
15immediately with the dispositional hearing. If a citation is not contested, the court
16may proceed immediately to enter a dispositional order.
AB100-ASA1, s. 5258m 17Section 5258m. 938.31 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1903,718 938.31 (7) At the close of the fact-finding hearing, the court shall set a date for
19the dispositional hearing which allows a reasonable time for the parties to prepare
20but is no more than 10 days after the fact-finding hearing for a juvenile in secure
21custody and no more than 30 days after the fact-finding hearing for a juvenile not
22held in secure custody. If it appears to the court that disposition of the case may
23include placement of the juvenile outside the juvenile's home, the court shall order
24the juvenile's parent to provide a statement of income, assets, debts and living
25expenses to the court or the designated agency under s. 938.33 (1) at least 5 days

1before the scheduled date of the dispositional hearing or as otherwise ordered by the
2court. The clerk of court shall provide, without charge, to any parent ordered to
3provide a statement of income, assets, debts and living expenses a document setting
4forth the percentage standard established by the department of health and family
workforce development under s. 46.25 49.22 (9) and listing the factors that
6a court may consider under s. 46.10 (14) (c). If all parties consent, the court may
7immediately proceed with a dispositional hearing.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3660 8Section 3660. 938.33 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1903,119 938.33 (3) (b) A recommendation for an amount of child support to be paid by
10either or both of the juvenile's parents or for referral to the county designee child
11support agency
under s. 59.07 (97) 59.53 (5) for the establishment of child support.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3661 12Section 3661. 938.33 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB100-ASA1,1903,1513 938.33 (4) (b) A recommendation for an amount of child support to be paid by
14either or both of the juvenile's parents or for referral to the county designee child
15support agency
under s. 59.07 (97) 59.53 (5) for the establishment of child support.
AB100-ASA1, s. 3662 16Section 3662. 938.34 (8d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB100-ASA1,1903,1917 938.34 (8d) Delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge. (a) In
18addition to any other disposition imposed under this section, the court shall impose
19a delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge of $20.
AB100-ASA1,1903,2220 (b) The clerk of court shall collect and transmit the amount to the county
21treasurer under s. 59.40 (2) (m). The county treasurer shall then make payment to
22the state treasurer under s. 59.25 (3) (f) 2.
AB100-ASA1,1904,223 (c) If a juvenile placed in a secured correctional facility or a secured child caring
24institution fails to pay the surcharge under par. (a), the department shall assess and

1collect the amount owed from the juvenile's wages or other moneys. Any amount
2collected shall be transmitted to the state treasurer.
AB100-ASA1,1904,153 (d) If the juvenile fails to pay the surcharge under par. (a), the court may vacate
4the surcharge and order other alternatives under this section, in accordance with the
5conditions specified in this chapter; or the court may suspend any license issued
6under ch. 29 for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years, or suspend the juvenile's
7operating privilege, as defined in s. 340.01 (40), for not less than 30 days nor more
8than 5 years. If the court suspends any license under this subsection, the clerk of the
9court shall immediately take possession of the suspended license and forward it to
10the department which issued the license, together with a notice of suspension clearly
11stating that the suspension is for failure to pay a surcharge imposed by the court.
12If the surcharge is paid during the period of suspension, the suspension shall be
13reduced to the time period which has already elapsed and the court shall
14immediately notify the department which shall then return the license to the